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From Chapter 13...

He asked for the check, paid, and when they arrived back at the car, Clark opened the passenger door for Lois. Once he was settled into the driver’s seat, he turned to her. “I’ve been thinking,” he said.

Was he going to suggest they go parking? “Yes?” she squeaked.

“I don’t think we should continue meeting in the barn in the middle of the night,” he said.

“Oh?” she said, inexplicably disappointed.

“You can’t keep working full days with interrupted sleep every night.”

“I’m OK.”

“I would like to continue meeting – and checking on Bess, of course – but earlier. Say nine to ten o’clock. We could have hot chocolate. Chat. Get you to bed at a reasonable time so you can have a full night’s sleep.”

That sounded good. Very good. “I’d like that.”

He smiled, another of those warm, melting smiles that felt like a hug to her heart. “Let’s go then.”

“To the barn?”

“To the barn.”

Thanks to everyone who is reading along.


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Thanks for another terrific chapter! I love this story a lot and I can’t wait for the next chapter!

It was nice seeing Martha tease Clark and laugh again. It’s good that she is going to Wichita with Anna to see a show. She’s moving forward with her life which is great.

It will be interesting to see what happens with Jack. I’m very curious about his relationship to Lois. Sometimes I think he’s Lois’s half brother and other times I think he’s not. I just have to stay patient and see what happens.

I’m looking forward to more of the date. The last two sentences are telling. Yes, Clark is a farmer in Kansas and Lois is a reporter in Metropolis and that’s their problem. I’m a total sap and like to believe that love wins in the end. I hope more is coming soon! Thank you!

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Hmm, so Martha instantly got what's going on - or, well, what is the reasonable assumption even if Clark an dLois won't see it yet. It was nice to see her getting better and more of her old self. I'm somewhat surprised on her 180 on a possible Clark/Lois though, since in a previous chapter I got the impression she was...not so happy about the possibility. Lois intergation into the farm life of the two might have changed her mind a bit though.
Yeah, no shot Lois, Clark has more abilities. You don't even know half of it yet.
So...Lois finally starts admitting some of her feelings for Clark to herself. Good for you girl.
Uh yeah, Clark would know all about hot it feels to need to get neough sunlight. :-)
Poor Clark, so many possibilities to use his powers, and yet he won't cause it'd look suspicious. I feel like this version of Clark is a whole lot more paranoid about convenient use of his powers even in his own belongings than Canon Clak ever was.
So many questions to ask, wanting to know all the details. That's just so Lois.
Hmm, one wonders if Clark, who's just a fw years older, is willing to stay on the Kent farm forever. Well, that remains to be seen.
Clark would know all about hot hard it is "not to know" stuff. We don't know how much he nknows about his own Krypto-background here, so I can totally imagine he has so many questions unanswered, so obviously he'd be sympathetic to Jack in this regard.
So MArtha is starting social life again. Good for her. And yeah, renting a car you don't use is a waste, indeed. (Though if she takes the car to town, how is she coming back? Ah, I guess Anna can take her)
Well yeah, benefits (or disadvantages, depending on the situation) of a small town: everyone knows everyone and thinks everything is their business.
Argh, these nasty little "facts", who needs them? These two, that is...
So...distance relationship, then? Not that big a deal when one of the parties can fly. Ah, stuff to figure out for the next time.

Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.
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I'm curious to know how their date went. Looking forward to the next part. smile1


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
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I'm missing this story. Next part, please? [Linked Image]


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
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But, as pleasant as it was to dress up and go out together, as good as Clark looked, as insistent as he was that he pay, and as much as it felt like a real date… none of that changed two facts.

He was a Kansas farmer.

She was a Metropolis reporter.

Whew! Yes, that is the center of this story. There are worlds of difference between these two people who clearly love one another. But eventually Lois will have to decide what world she wants to live in. Part of her considers this 'date' to be fact finding mission, yet another part... a larger part cannot help spending time with the young farmer with the heartbreakingly beautiful smile.

There is also young Jack to consider.

Martha wanting the best for her son.

What about a certain Man of Steel?

Truly enjoyed the description of taking care of the old trees. Harvesting dead trees to get firewood for the winter is what my father-in-law used to do before they finally gave up the wood burning stove and purchased a furnace. Your expertise required from living on a farm is shining through.

