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This was beautiful. Given the title, I expected them to ride on a train at somepoint, though I guess the subway under the hotel counts.
I've never been to Scotland (never been outside the States really except to the Bahamas) so I loved getting a glimpse into what it's like there (not the touristy stuff either).
Lots of fun here - snowed in (sort of), only one bed, first date, really great OCs. I enjoy reading other dialects - it helps me to sort of hear their accents in my head.
I've never had a deep fried mars bar but I get deep fried snickers every year at the county fair and they are just melt-in-your-mouth goodness. Yummy!
I love how the revelation turned out. Clark showing off with his powers was so cute. Scotland is a WONDERFUL place. You should got if you get the chance. The hotel they stayed at is one that my husband and I stayed at and the rumbliness of the room was 100% true. Sadly that hotel is now gone. I wanted to call the fic "If this is Glasgow, why is it Snowing"? I took the idea from the film "If It's Tuesday, this Must be Belgium", instead of "Plains, Trains and Deep Fried Mars Bars", but I didn't think anyone would understand the film reference. Thanks again so much!
Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known." -Angel
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This story is beautiful. I don't have time for more quotes, but... “I love you,” he said. He hadn’t meant to say it. He certainly hadn’t planned on saying it and yet, he couldn’t stop the words from coming out of his mouth. “I have loved you since the moment I first saw you. And I know I shouldn’t tell you just yet. I know we only had one date, but I need you to know that.” AWWWWW OMG LOVE THIS!!! 😍 Beautiful declaration. And a simple revelation; love it. “Somehow it’s more impressive without the suit,” she told him. It was a simple admission but it meant the world to him.
“Well then, expect me to use my powers as much as possible if it will impress you,” he vowed. GAHHHH YESSSS! ahhh My guess: lovetvfan  Heh. You got me. Thank you so much! I am go glad you liked it!
Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known." -Angel
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Wait, this *was* LoveTVFan? Aha, so you impersonated yourself! A clever double-bluff!
And Ahhhhhhhh, this fic was amazing! You really made me feel like I was there, and I loved all the OCs, and I have got to try a deep fried Mars Bar now! Thank you so much!!! <3 BWA HA HA HA HA! I wanted to say something so much LOL. I am SO glad you liked it! It was so much fun writing about all the places I have been (I DID stay at the Buchanan and there WAS a rumbly room and creeky floor and clawfoot tub -- sadly the hotel is gone now. I met my husband at the Rufus and couldn't resist the fact that the Deep Fried Mars Bar was invented the same day as the Queen's visit -- Queen...get it?) The OCs were also based on people I knew while there so they were so much fun to write. I am so so glad you liked it!
Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known." -Angel
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Ahhh, Twinnie!! I ADORE this! It’s lovely and amazing and hilarious that you got Mary’s prompts and ended up with something that gives me TOTAL Yours to Discover vibes! What made me guess Sara? Do we have to say? Scotland. And, you know . . . other little typographical tells just because I usually BR and edit all your work but didn’t on this one!  💕 Sara  HA HA HA HA! It REALLY did have YtD vibes! And this just further adds to the fact that sometimes it's hard to tell which one of us is writing something LOL.
Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known." -Angel
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Hi Sara! I’ll be doing these piecemeal. Chapter 1 if you’re lost on some of the exotic phrases used in this story =D
Chapter 1: /checks glossary/ The cabin was dark and silent, with the exception of those who slept, lightly snoring. Lois Lane watched her partner Clark Kent Aaaand my mind invited Mayson to join the party. A couple of times his glasses had almost fallen off and Lois had instinctively reached out to push them up his nose. What’s happening with Superman? And It’s cute that Lois just has to reset his glasses. After all, surely he took them off to sleep in his bed, but somehow she knew he wouldn’t want them removed here in this artificial setting. Are they on a celebrity Big Brother show? She was glad she got the window seat, and grateful that the Boeing 767 Oh, they’re in a metal death tube. /checks title/ Doh! I was completely stuck at cabin=cabin in the woods or possibly a container for a Big Brother show. She didn’t mind climbing over Clark if she needed to go to the bathroom, but it would have been awkward with a complete stranger sitting there. Yes, kicking him out of the seat on the way past is a lot of hassle. The trip they were on was business, and not pleasure. Champagne in business class instead of nookie in the mile high club? And yet somehow, it made her nervous to be on a seven hour flight to Europe with Clark Kent – /cocks eyebrow/ a man she had once thought of as little more than an annoyance, but who was now occupying far more space in her head than was strictly necessary. Ooooh, fun phrasing! And it was all his fault. He’d asked her out. On a date. A real, honest-to-goodness date a couple of weeks ago, and if it hadn’t been for Lex Luthor’s re-appearance, they might have gone on that date. Ah, there it is. Also, I probably should mark down a Phoenix fetish in the GTA notes  Or is it a sequel to Pearl Jam? Lois honestly wasn’t sure if the date being canceled was a blessing or a curse. She couldn’t picture the two of them at a Pearl Jam