Clark's Apartment
It was Friday evening on the eighth of the month when Lois decided to visit Clark’s apartment after work. She liked to do that at times just to feel close to him. So it was a surprise to discover the courier was on the balcony… a week ahead of schedule. This was unusual. Why was the courier early?
Immediately, Lois planned to listen to the Courier’s message and then contact Jonathan and Martha, to inform them about its contents. As usual, the machine silently made its way inside the apartment. Lois was about to activate it, but paused as the phone rang. “Who on Earth would call here?” She spoke out loud.
Rather than pick up the phone, Lois let the call go to the answering machine and listened, assuming it was probably some telemarketing scheme. So it was definitely a surprise when she heard Dr. Bernard Klein’s voice.
Lois when you hear this message, please call either me or Abrihet its …
Picking up the receiver, her heart beating with excitement, she said, “Bernie! Why are you calling me here?”
Over the phone she heard a quick breath escape his lips as Bernie said, Can we meet somewhere tonight?
Puzzled, Lois said, “Sure. Java Perk is still open. It’s not too far from your townhouse. Is everything all right?”
Yes. At least I hope so. See you there in a few minutes. I’ll be sitting in the back booth. Goodbye.
Shrugging on her red wool jacket, Lois pondered what could possibly pull Bernie away from Abrihet on a Friday night. The gentle scientist and his beautiful Nigerian wife, Clark’s former ballroom dancing teacher, had been married for nearly a year, but in some ways it seemed like they were still on their Honeymoon. Normally, the couple had such hectic schedules they unplugged the phone, turned off the television and spent time cooking and ‘catching up’ with each other on Friday nights.
As she started up the Jeep, Lois hoped that she and Clark would have such a close and warm relationship. If only he would come home.
Ten minutes later, Lois entered Java Perk. The normally bustling coffee shop only had a few customers at this late evening hour. So it was easy to spot Bernie sitting in the back booth, wearing a trench coat, a Metros baseball cap pulled over his head so low it nearly covered his face. It looked as if he was trying to avoid anyone recognizing him. She walked briskly over and sat down across from him and said. “Hi Bernie! What’s going on?”
“Oh thanks goodness! Please Lois, make yourself comfortable. I only have a few minutes.” He said quickly while clutching a cup of what smelled like Earl Grey tea.
She relaxed a bit. This sounded like ‘academic’ Bernie, the personality she most identified with before his marriage. Something ‘scientific’ must be going on that had her old friend in a tizzy …which meant nothing dangerous.
Bernie took a long drink of tea, looked up at her and said in conspiratorial tones, “Did an extraterrestrial ‘visitor’ arrive at Clark’s apartment tonight?”
Taken aback, Lois said, “What do you mean?”
“For the past few months, uh …actually every month since Superman disappeared, EPRAD has noticed a tiny metallic device entering into Earth’s atmosphere. It hovers for a time over the mid-Atlantic and then its trajectory indicates the East Coast, but before they can get a fix on the object it vanishes. The strange thing is that it only happens on the fifteenth of each month. So …has anything arrived from Clark?”
With a tiny bit of her upper lip, Lois whispered, “Maybe.”
“Oh, dear. Good thing it appeared today rather than the fifteenth. At first it was considered a flute, but the consistency of this …blip rose concerns among many astronomers, including Professor Stephen Daitch.”
Lois groaned, “Oh no! Not him! Please don’t tell me, besides General Zeitlin, Special-Advisor-to-the-President John Cosgrove are also concerned?”
Bernie lowered his head and said. “Neither General Zeitlin nor Mr. Cosgrove has contacted me as yet. Both men wield considerable influence over the President, and they might reach out on his behalf since I am Superman’s physician. In any case, after checking with astronomers from other countries, they are concerned about the reason for this monthly astronomical aberration. Professor Daitch has mentioned to me this might be in regard to Superman. He suspects that since New Kryptonian technology is far greater than ours, it would be easy to send a ship to our planet. The question would be, why.”
