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From Chapter 5...

“Why were you so adamant that I come up to the house on that first day?”

“Because you didn’t look like you should be driving. Because you looked like you needed some help. And…”


“And because that’s what we used to do. Mom has always loved helping people. We used to have guests in our home. People we knew, people who just needed somewhere to stay, people visiting, people dropping in for a cup of coffee, people -”

“Hysterical women sobbing uncontrollably.”

“Yes,” he said, his tone a little lighter. “Hysterical women sobbing uncontrollably, too. Luckily, there hasn’t been any of those for a long time.”

“Liar!” Lois sensed he was smiling at that and wished she could see his face. “Sorry,” she said. “I shouldn’t have interrupted you.”

Thanks for reading!


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I love this story! Thanks for another terrific chapter! I’m guessing Martha’s trip to Smallville had something to do with Jonathan, especially since she came back sad. I’m enjoying the conversations between Lois and Clark and the slow revelation of tidbits of their past. I’m thankful you’re posting chapters so fast. I can’t wait for the next chapter! Thank you!

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After your teaser I'm the last FDK folder, I was afraid Lois had actually left. I'm so glad she didn't. I'm wondering what Martha was doing in Smallville. Is she sick? Is Jonathan? Was she visiting his grave? Why didn't Clark go with her?

I'm waiting for Lois to notice something about Clark's abilities.

Eager for the next chapter.

It's never too dark to be cool. cool
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Nice chapter. More fun and pre-romantic LC interactions. Also we get quite some background info bits about Lois. So she apparently lost her job at the Planet AND her husband...hmm...the story of Lex broke down? Hmm.. Also curious what's going on with Martha. I'm mostly sure her appointment in Smallville is related to Jonathan. Is he sick and in a hospital or something? Imprisoned by the military or someone else shady and that's her visiting him there? Dead and an anniversary where she goes to the grave? Whatever is is, it seems to take a lot of her nerves. Poor Martha.
Well obv. Lois and cooking...do not match well. Takeout is it, then. Not something Clark's used to.
That was another good one, rife with little alusions along the way.

Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.
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Songbird 'Slow revelations' is exactly right. This was never meant to be a fast or overly dramatic tale. I'm so glad you're enjoying it.

bakasi Clark has his abilities fairly well hidden. That could change!

BlindPassenger You are right about the appointment being to do with Jonathan. You have very interesting ideas - maybe you should write them up into LnC fanfic!

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Lois spending time in Smallville with having pre-conceived ideas of what the town is really like is very different from what we are used to. Normally Clark comes to Metropolis as the innocent newcomer and Lois guides him into city life. Here Lois is on the Kent's turf and they are showing her what life is like on a small farm.

Along the way we have a touch of mystery to sweeten the story. So exactly who is Jack and why does Lois want to get in touch with him? Also, why is Martha so different from the character we all know and love? There is sadness there and that can only be because her husband is not around.

On to the next part...


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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Originally Posted by Morgana
Also, why is Martha so different from the character we all know and love? There is sadness there and that can only be because her husband is not around.

You answered your own question, Morgana! Thanks so much for reading and commenting.

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Hi Corrina!
Lois sped down the stairs two at a time, enticed by the delicious aroma of bacon that wafted up to meet her. Had Martha already taken Clark’s breakfast to him?
Aww, Martha trained Lois to associate bacon with Clark. Only, does Lois enjoy Clark because she of the bacon or the bacon because of Clark?

“No,” Martha replied. “Clark took his breakfast with him. It’s too far to take food to him.”

“Oh, OK,” Lois said, pushing aside a trickle of disappointment.
Poor rear, now she has no reason to take a bacon sandwich into the field.

“Yes, of course,” Lois answered quickly, patting down a little flash of surprise at not being invited to accompany Martha.
Martha wants to avoid Lois seeing the newspaper article announcing the upcoming nuptials of “That Kent Boy” and “The City Slicker”.

But no one seemed to come. No one called.
I did mention the Ghost theory in the previous part.

She’d said nothing more, giving no details, but she repeatedly checked the time, causing Lois to assume she had an appointment.
If it’s not ghosts (and I’m still not convinced it’s not) it could be an alien cabal of body snatchers that is stepfording the town and Martha is on her way to their weekly status meeting.

She had left Metropolis threatening never to return.

That had been anger speaking. Anger and pain at betrayal.

The anger was still there. The pain also.

But realistically, she had to return.

Didn’t she?
Eep! Also… eep!

A week ago, she’d thought her whole life was in Metropolis – her job, her family, her man.
A man!

She’d lost all three within the space of a few hours.

Lois had experienced a day and a half of life on a farm.
How long could she hide in this world?
Until the cows come home.

Then, she would fly back to Metropolis to pack up her apartment, tie up a few loose ends, and start applying for jobs that would take her to a new life.
“Dear Ms. Vale, I am a dedicated reporter and hard worker. My previous place of employ unfortunately got toasted after a reporter tried to heat bread in the coffee corner’s toaster oven and the owner failed to properly insure the place. I am therefore hoping to get the opportunity to demonstrate that neither pranksters nor jokers can deter me from delivering a hard hitting story on government corruption or cloning run amok.”

“Yeah.” She gave him a small smile. “Why aren’t you on the tractor? Another broken screw?”
Nah, he just flew around a bit…

“I warn you,” he said, suddenly serious, “you’ll be making work for yourself tomorrow. Picking is just the first step.”

“Did you need him? Is there too much work for you to do alone?”

Again, Clark didn’t answer immediately, and again, Lois paused to check his face. He grinned at her. “You sure do ask a lot of questions.”
/points at spot where Lois had removed her Junior Woodchuck Reporter achievement badge/ She was once a M.A.D.D.O.G.

