The voyage from Earth to New Krypton took four weeks.
I can't imagine being stuck on a plane for this long.

It was baffling to him that such an advanced civilization relied so strongly upon out-moded traditions.
It's funny how Krypton society mirrors ours this way sometimes. Very topical!
It was unfortunate that their future happiness was to be sacrificed to this war as much as his and Lois’.
So sad!
The language classes were the most intriguing. They unlocked words and phrases buried deep in the subconscious mind that he must have heard as an infant.
This is such a cool detail!
He prayed in the time that Zara and the others had been on Earth, Nor and his followers had not wrested control of the government.
That would be such a hard thing to learn upon arrival!
During his days as Superman, Clark had lovingly observed another planet, now several thousand light years away. His mind caressed the delicate sapphire and emerald jewel hanging in space that had once been his home and hopefully would soon be again.
This is so sweet and nostalgic.
“My name is Clark.” He said stubbornly, “Clark Kent.”
Good for him!
Zara lowered her eyes and said with a tenderness he had never heard before, “Would it be enough if in private the three of us agree to use the Terran name of Clark?”
That's sweet of her to make this happen. I feel like she knows that he doesn't really know what he'll be walking into.
Clearing her throat, she said calmly, “You have a grandmother, Lady Polara Lo. She is the maternal head of her house.”
I love that he has more family here! I feel like it's what he's wanted most.
“What kind of person is Lady Polara?”
An actual smile lit Zara’s face.
Aw. I love that Zara likes his grandmother! It's also such a good set-up for Polara.
Oh yes, she still holds a champion’s rank.
This is such a cool character trait!
Yet some of it felt more like forced indoctrination.
It feels like that's exactly what Trey and Zara want. But the better he pulls it off, the sooner he can go home.