Lois contemplated telling Bernie about the courier. Yes, he and Abrihet knew about Clark’s secret identity, but now that the government was asking questions and she didn’t want to put her friends into an untenable position.
Taking a quick breath she asked very softly, “Bernie, what does Professor Daitch plan on doing if this uh … device is from New Krypton?”
“John is a good man who appreciates all that Superman did to protect Earth from that horrible Nightfall asteroid. He doesn’t want to do anything about it. But that doesn’t mean others, like Zeitlin and Cosgrove, might not want to track it, especially if it could possibly lead them to Superman’s home on Earth.”
Lois’ expressive brown eyes grew wide, and she asked with a tremor in her voice, “Why?”
Bernie swallowed another gulp of Earl Gray tea and his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as the liquid went down his throat. Lois thought that under other circumstances this might be funny. But she couldn’t ignore Bernie’s concerns that the pursuit of Superman’s home, might be found and then Clark’s private life – and hers – would be over.
“Truthfully Lois, I don’t want to jump to conclusions. Nonetheless, if you are aware of what this thing is, please either redirect it elsewhere or have it continue to arrive come on a less unpredictable schedule.”
Lois shook her head and in conspiratorial tones said, “That …that might be difficult to do Bernie. The drone, I call it a courier, is a monthly communication link between Clark and myself.”
The scientist straightened up and peered at her over his glasses with an intensely curious expression. In his mind, he thought that it had not been long ago that he and Abrihet communicated via letters and email. Before marrying him, she resided in Paris. He remembered how frustrated he had been awaiting her transcontinental replies. How difficult would it be keeping a relationship alive between planets?
Still, Bernie, although romantic, was a scientist and at once immensely curious about this form of communication. He could barely contain his excitement and fought hard to keep his voice lowered. “A fascinating piece of Kryptonian technology! Abrihet would be desperate to study its metallurgic composition. What a treasure trove of knowledge! It might take several months to comprehend its molecular structure!”
Lois let him mutter to himself for a minute or two about optical emission spectrometers and measuring devices and if there was some way to sneak the drone into his laboratory at S.T.A.R. Labs.
But at last she had to bring him back to Earth. “Dr. Klein, we can’t do that. The courier only remains on Earth for twenty-four hours, before the courier has to return to New Krypton.”
His long face fell with disappointment. “What? Why? Lois, this is the opportunity of a lifetime! I can hold Daitch and the others off and come up with some kind of explanation.” In spite of his protest, he began searching for another excuse, to mumbling, “Space junk is not going to work. The drone has been on the same trajectory … disappears over the Atlantic … Still, there has to be something …”
Bernie continued speaking softly to himself, it seemed as if he was completely ignoring the problems the drone could cause for Lois and the Kents. “Bernie!” Lois hissed to get his attention. “The drone lands. It transmits a holographic message from Clark. Then I record a message back to him. It stays in the sun for 10 hours and then it returns home. The device is pre-programmed. I can’t stop it from leaving!”
Dr. Klein blinked, stopped speaking, looked at the concerned expression on his friend’s face and realized what he was saying. “Oh my. This device …ah what did you call it? The Courier? It is like an intergalactic Pony Express! A way for you and your fiancée to communicate. No way are any of those people going to get their hands on your personal correspondence!” He drew himself up straighter and continued, I will do whatever it takes to protect you and the Kents’ privacy. I can’t imagine how Abrihet would feel if our courtship letters fell into the wrong hands.”
Lois smiled to herself. Abrihet did say that Bernie was rather 'romantic' in his letters to her.
“Did you say holographic? I ...that is to say, Abrihet and I would love to at least see pictures of this machine.”
She placed a hand over his and said, “Perhaps when Clark gets back he can arrange some kind of intelligence exchange between yourself and the scientists of New Krypton. He did mention a doctor named, Cla-Le.”
“Medical person?”
Lois nodded. “His official Kryptonian title translates into Neurological healer. Apparently, Clark’s uncle is seriously ill, and Cla-Le is the lead doctor taking care of him.”
“To have a conversation with such a man would be life altering! If it is at all possible to arrange such an interchange, please do so!” Bernie’s eyes glittered with excitement.
