Bakasi, thanks again for commenting! I laughed out loud reading your Martha comments! Yeah, I think Martha may have realized that you can lead a horse to water, but ultimately it has to be Clark that decides to have a life with Clark Kent in it. But, personally, I agree with you - I'd vote for the sledgehammer.
Scarlet42, thanks so much for following along with into this one! I think you said this better than I ever could have! The moment he stops, the grief will catch up. ...but he's pretty fast, so it may take him a while to sort that out.
Andreia, as I'm sure you've seen by now, the stress is weighing on them for sure. I just posted chapter 13, and I think we're seeing one of the peaks of that tension. But there's definitely going to be a resolution or a snap!
Songbird, really apt to think about whether he has a place to stay - I don't think he can stop long enough to stop anywhere for long. As you say, he's definitely falling apart. Thanks so much for the feedback! I'm so glad you're enjoying this one!
Morgana, you're absolutely right! He's being such a lunkhead! He doesn't even deserve the cookie that Martha hands him, let alone the plate!

Thanks for commenting! I'm glad you're having fun reading this one!
Darth Michael, thank you so much for the detailed comments!
Jonathan: your mother is taking rhyming lessons this semester at the Smallville Community College.
:rotfl: It's in an iambic rhythm, too. Didn't intend for the sing-song!
how a dead man might have survived those shots to the heart at point-blank range.
Well, they didn't think of that this time around! Where were you during the prelude to the first Undercover Reporter, when they could have used that idea?

The stupidest. And the dearest.
This was a heart-wrenching scene.
Thank you so much! It was a late add, so I'm glad that it flew, so to speak!