concert. /points at aforementioned fic/ You know, I’m now extremely saddened to not having gotten to it sooner. I have to imagine that at this point I would have re-confirmed my style-based guess. And yet, she’d agreed to go because…well, if she was honest with herself, it was because she wanted to go on a date with him. So, not because she lost a bet, because he paid top dollar, or because she needed a favor? she’d been slowly waking up to the realisation that her feelings for her partner were much more than simple platonic friendship. Ooooh . And though she knew Superman to be the very embodiment of nobility, honour and integrity, he didn’t make her laugh the way Clark did. Not even when he catches a banana pie aimed at her with his face? Superman didn’t show up at her apartment late at night with movies and pizza. He could, if she asked nicely. He didn’t make her coffee every morning, or smile at her in a way that let her know she was the only person in the room. And now he spent the night and is just making her breakfast in her kitchen. Superman belonged to the world. She shouldn’t say that out loud. Women might get the wrong idea. . If there had been any ambiguity as to what Clark felt for her, most of those doubts had been chased away. /traces coke bottle shape/ wa-wa-woom! She’d felt, in that moment, as if he wanted to touch her, wanted to run his hands along her body and kiss her in a way she’d only fantasized about.  Why he wasn’t affected, she would never know, but it hardly mattered. One could either mention bombs or Lois’s homecooked meals. Northern Ireland to cover the Queen’s very first appearance there since the IRA and Loyalists had agreed to a ceasefire earlier that year.  Perry had been initially surprised. After all, Lois normally balked at these sorts of human interest stories, calling them “puff pieces” or worse. Yes, but this story has the potential of a royal assassination plot getting foiled by Superman. You don’t see those every day. Not even in Metropolis. place as romantic as Belfast with her partner. At first I was confused. You never hear those two words together. Then, of course, Patrick O’Sullivan! Lois is gonna introduce Clark to her old boyfriend and show him the place where she stopped being a v…ery patient teenager. It was the perfect place for the two of them to have their official first date, though Clark didn’t know it yet. Lois felt it was a better idea for her to take the initiative this time, lest she find that Clark had bought them tickets to see Metallica for their next attempt.  he just tries to offer a different dating experience than she has with Lex. . She promised to get some interviews from the locals and to do a more rounded look at the response to the Queen’s visit if they flew in a day earlier.  They could do Rome and Paris next. Perry had been impressed with her initiative, but really she’d just wanted time for just the two of them. After all, they had to have some time for themselves. She does realize there’s no journalistic awards offered for stories on reporters bedding Superman, doesn’t she? And though there was a small part of her that was nervous about the fact that they had two adjoining rooms booked at the Europa Hotel, The hotel didn’t have a double? Do they at least have a connecting door? Instead, Perry had booked them on a flight to Glasgow where they would be boarding a local flight to Belfast. It was certainly not ideal considering they’d already spent seven hours on a flight, but Lois was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Do they have time to visit Dismal Downs and tour Castle MacDuck? She suddenly wondered what he looked like without them and at the same time, something inside her told her she already knew, though for the life of her she couldn’t remember ever seeing him without them.  . Surely she must have. After all, they’d known each other for almost two full years. It’s not like she’s seen him naked, either. LOIS: aahhmmm… No, that doesn’t count. It was nine, not naked. But now, as the plane began its descent she could feel the weariness enveloping her like a blanket and looked forward to the moment when she could lay her head down on the fresh, cool hotel pillow for some much needed sleep. Awww… also, it’s why you take the red eye to Europe. Sleep through the night. Get to the new timezone reasonably fresh. See you in chapter 2!  Michael
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Hi Sara! Here I go with Chapter 2. I think it was a shorter one? They had booked a flight to Belfast from Glasgow airport but were now being told that said flight had been canceled due to unscheduled maintenance on the plane. Figure out that Lois Lane was booked for the flight and didn’t want to risk an accident? Ah can check,” the employee said, smiling a little at him. Or perhaps he said ‘partner’ to indicate ‘friend’ or ‘acquaintance’ and he’s still available to friendly customer service reps who do him favors. It’s no’ a short ride, but it’ll get ye there, right enough.” Oooh, cramped onto a twenty-year-old long distance bus, driving through the night. Will do wonders for Lois’s disposition. “We’re from Metropolis,” Lois said, tipping her chin upwards. “We’re not afraid of a little snow.”  “So now what do we do?” She asked with a huff. Her lips were pouted in a way he felt almost irresistible and he fought the urge to gently kiss her there. In fact, he’d been fighting all kinds of urges where she was concerned lately. Is that the reason for all the FTBs? “I’m not sitting on a smelly greyhound for five hours, Clark.” She could try and get mugged. It might attract Superman and he could take them over to Belfast. And I haven’t slept in almost a full day,” she shot back. She was right. They had taken the red-eye from Metropolis to Glasgow and with the time change, it had meant they arrived early in the morning Glasgow time, but felt like two in the morning for them. It’s why she should have taken the time to sleep. Looking forward to all the wonderful local color that’s to come   Michael