“The Courier is in a safe place and will be leaving soon. Maybe I can take it somewhere far from Metropolis so that if EPRAD does attempt tracking the device won’t obviously lead back to Clark.”
Bernie took a final swallow of the remaining tea, and said, “At least forty to fifty miles from here might be a good idea. Make certain that next month it lands somewhere else far away from here! I will help as much as I can.”
Taking his hand again and giving it a squeeze she said, “You’ve helped more than enough. Thank you… from both of us.”
A faint blush of red crossed his face. “Friendship is the perfect equation. Have a good weekend. I …I’m sorry to rush, but Abrihet is expecting me back home.”
They stood together, said their farewells, and exited Java Perk, walking in separate directions on the busy street. It was late, but despite the hour, Metropolis never slept. Lois knew that Bernie had given her an important heads up. What to do about the courier? When Trey and the others had come up with the plan, no one considered taking Earth’s space agencies and their tracking abilities into account. Perhaps early tomorrow morning might be a good time for her to take a drive out to Palmetto beach and let the drone depart from there. Right now she needed to get back to Clark’s place and listen to the message he sent.
Lois sat on the couch and watched Clark’s handsome image, as always wearing a black jumpsuit with the El symbol on his chest, appeared before her. She was no longer in his apartment, but watching as he talked from the now familiar space of his study.
To the casual observer, he looked well, but by the tiny lines on his face, she knew he was not getting enough sleep. Was he eating enough? In the past, he could always count on his unique molecular structure to keep him healthy. But now with a beleaguered world to rule what kind of toll was the stress taking on him?
Hello Lois. It’s been a long thirty days and so much has happened. First, let me tell you about my visit to one of Kandor’s healing facilities. As always, Ching was with me, so I decided to leave the guardians behind, despite Master Tre-Vil’s insistence they come along. Tre-Vil and I had a fierce argument on the matter. My reasoning was simple; what possible harm could come to me at a healing facility? So we compromised and they rode in another vehicle as a rearguard. Honey, I am tired of not going anywhere without an escort.
Ching and I were there, in the burn unit, speaking to some of the healers and a few soldiers who had been injured. They were explaining how the BioRegen chambers heal the burn victims. The restorative factors are fantastic … bordering on miraculous! Pete and his ER team would have a field day here! They use silicone bandages on wounds to promote recovery and minimize scarring. Here on New Krypton regeneration allows the victim’s damaged skin to heal down to the molecular level. No fibrous scar tissue is seen. Lois, I plan on speaking to Lady Lo about sharing some of their healing techniques. We could help burn victims, many of them innocent children, regain their lives!
Lois paused the hologram and shook her head in wonderment. Despite everything negative he was facing, Clark was thinking about positive outcomes for his return home from his time at New Krypton. How she loved that man! Bernie Klein was right. An exchange of technology and medicine between the two worlds could prove invaluable to so many people. She planned on mentioning Bernie’s concerns as well as some kind of cultural exchange when recording his message. With that thought in mind, she continued the hologram.
Sadly, Clark’s message ended shortly after that comment about trading medical techniques. Apparently he needed to attend yet another meeting. She felt cheated, as if he had only given her slivers of time. She intended to tell him about that with her next message.
Lois knew she needed to ask the Kents an unusual favor. She picked up the phone, dialed and listened as it rang. Even with the time difference, it was getting pretty late, and she hoped this call wouldn’t wake them.
Hello? Jonathan answered. His gentle voice was soothing to her ears.
"Hi. Its Lois. Hope I’m not calling too late."
A quiet chuckle came over the line. Never too late to hear from our daughter. Hold on I’ll get your mother. He covered the receiver and Lois heard a muffled, Martha, pick up the extension. It’s Lois!
A lump formed in Lois’ throat. To anyone outside of their tight knit little family, it might seem odd that Jonathan called her that, yet hearing those words made her feel closer to the Kents. They were truly another set of parents.
