Welcome, gentleFoLCs, to the November 2024 FDK Scavenger Hunt Contest!
I post a theme, you find a fic that matches, leave an FDK post for it, and then come back with Snow White's heart in a--I mean, proof that you FDK'd an appropriate story.
Speaking of stories, this month's theme is...well, Stories! Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Myths, Bedtime Stories, Novels...all of it goes, as long as it's in the fic somewhere! Maybe one's being written or read, or maybe the entire plot is based around one we all know. Feel free to make a case for any gray area entries.
Anyway, Da Rules:
1. Find a fic that fits the current theme (see above) and leave a comment on it.
2. Your FDK Post Must include a mention of this scavenger hunt, a genuine comment on the story (this is an FDK Challenge, after all), and a quote from the story which proves that it does fit the theme.
3. When you have made your post, report back here to let us know. (Please note: If I cannot find your FDK post, I will have to assume that both it and the entire fic were nothing more than a vivid dream you had after eating calamari. Links are helpful in this regard.)
4. The fanfic can be from anywhere, as long as it's specifically L&CTNAOS.
5. Whether the fic is complete or not does not matter. WIPs welcome.
6. If the fic has multiple chapters, you only need to comment on one; preferably the most relevant one.
7. IF and ONLY IF there is nowhere to leave FDK, you may start a thread for it yourself.
8. You MAY NOT tag a fic once someone else has tagged it.
9. You MAY NOT tag your own fic. Leaving yourself FDK is just silly.
10. Multiple entries will only be allowed after THREE entrants have reported in: This unlocks the free for all.
And for Scoring...
1 Point per Entry
1 Point per fairy tale/myth/storybook/novel/etc. referenced (per entry)
2 Points for finding the oldest fic (final tally: end of month)
2 Points for finding the newest fic (ditto)
2 Points for having your own fic tagged by another contestant (Only counts if you're also, y'know, playing in this contest)
5 Points for leaving long FDK with at least three quotes (per entry)
10 Points for having the author reply to your FDK (per entry)
2 Points if somebody in the fic either kisses or turns into a frog
Feel free to post any questions, and remember to leave the ball by midnight. Happy Hunting!