Hi Amanda!
Well, it’s Kerth time again and here I am ready to continue “Try Not to Change Anything.”

Umm … 22 is the finale? That’s Big Girls Don’t Fly. Seconds is 3x17. I’m just mentioning it because we’re now eligible for a replacement story with the correct episode number. And possibly a complimentary gift certificate for a second (well, third) story. Did you already do PML? I don’t think so? Or Nightfall, how would amnesia affect the soul swap? Oh, wait, this arc is also amnesia. They got a lot of that going on, don’t they? Maybe if Lois and Clark would do less kissing?
PS: hope you don’t mind all this shameless bargaining for more parts in this universe

Try not to change anything, Clark thought to himself sarcastically as he sped through the skies.
And the weather forecast is predicting clear skies with occasional showers of upchuck.
, he finally threw caution to the wind and decided that trying to stick closely to the previous timeline was only making them both unhappy.
To quote a famous, time traveling president…
They were officially married (again, technically) within the year.
Oh. So…about that lexuation?
And the world hadn’t exploded.
But Perry’s blood pressure might have.
most things had played out very closely to the way they had before.
Including this.
“Why this?!”

the universe is very resilient when it comes to meddlesome humans. Also, how about that breaking up for her own good?
LOIS: I preferred to not be dumped and Clark preferred to not sleep on the couch.
“Why this?!” he muttered to himself angrily as he scanned the city, yet again, for his missing wife.
Let’s hope he learned at least some things.
No, she’d just been kidnapped and replaced by a clone in a more standard way.
This is gold.
Was there a standard way for something like this to happen?
Nevertheless, the billionaire crime lord had set his sights on Lois fairly soon after their first official meeting
It’s a thrill of the chase thing. The same reason Nigel had to constantly work to suppress the stories about Lex stealing a baby’s candy in the park.
invitations failed, had begun finding other ways for them to meet so he could covertly work his charms – all of which Lois quite firmly rebuffed.
Maybe she should send him a Tupperware box of some upchuck, so he gets the message?
Also, speaking of morning sickness…?
no, then he just began outright kidnapping her whenever he wasn’t in jail or in hiding.

ten kidnappings, get one free?
At least the previous Luthor encounters had been something new – something they weren’t repeating from the past. It kept things… interesting wasn’t really the right word. But no one could say their lives were boring.
Very cute. Also, wouldn’t they get old fast? Does Lois travel with a kidnapping bag or does Lex keep her toiletries on hand at his lair?
But the clone was still there and he didn’t really want to deal with her right now.
Oh, this is adorable!
Bound and gagged in an underground bunker is pretty standard for Luthor, Lois thought to herself as she pulled against the ropes holding her hands behind the chair. Gotta say though – the two bodies in the eight-foot, glass cylinders has got to be a first.
She doesn’t remember?
LOIS: Thankfully, I only remember getting away from Lex and then deciding to not go to France. For some reason, though, Clark no longer suggests shrinks when I voice perfectly valid concerns about my parents, the family, or things I’ll do to Ralph next time I see him.
One would think that Luthor would learn to get out of Dodge the next time he escaped, but nope – he always came back for her. His obsession was getting really old.
When you bore your kidnapping victim (LOIS: kidnapping *associate*) to death, you’re doing something wrong.
If she could just call for Clark, they might be home in time for supper.
Sounds reasonable.
It is a quantum disrupter. I got it from… well it really doesn’t matter where I got it. Would you like to see what it can do?”
They could market it as the Lex-Ex. Guaranteed to remove any Lex Luthor from your future.
Lois felt her eyes widen. It was a terrifying weapon to be sure.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Luthor asked.
Wait, couldn’t Lex market this for waste disposal, both at dump sites and spent nuclear fuel?
Well, it might even be enough to take down Superman. Shall we find out?”
Lois had no idea if it could actually hurt Clark or not but she really didn’t want to find out.
What you get for not talking.
I’m married.”
“For now, perhaps. But that will soon change.”
Planning for an upcoming death in the family?
“Well, of course he realizes I’m gone,” Lois contradicted. “It’s not like you could’ve planted some sort of copy…”
Clois is a bit two-dimensional but otherwise a wonderful amphibian being.
“No… Oh, no,” she groaned. “Clark told me about this, from that time I lost my memory. You had a clone made of me!
Yes indeed. Very sloppy of Lois.
our souls into other bodies or some such nonsense.” She didn’t bother to mentioned that she’d done her fair share of soul hopping.

“I look forward to breaking that indomitable spirit.”
/Points at how that worked out for Jabba the Hutt/
![[Linked Image]](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/3/38/Jabbadeath.jpg)
(Leia strangling Jabba with her slave chain)
“Superman, look out for the – ” but she didn’t bother finishing because the hero had already focused his heat vision on the weapon, causing Luthor to drop it before he could aim.
Lex really fumbled that one.
Superman winced. “Don’t remind me. This is one part of our past lives I would much rather have not lived over again.”
Yes. So, no tapping her head, and no kissing. We do not want to repeat what came after. Although we still need to lock ‘him’ up.
Lois nodded and headed out the way he’d come in. She found the ladder easily enough
Oh no. oh no no no.
She began to climb. The rungs were gritty with rust but she paid no mind.

Her breath caught in her throat and she didn’t even have time to scream before she struck her head on the concrete below.
“Please. Please don’t let this happen again.”

Looks like the author has just announced this will be an ARGH instead of a standalone

Very inspired title!
Glad to see this back. And don’t worry about more challenges /points at introductory note/