“I didn’t think farm stuff would be interesting at all,” she said. “But it is.”
She should wait until she sees how the Farm Boy takes a shower. I’m sure that will really spike her interest and cause her to want to investigate further.

Clark picked another couple of apples in his large hand. “Oh, and I’m concerned about you, too.”
He’s quite the concerning person, isn’t he?

Looking for Jack seemed like a good excuse… seemed preferable to the truth.”

Clark waited for several seconds before asking, “Which was?”

“That I was running away.”

“Are you still running?”
Awww… and Clark’s also earning an achievement badge. He will soon be a S. H.R.I.N.K.

“Are you still running?”

“Nope,” she said, and wanting to drive away the melancholy atmosphere, she added, “I’m picking apples.”
She sure is cute.

With another smile, he turned and walked away. Lois started back to the house, munching on the crispest, sweetest apple she had ever tasted.

She heard a sound behind her and turned. Martha was there, her eyes red and puffy.

“Martha,” Lois said, dropping the tea towel onto the table and crossing the kitchen. “What is wrong?”

“I’m not feeling well,” she said sharply. “I’m going to bed.”

“Thank you,” Martha said, sounding a little more like herself. “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine tomorrow.” She turned and walked out of the kitchen.
This sounds like Jonathan is either in jail or in psychiatric care.

she didn’t think they were going to make Clark the sort of supper he would be expecting.

A perusal of the fridge didn’t offer any ideas.
Does the Golden Peking Palace deliver?

She knew there was meat in the freezer but had no idea how long it would take to defrost. Or how to cook it.
She could stick a stick in it and offer it as a frozen treat?

“You’d better think of something to talk to her about,” he muttered to himself as he swung onto the porch.
How about last year’s Kerth season?

Would she go without even telling him?

He looked through the walls to where the rental car had been parked. It was gone.

Groaning, he pulled out a chair, sat down, and buried his face in his hands.
Poor dear!

Where was Lois? Why had she –

Then, he heard it.

The motor of the rental car.

It was getting closer.

He looked through the walls again and saw the little car decrease speed, indicate, and then turn into their gate and drive towards the house.

Lois was back! His mood lifted; his exhaustion fell away.

He put on his glasses and flew up the stairs to the bathroom to wash up.
Clark’s most adorable!

Another part that fits right in with FHfic smile1

wave Michael

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Hi Michael.

Thanks again for reading and giving such detailed (and humorous) feedback.

This was my favourite bit.

Another part that fits right in with FHfic

I'm very glad (relieved!) I can still write enjoyable stories. As a writer, this story is different to anything I've ever written. All my stories in the past were an idea that begged to be written. This story began over a year ago when, nursing a badly injured knee and unable to do my farm work, I read a few LnC fics to keep the boredom at bay. Then I thought, maybe I should write something. So, I started, with no idea, no plot, no story line, and - for way too long - a blank screen. I honestly doubted it would be finished, let alone ever posted.

Thanks for the encouragement, Michael.


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Hi Corrina!

Thanks again for reading and giving such detailed (and humorous) feedback.
A wee bit of catching up smile1 Please remember the disclaimer to put down any hot or cold beverages before perusing FDK. Readers may not be held responsible for said beverages getting distributed into incorrect pipes or onto electronic reading equipment upon reading.

I'm very glad (relieved!) I can still write enjoyable stories. As a writer, this story is different to anything I've ever written. All my stories in the past were an idea that begged to be written. This story began over a year ago when, nursing a badly injured knee and unable to do my farm work, I read a few LnC fics to keep the boredom at bay. Then I thought, maybe I should write something. So, I started, with no idea, no plot, no story line, and - for way too long - a blank screen. I honestly doubted it would be finished, let alone ever posted.
So, basically we should be grateful you hurt your knee? That doesn't sound right. So, I'll just try to keep leaving FDK out in the open in the hopes of enticing future stories from Muse smile1

wave Michael

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

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I feel like I'm reading this SO slowly, but I'm so invested!

But nothing and no one had left the impression that Lois Lane had.
This whole end to the last chapter really just tugs at the heart.

Had Martha already taken Clark’s breakfast to him?
Love this little immediate hint that this is what she's excited about for the day!

Again, Lois noticed how little Martha talked about people. It really did seem as if the farm was her whole world.
So sad. Grief does funny things to us.

But realistically, she had to return.
Didn’t she?
peep Maybe not?

A life she would build for herself, relying on no one.
Oh, yikes, that would go so wrong.

“For now, yes. In about a month, we’ll let the hens in here and they’ll clean up anything we don’t take.”
“Helpful hens,” she said.
I just love this little detail.

“Did you need him? Is there too much work for you to do alone?”
Again, Clark didn’t answer immediately, and again, Lois paused to check his face. He grinned at her. “You sure do ask a lot of questions.”
It's nice that he doesn't lie to her here.

“Nope,” she said, and wanting to drive away the melancholy atmosphere, she added, “I’m picking apples.”

Made her realise that Clark Kent didn’t laugh enough.
One thing I really like about this story is how effortlessly you weave in that they all need each other, all improve each other's lives.

There was no other breathing. No other heartbeat.
What had happened?
Oh, poor Clark!

His strange alien strength helped him physically, but it had done nothing to help him through the emotional and mental trauma of the past year.
Such a clever distinction to articulate. I feel like we saw so many instances of this on the show but I never fully took the time to break it down this way. Love this.

Lois was back! His mood lifted; his exhaustion fell away.

Can't wait to read the next part!

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