Hi Barbara!
A little piece of fluff, set during the episode “Metallo”. Hope you enjoy.
Okay, now I’m thinking of fluffy metal shavings, like magnesium. You know, the kind that’s also easily combustible.
The thought has my stomach curl into a tight knot. I can’t breathe.
Of course it’s Clark. But for a moment I was thinking Lucy getting busted.
Before I really have a chance to contemplate my options, she stands – arms crossed in front of her chest and tapping her foot. Perhaps that gesture of impatience is just a figment of my imagination. I’m not sure. What I do know is that it will no longer do any good to stay in the shadows.
Impatient Lois is fun. Although, she seems more annoyed than impatient. Which is also a fun Lois emotion. BTW, Inside Out 2 has made a splash, apparently. Will you be bringing the new emotions over to play? Since they’re teenage emotions, perhaps during the space rats? Or, did you do PML already? Okay, sorry for the tangent. Back to regular scheduled FDK.
Stepping out is going to be just as bad. But apparently there is no choice but to take the bull by the horns.
You can hover.
“Who?” Her frown turns my insides to ice. “Superman, of course. Haven’t you heard? Corben beat him up pretty badly.”
Yeah, Clark’s still feeling the sympathy pains.
Oh, I haven’t just heard, I felt.
He should be careful with the snark when dealing with a miffed non-girlfriend friend. It might be detrimental to his health.
doesn’t take much for her to see my bruises and draw the right conclusion.
He got mugged on the way home and since Superman is out of commission, no one was there to save his bacon.
LOIS: Duh! It’s why I keep telling him to go to the dojo with me. I never get mugged.
Throw a pang of anger into the mix as, of course, she’s only here because of Superman…
Yes. Because Superman was the one who got beaten up.
“I thought he was your friend!” she cries. Her chest is heaving with all the pent-up frustration she’s desperately trying to keep in. “Don’t you care?”
The standard reply would be that I do care, that I met him and that he’s a little sore but otherwise fine. It doesn’t take more than one step into the light to call my bluff. And there will be hell to pay if she catches me in that lie.

/points at Indiana Jones and Marion on the boat in Raiders for alternative scenarios/
There won’t be a perfect moment that will guarantee success.
Perhaps while she’s pregnant and dangling from a cliff and superpowers start to come in due to cell transfer?
“There’s no need to go looking for Superman,” I mutter. “He’s here.”
Well, that was simple.

“I was going to tell you,” I whisper. “Eventually.”
“How about after you died right in my arms?” Her eyes fill with tears.
In his defense, she never kissed the dead prince.
With a grunt, I push myself up and follow her. She’s in full Mad-Dog-Lane mode as I enter the kitchen. The door of the freezer is open. Lois has found an empty mold for ice cubes somewhere and, with shaking hands, is trying to fill the mold with water.
It doesn’t take super-hearing to know she’s crying.
“Hey.” I shut off the faucet and gently take the mold from her shaking hands.
And this is where we go awwwww…
But I’ve been a pretty lousy one. As I inhale the soft scent of her shampoo and awkwardly pat her back, I feel like the lowest form of life on this planet.
There there… at least he hasn’t leveraged his injuries and her distraught into sex.
She pushes me away and glares at me. “And of course I’m not going to find any bandages, am I?”

did he never stock a Lois-aid kit?
“Don’t you dare tell me you’re fine.” Lois frown deepens. “Is this some stupid macho thing? Is it so hard to admit that you need help? Just this once?”
Yes. She would lose any respect for him and not go to bed with him.
“I’m not sure.” I heave a sigh. “But could we please discuss this sitting down?”
He *is* adorable!
She shakes her head. “You should go to bed, Clark.” Once more she wraps an arm around my waist. “Come on, Big Guy.”
I’m torn.
About going to bed with Lois?


So I give in and lean on her. Together we make it to the bedroom, both panting with the effort as we reach my bed. The walk is more challenging than I thought it would be.
Yes, bug strong man would have gone it all alone. Uh-huh.
CLARK: That kitchen floor is awfully cozy.
With a grunt I sink down, trying not to contemplate the even bigger challenge ahead of me. I’ve got to get rid of not only one but two sets of clothing. Suddenly all I want to do is sleep.
And Cat’s no longer in town to help.
Like she’s really seeing me, like I mean something to her, like I’m not just a friend. It’s new and exhilarating and…
Oh, but it’s way too early to read anything into it.
Awww… and wouldn’t it be embarrassing if that’s Lois’s mother instinct instead? She always thought of Superman as a little boy needing her help.
“Would you mind if I stayed?”
“Not at all.”
The last thing I feel before drifting off is the bed buckling under her weight.
Oh, look there!
I pull her closer, deciding to just enjoy what she’s willing to give.
Tomorrow’s time to analyze what it all means.
/taps foot/
Sweet little viggy!