Looking forward to seeing how this story wraps up.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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So happy to be in the DATE CHAPTER! love

Clark gulped, knowing he looked horribly uncomfortable.
His mom stared at him, awaiting his reply.
Then, she burst into fits of laughter – a sound he hadn’t heard in almost a year.
PERFECT set-up! This was so fun!

“She seems to have adapted to the farm just fine.”
Love that she's calling it like she sees it! Perfectly practical!!

Martha eyed him for a stretched moment, letting him know she hadn’t missed the change of topic.

She wondered if Clark appreciated company, or her company.
Such a distinction!

She was in awe of the weight he could lift, seemingly without much effort.
She's really going to have a lot of puzzle pieces she'll be able to snap together one day. lol

There was plenty he could do. He could dry it to perfection with his eyes, he could rake it in seconds, have it baled in minutes, and loaded into the barn in the blink of an eye. But… “No.”
This just has to be killing him.

“You are…” He paused, discarding so many words that would tell her more than he should. “… surprising.”
I still can't tell if he's trying to keep her safe or himself safe. It's a delightful push-pull.

“I… ah… didn’t look.”
She was still smiling, although he could see she was a little frustrated by his unwillingness to pry into Jack’s life.
This feels like the newsroom!

It was supposed to mean nothing.
But it didn’t feel like nothing.
It felt like something.
And she couldn’t wait.
Awwww! Love your writing structure here!

“Lois? I don’t want to intrude if you have other plans, but would you like me to return your rental car?”
Can't help but feel that the motivation for this is at least part of a Martha match-making scheme! lol

His smile was seriously his most powerful asset. And he seemed completely and endearingly oblivious to that fact. How had he remained single for so long? Were Smallville women blind?
Love getting this perspective from Lois!

“Not if we agree that’s what we’ll do. I can be your mystery lady.”
He smiled but didn’t comment further.
I would dearly love to get the POV on the other side of this conversation! lol

He was a Kansas farmer.
She was a Metropolis reporter.
OMG, what a crushing start to this date! Ouch!

Can't wait to get to the next part!!

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Hi Corrina,
Sorry the breaks are so long peep
“Dinner?” Martha said. “In Smallville? Tonight? That’s a nice idea. Are we going to the Chinese place? Or Benson’s?”
The…Chinese Place. Umm…

Clark gulped, knowing he looked horribly uncomfortable.

His mom stared at him, awaiting his reply.

Then, she burst into fits of laughter – a sound he hadn’t heard in almost a year.

“I’m joking, Clark,” she said. “Who takes his mother on a date?”
Okay, I’m probably awake now! Yes, they must take his mother along. The poor woman doesn’t have a large social circle. She can bring photos from Clark’s youngen days along.

“It’s not… it’s not actually a date,” Clark said.
Umm…earlier, he said something else.

“I have never seen you look at any other farmhand the way you look at Lois.”
Maybe Martha needs to hire more buxom blonde female farm hands.

“Only saying it as I’m seeing it.”

“Mom, Lois is… she’s a city girl.”

She seems to have adapted to the farm just fine.”
Yes, she could make a great undercover investigator.

“Mom, you know it’s not that simple. Not for me.”
MARTHA: all I’m hearing are new excuses.

“It’s a far bigger deal than for most guys,” Clark said.

“It doesn’t have to be,” she insisted.
Exactly. He’s not even wearing spandex yet.

“It was great to hear you laugh again, Mom.”
And all it takes is Clark’s sister talking marriage to a feisty woman. He should consider that.

Later that morning, Lois discovered that Clark had yet another set of skills. He wielded the large chainsaw with ease and was able to bring down huge branches and have them fall exactly where he wanted.
Which has nothing to do with super strength and super breath.
CLARK: you can’t prove a thing.

And, as she had come to expect, her safety was paramount in everything he did.

She loaded some of the cut wood onto the truck,
I hope she’s wearing gloves. There might be splinters.
CLARK: shock

When Jack Mackenzie returned, maybe Clark wouldn’t need her so much.
JACK: A wig? Really? I’m not sure this is necessary…

She wondered a lot about their date that night. What would he wear? What would they talk about?
Jeans. And pigs. Perhaps bacon futures if he wants to sound worldly.

