So happy to see this posted!
She and Clark had only been engaged for a tiny march of days...
Really loved the phrasing of this line!
“Maybe the ‘Convoca’ should have thought about the lack of resources before allowing Nor so much power and influence that he is able to start a civil war!” Lois retorted.
I laughed at this - good advice, come much too late.
Kal-El – Clark’s – Terran life and secret identity must be shielded from exposure.
I love that it was Ching that thought of this!
Trey drew himself up and gave a convincing imitation of a warrior. “Myself, of course...
This is so cute that Trey wants to help. And it give me the impression that he's learning and wants to help - and I love that kind of character development.
Such a sad separation for Lois and Clark!