As any family should, they depended on each other while Clark was on New Krypton. Lois dearly wished she could be on the farm to help with whatever chores needed doing. Thankfully, Maisie’s son, Ethan, was home from agricultural college for a semester. So far, he had been a great help to Jonathan and Martha and was proving to be something of a genius fixing Jonathan ancient tractor. It was a juggernaut from the late sixties, requiring constant maintenance. She knew that one of Clark’s greatest wishes before he departed for New Krypton had been to save enough money to purchase a new tractor for his father.
Lois? Martha’s voice broke in her thoughts as the older woman picked up the extension. Oh, honey, how are you doing? Is that big investigation still going on? How are Abrihet and Molly? Spending a little time with those two was just what you needed.
“Hi Martha. Yeah, I’m still working on it. There’s still a ways to go before we can finally nail the bad guys, but I’m confident it’s going to happen. Speaking of friends, someone dropped by my place unexpectedly.”
Oh? The Kents said together. It was unusual for the courier to arrive so early.
“Yes. Clark is okay. He told me about visiting a hospital.”
A hospital? That must have been different! I wish we could see those holograms for ourselves. It’s been way too long since we’ve seen our boy, Jonathan said wistfully.
Nothing would make us happier. Maybe you could ask Clark to send a message to us? Martha asked.
Lois’ heart sank, providing another reason why this conversation was so important. The Kents had been extremely patient regarding this entire situation. They deserved to receive a ‘letter’ from Clark just as much as she did, like those sailors from centuries past, that sent letters to wives, sweethearts, and parents. She wanted to provide that and in light of what Bernie said earlier this evening, perhaps it was time.
“Yeah …about that. I had a conversation with Bernie earlier this evening in regard to that particular thought. Trey had told me in the beginning sending a courier to me was a curtesy, as it was a drain on resources. Apparently the planet has bountiful soil for crops but is poor in metals. The majority of the ships that brought them to New Krypton have been dismantled and used for other purposes. New Krypton thrives in many ways, but this conflict takes their attention away from discovering new sources of metal.”
That must have been disappointing for them, Martha said.
“Yes, it is. Otherwise I’m certain Clark would send a courier to you, too, if one could have been spared. On the other hand, according to Bernie, astronomers have started to notice an object entering Earth’s atmosphere … monthly.”
The courier? Martha asked.
Oh no! The government is going to start tracking the drone to our boy’s apartment. Jonathan groaned.
Lois said. “No. Apparently whatever substance the drone is made of can confuse or deflect the satellite tracking systems EPRAD and NASA have in orbit…for now. I have to let Clark know the courier’s trajectory needs to change, make it seem erratic. I’m going to ask him to have it fly over midwestern United States, vanish, and then appear near Metropolis, and then, alter the flight pattern every time it returns to New Krypton.”
That should throw whoever’s watching off the scent. Lois, please tell Bernie ‘thank you’ for us, Jonathan said in his quiet way.
Lois said, “Bernie risked a great deal telling me this. Between that and Abrihet working to cheer me up, it proves they are real friends.”
As their friends, we cannot ask them to help with more information that might get them into trouble with S.T.A.R. Labs and the government… ‘cause that won’t be a nickel popper! Jonathan replied.
In the meantime, we should look for a new place for the courier to land. Martha said.
Hon, maybe we can receive the device at Hawthorn Hill? Clark knows about that huge pile of rocks.
Jonathan you are a genius! It’s perfect! Now that the shale is played out and the mining company is gone, no one goes up there. When does the courier usually arrive at Clark’s apartment Lois?
The conversation went on for a little while longer until Martha heard Lois tried unsuccessfully to stifle a yawn. The older woman said. It’s been a long week. All of us need to get some rest. Get back to us with updates on Clark as soon as you can. Good night dear.
“Good night, Jonathan. Good night, Martha. I’ll call you soon.” With that the three ended their conversation.
She decided to record her response to the courier. She made certain her fiancé knew about Bernie’s information and the need for the courier to arrive in Kansas rather than Metropolis. After that, she spoken in an animated fashion about the apple cake made during last Friday night’s baking class as well as watching The Fugitive with Abrihet and Molly.