Where were Clark’s thoughts on the scale from ‘completely about Lana’s reaction’ to ‘real date with Lois’?
Somewhere around ‘married with kids’ and possibly at ‘why it’s not possible’.

The thought of kissing Clark sent a thousand tiny skittering explosions through her body.

Kissing Clark…
Let’s hope he doesn’t pick up the vibe or the next log’s gonna look heart shaped.

and Lois slammed shut her wandering mind. “Why did you take down that particular tree?” she asked, inwardly congratulating herself for thinking of a question and delivering it with a mostly steady voice.
She’s very cute!

Lois noticed he’d left the stump about waist height. “Did you leave that for the wildlife?” she asked.

Clark nodded. “Partly.”

“What was the other reason?”
Dinner table.

Clark chuckled. “The cattle use old stumps as scratching posts. Sometimes where they’re scratching their rumps, it looks like they’re dancing.”
clap your stories always shine with such local color!

She was in awe of the weight he could lift, seemingly without much effort.
/hands Lois tissue to wipe away drool/

Clark nodded. “It’s traditional around here to make hay in July.”

“Why are you making it in September?”

Normally, he can do it in minutes.

“Yeah.” Clark took a swig of his lemonade. “A letter arrived for him yesterday.”

“From whom?”

“I… ah… didn’t look.”


She was still smiling, although he could see she was a little frustrated by his unwillingness to pry into Jack’s life.
rotflol she’s adorable!

“Does he look anything like me?”
Ehhh… much less adorable.

“He said he’d spent the last seven years milking cows and would probably spend the next fifty doing the same thing, so he wanted to see a bit of the world before settling down.”
So now he’s milking cows all over the world.

Tonight, she had a date with Clark.

It was supposed to be a way to gauge the reaction of Lana and send a message to the locals.

It was supposed to mean nothing.

But it didn’t feel like nothing.

It felt like something.

And she couldn’t wait.
Awww… they’re both secretly excited about their not-a-date. hyper
Anna has two tickets for a show. She planned to go with Tom, but he wants to get seed into the ground before the rain.”
It’s all set up very believable and not a conspiracy at all to get Martha to socialize.

Martha looked hesitant. “We need to leave about three, so you’ll be alone.”
Or a conspiracy to get Clark and Lois alone.

It seemed like the dissolving of another link with her life beyond the farm.
Sneaky smalltown folk!

Lois stared. He was wearing black pants, a white shirt, navy tie, burgundy jacket. Simple. Classic.


She realised he was staring at her. “You look amazing,” he said, his tone rich with appreciation.
They are very cute together!

and Clark didn’t seem to be the sort of person who relished being in the limelight.
/Cocks eyebrow/

Or perhaps he was regretting having agreed to this.
Yes, he does not want to date Lois.

“And of course, there’s that they have you almost engaged to another woman.”


“Let’s just have a fun time,” Lois said. “If there are ramifications, we’ll deal with them tomorrow.”
Good thing Martha already returned the rental car. Painting not so nice words on the interloper’s car is a common practice for an angry mob. peep

How had he remained single for so long? Were Smallville women blind?
He’s more interested in shoveling cow droppings than company?

“Not if we agree that’s what we’ll do. I can be your mystery lady.”
She’s just a friend of the family.

As they walked from the car, Lois felt an inclination to slip her hand into Clark’s – to present a united front and let him know they were doing this together.

She didn’t. She wasn’t sure if Clark would be comfortable with that much ‘unity’ in front of his friends and neighbours.
Clark: whinging

They were all casually dressed – jeans, sweaters, a couple of tee-shirts.

Suddenly, it seemed as if she and Clark were dressed for a date.

A waitress approached them. “Hello, Clark,” she said. Her eyes swung to take in Lois.

“Hello, Tracey. I have a reservation.”

“Yes,” Tracey said, still looking at Lois. “Your… your table is over here.” She led them to a spot near the window.
Yeah, someone just lost a pool.

and spent several hours in the dim barn in the middle of the night… together.

But this…

and as much as it felt like a real date… none of that changed two facts.

He was a Kansas farmer.

She was a Metropolis reporter.
/Points at boards title/
/points at story title/

Now, how do I find out what will happen next?

Oh! Yes. /heads over to Farmboy 13/

wave Michael

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