I love the Martha / Jonathan moments, they compliment each other so well. I think it absolutely makes sense that Martha would doubt herself- anyone would, and that adds to her humanity. Funnily enough, I just scrolled past some writing advice that went along the lines of- If you have a confident character, let them doubt, if your character is a caring sibling, let them have a disagreement, etc. Can be taken too far of course, yet its absence entirely it is also odd. Martha has ultimate mom-status, but that doesn't mean she doesn't ever flounder even a little bit. The ability to question yourself leads to the humbleness to be open to learning.
But anyway rant aside, I am so utterly addicted to this fic, I like how Clark is gradually warming up, figuring out he could have strawberries, MY HEART!
Last edited by LauraHex; 07/30/24 04:32 PM.