Hi there!
A recorded message from her assistant, Lirya informed her that the critically injured Dar-Ur was aboard a medivac craft and would soon be installed in a Regeneration chamber in Kandor.
Happy to see this character heading towards recovery!
The only thing she did not regret was reuniting with her grandson.
It's so sweet how much she loves him!
The ash clung to buildings, swept over roads, covered farm collectives, and crept into machinery, blanketing the world in a silencing, all-encompassing dust.
Ugh! This all-encompassing evidence of the environment collapsing around them is so scary!
She knew they were involved with helping their servants evacuate, but to imagine that both of them would ignore her repeated calls, each growing more urgent than the last was unreasonable.
I like that you added in the detail about the two members of the royal house trying to help their servants get out.
Zor-El made a slashing motion with his hands. “If you and the rest of House Il wish to remain, do so at your own peril."
It would have been so much easier if he'd taken Zor-El up on this! Also love that Zor-El threw down this ultimatum!
Despite its fearsome appearance, zitidars were peaceful, gentle reptiles used by the nobility for transport around the planet.
It's lovely that it seems like they got enough of these animals off world to be able to breed and save them.
She fingered her weapons hilts. Her sword was in its scabbard slung across her back. Her long dagger, almost a short sword in its own right was in her belt on the right side, at the ready for a left-handed draw. Her short dagger, fashioned more a stiletto, sat on her left hip.
She's a walking arsenal!
This sword had been in the family Lo for centuries. Its blade had been forged from a single piece of meteorite that had fallen from the sky, landing fatefully on the traditional grounds of the holdings of the family Lo.
It's sort of interesting that this blade is a family heirloom and also a meteor. We're so familiar with kryptonite being the Kryptonian meteor... it's nice to see this inverted.
As Polara had suspected at the last second, the a stone had been thrown as a decoy to distract her from the true attack.
This is so low!
Zay-Il barked, “You had the advantage. Why didn’t you finish me? I would have finished you.”
Such a bully!
She felt a burning sensation on her forehead and suddenly she lost sight in one eye.
Oh no!
“Quickly, let us forget this fight and leave here! Our steeds can get us to the spaceport. By now, our families must be on their assigned ships.” Polara said this while wiping the left eye which was covered in blood.
It's so noble that she gave him a way out here and just offered a truce.
“My path is …set. I will not go to New Krypton. I leave the task of building a new world to my son and his offspring. But first, you and Jor-El’s family will die.”
Yuck! Not just a bully but he's so set in his grudge that he'll die because of it.
Nimitz had somehow managed to stop Zay-Il from killing her and with no doubt had some difficultly to take her to the Throneship.
Awwww. Animals are the best of us!
Kal-El was her only direct descendant.
So sad!