Hi 90stvfangirl!
Not 100% happy with this, but better out than in my google docs.
Oh yes, indeed!
Not season one with Cat, then?
Either talent show tryouts or Perry needs a whistle.
“Now, I know the new instant messaging system has a few glitches, but — “
Oh, I read about the anonymous messages on Discord. Will they sow discord?
I’ve already gotten three very inappropriate anonymous messages!”
Did someone indicate she might not win this year’s Kerth award? How Clark is a better reporter?
LOIS: What? No. I said ‘inappropriate’, not downright insulting. And why do you even think about *Kent* being the better reporter?

What is *wrong* with you?
“In your dreams, Lois.” Cat laughed from behind her own desk, not even looking up, her eyes on her freshly manicured nails.
Funnily enough, they all have the same writing style.
Anyone caught harassing a fellow employee will have a nice little chat with HR.
Okay, new message system*and* new HR department?
And I just realized: the message system could be analog. You write the message on a card and put it in a box.
“Chief, no one should feel harassed at work.” Clark spoke up with a sympathetic glance toward Lois. “Can’t we just deactivate it?”
What strange universe is this? Did Tempus finally figure out a successful strategy?
Perry rolled his eyes. “We can’t. Apparently, that’s one of the glitches.”
They had that issue with an AI once.
Were all men in the office creeps?
Says the guy who stalked Lois in her apartment on Day One.
Ralph sat behind his desk, snickering to himself as he typed one-handed, his other hand shoving a tuna fish sandwich in his mouth.
Sounds disgusting. Which is not why the author wrote it.
CK: Hey, don’t worry about the creeps. I’ll always have your back.
LL: Just what I need, another creep watching my ‘back.’
See? Told ya! Also, nice they’re prefixing their messages

Great life hack!
LL: You guys are all the same. I bet the only decent guy left in this office is Clark Kent.
She’s not wearing her smart pants today.
LOIS: You already know it’s a perfectly decent length mini skirt

CK: Clark Kent? He’s a nobody. What’s so great about him?
Umm… shouldn’t Lois clue into the initials? Oh, right. Doh!
LL: I didn’t say he was great. I said he was decent.

LL: He’s not perfect by any means.
CK: …is anyone?
LL: Well, there’s Superman.
You mean the guy able to look after Lois’s ‘back’ from two city blocks away?
LL: He’s not perfect by any means.
CK: …is anyone?
LL: Well, there’s Superman.
I’m starting to suspect the initials aren’t part of the sent messages.
CK: I guess. If that’s your idea of perfection.
She’s also interested in his *other* perfection. Not that she’s shallow or horny or anything like that.
LL: Well, it’s not just that! Superman’s kind and gentle and does what he can to help others. He’s always there for you when you need him. He’s someone you can trust. A decent upstanding citizen.
Basically, he’s a convenient rescue at frequent times of need.
LL: It sounds like you’re a little too interested in what’s underneath Superman’s suit.
Yes. He’s also learned to put a sock in it when it comes to Superman’s costume.
Clark’s cheeks heated at his boldness. What was wrong with him? He was no better than Ralph!
No, he hasn’t sent ASCII art of male anatomy yet.
“Everything okay?” Guilt flooded him. He should have told her it was him in the chat straight away.
But then they couldn’t have flirted so shamelessly.
Well, what does he do in his free time? Does he do regular guy stuff?
You mean, like Cat?
“Can you get a message to him? Tell him to meet me on the roof? At six tonight?”
Oh dear, she wants to do an intervention for the recluse.
She couldn’t expect him to be on time at the cost of someone else’s life, could she?
Not unless it’s their wedding. Or a date or she made dinner. He has to be on time for dinner, lest their apartment burns down.
“Lois,” a familiar voice called her name.
Lois’ heart rate increased, and she turned quickly to find Clark stepping through the roof access door, closing it gently behind him.
“Oh.” Her shoulders slumped. She could have sworn…
About that …
And… how exactly does he contact Superman, anyway?
Giant UV search light on his rooftop.
The only way she knew that for sure worked was to fall off a building.
That’s for emergency calls.
Lois stared at him. Her brain failed to compute what she was seeing. “Him?”
Lex. Don’t you see? The same dark, wavey hair. The same unlimited power.
“Superman…” he said, his voice hesitant. “He’s me. Or I’m him. We’re the same person.”

“That was you earlier? In the chat, wasn’t it?” she asked.
Look see how *that’s * the big reveal!
“What does this mean… for us?” She was in love with Superman—wasn’t she? And if Clark was Superman, did that mean she was in love with him, too? She knew Superman cared for her, maybe even more than cared. And Clark…
Well, Clark cared for her. He always had.
Oh boy.
Clark had just revealed what she could only assume was his biggest secret, and he wanted to order a pizza??
Yes, foreplay always makes him hungry.
“That sounds like a decent idea….” She said, cuddling closer.
Clark smiled as they took to the sky. “Perfect.”
Oooh, fun word play!
Another fun little story! Now, about that part three of the little Alt-U…?
