Hello everyone,
I've been reading you for a long time and I've never dared to jump in, but then a little story started running through my head. I've been a huge fan of Lois and Clark for a very long time, and I wanted to pay tribute to them in my own way, and I miss them a lot.
Here are the usual disclaimers, the characters don't belong to me, I'm just borrowing them for a bit of fun.
Happy reading!
P.S. I wrote in French, my native language. I'm posting an automatic translation, so if anything seems odd, don't hesitate to let me know and I'll try to improve it with my (limited) knowledge of English
**Chapter 1: Games of Seduction**
**Downtown Metropolis**
Lois and Clark were driving through Metropolis in the famous gray Jeep. Lois, true to form, drove with a touch of boldness, skillfully weaving between the vehicles. Their conversation was light and pleasant:
- So, Clark, do you think the court will finally reach a verdict today, or will the jurors still be spending their time deliberating?
In my opinion, there won't be a verdict today; the jurors were really divided when they withdrew yesterday at noon. Why? Do you want to get rid of me? Clark asked, teasing her.
Lois played along with her husband, a mischievous smile forming on her lips:
- Yes, I wanted to chase after villains and put myself in danger without you scolding me.
Clark was about to respond when Lois turned her head toward him, her eyes sparkling with mischief—she had got him. They continued their playful exchange.
- So you still want a certain superhero to come to your rescue... The tabloids are right, you have a soft spot for Superman.
- A soft spot? Maybe, yes... and maybe even more...
Clark rolled his eyes with an amused smile.
- And you admit that to your husband without flinching? You know I’m very jealous...
- Oh really? And what about your past flames... Mayson, Tony, Cat...
- None of those women ever interested me.... But if you want a scoop, I have a soft spot for a certain Superheroine who spent a few days in town last year. She had a really sexy blue and pink costume...
Clark placed his hand on his wife’s thigh, his gaze drifting into memories. He thought about his wife flying through the skies of Metropolis during the few days she had inherited his powers. He had hated that time because he felt helpless and lost without his powers, but he had loved how the fitted costume accentuated his wife’s body, although a part of him couldn’t help but worry about her. And the way she responded to calls for help without a hint of doubt had made him fall even more in love with her. She was the generous Lois he had learned to discover beneath the shell she had forged.
- And then, once everything was back to normal, she proposed to me—what a wonderful memory!
Lois didn’t answer immediately, focusing on the increasingly dense traffic as they approached the Planet. They finished the drive in a comfortable silence, both reminiscing about that special week when their roles had been reversed.
**Daily Planet**
A few minutes later, they entered the elevator. A courier was already present and went down to the 1st floor, leaving Lois and Clark alone.
The moment the doors began to close, Lois turned to her husband, placed her hands on the front of his suit, and began to caress him while cooing:
- So, you find Ultrawoman sexy?
- Yes, very sexy, he replied, moving his mouth closer to hers and pulling her nearer by the waist. He placed a gentle kiss on her lips, conveying all the tenderness he felt for her.
Lois deepened the kiss, sliding her tongue into her partner’s mouth and wrapping her arms around his neck. The kiss intensified until the elevator came to a halt. Clark pulled away, slightly dazed, with a look of regret. Lois whispered a promise in a breath that only her super husband could hear:
- Later...
Clark took Lois’s hand and they exited the elevator.
They had barely taken two steps into the newsroom when Perry called out to Clark, as if he too had superpowers....
- Clark! I thought you were at the courthouse.
- The verdict probably won’t be rendered today; I think I’ll be more useful here.
- Indeed, there won’t be a verdict today. Georges Winter was found dead in his cell, and his cellmate has escaped.
Lois, shocked, asked her boss:
- Dead? Was he murdered?
- The police are leaning towards suicide, but nothing is certain yet. I want both of you to investigate this case! A mafia member dying during his trial, right after revealing the names of the big players in his organization—that’s suspicious. Why wasn’t he in a high-security cell? Did he really commit suicide? What names did he reveal to the prosecutor? I want to know everything!
- Yes, boss! We’re on it! Lois responded, grabbing Clark’s hand as she pressed the elevator button, which had closed after their exit!
Last edited by Aurore; 08/25/24 09:02 AM.