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Chapter 3 Hi Sara! She wasn’t keen on spending money for a full night in a hotel, especially since they were really only going to get a few hours of sleep there, but at this point she would have paid anything just for a clean mattress and a pillow. Hey, it’s Planet money! Also, would she be willing to pay in kind if she could sleep in Clark’s old bedroom in Kansas and get a home cooked breakfast? She was more than used to her partner getting this reaction from women, but the closer they got, the less she liked it. /carefully wraps claw filing set for Lois’s birthday/ which reminds me, we never got Clark staging a party for Lois in season two! She inched closer to him and gently touched his arm – a gesture that did not go unnoticed by the woman who gave a slight frown. Subtle, Lois, really subtle. Why not just have Clark only book a single room with a double bed. Ah cannae give ye two,” the woman replied with a shrug. “We’ve only got one room the now.” Oops? You do know that this is supposedly a non-FTB story, don’t you? Lois had difficulty following what the woman was saying. I’ll translate : only one big bed. How about you share? Clark gave her a nervous glance and she realised that he was waiting to see what her reaction would be to this bit of news. Receptionist: the hunk can stay at my place for the night. (sorry, no accent) “Fine,” she said tiredly. “We’ll take one with two Queen beds.” Ah, sorry. Ah only have the one room. A suite wi’ one King bed.” See? We don’t do two-bed rooms over here. The room may shake a wee bit, but it’s no’ but the subway underneath ye. Pay it no mind.” Hey, they can make their own room-shaking if you don’t mind! . “Think of it like…a bed with a free built in massage.” Oooh, I got an idea! she realised that she would have to share with Clark – a prospect she found both exciting and terrifying. What’s the worst that could happen? Lois: /points at quadruplets from season four vision/ HGWells:  Scottish didn’t seem to mind frigid temperatures inside their homes and hotels. Gives the couple a chance to snuggle up under the covers. “It’s alright,” she reassured him with a yawn. “I won’t bite. I’m too tired to.”  “And now here we are in bed together.” Lois is super easy. LOIS: People did call me catty when it comes to Clark. Or Superman. I just figured I shouldn’t disappoint them. . “I just…wasn’t sure you wanted to after the whole Ralph’s Pagoda mess. And I didn’t know how to ask you again. Somehow it seemed scarier.” Like asking the possessed girl from The Exorcist? “Clark, we’re partners and best friends. This isn’t scary. It’s terrifying.”  . She smiled and fought the urge to kiss him. She wasn’t sure what might happen if she kissed him right now. Based on past experience, once she pulls back to get naked, he’d fall asleep. “Really,” she told him. “I even made reservations for a romantic dinner in Belfast as a surprise. I guess that’s part of the reason I’m so on edge.”  “We could maybe consider this our ‘almost-almost-first-date’ if you want.” Almost-third-date with almost third-date activities. “I dunno,” she drawled with a somewhat mischievous smile. “I don’t go to bed with just anyone. Especially not on an ‘almost-almost-first-date’.”  “Will you…” she hesitated, unsure of why she was suddenly so nervous with him. “Will you hold me? Until I fall asleep, that is?” Oooooooooh He was warm and his arms were gentle and strong. She closed her eyes and drifted off into oblivion as the subway gently rumbled beneath them. aaaaaaaaawwwwwww Another fun chapter!   Michael
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Hi Sara! Chapter 4: Clark had never slept so soundly in his entire life and when he woke, he was overjoyed to find that it hadn’t been a dream. Awww, his body is already in relationship protection mode, making sure he’s not leaving Lois alone just because of an emergency. but the romantic date she’d apparently planned for the two of them was not going to happen. They seemed to be having rotten luck so far. Too bad they don’t know a flying superhero who could help out. “We can just ask Superman to bring us. He’s going to be at the press conference too, remember?” See? Lois is thinking clearly. “Lois, he’s not a taxi service,” No, he’s more a private pilot and emergency kidnapping assistance. We can’t take away from that just because we need a ride.” Translation: he likes vegging with fish n chips. He wasn’t sure he trusted her to be able to drive in a foreign country on the other side of the road in bad weather. But then, he also knew if he told her that telling her that would not end well for him. /points at not-a-comfy-couch/ “Who travels to another country and doesn’t bring their driver’s license? That’s official government ID, Clark!” /looks at European officials laughing their combined chumps off at the Monopoly IDs/ But that was a conversation that he wasn’t sure how to have. Best do it in a phone booth. When he returned after thankfully another successful rescue, she sat on the bed, ramrod straight, looking as if she would murder the first person who spoke. Which, unfortunately, was him. Oooh, nice one! What’s going to happen when we get back to Metropolis without a story?” PERRY: Honey, even Elvis needed to take a breather on occasion. Here, I have this nice little story on the challenges Princess Muppy faces next week. This should give you a chance to find yourself again. LOIS: Muppy? Is that a nickname or something? RALPH: Oh, is Muppy doing another show? Last time, when she lost against that Chihuahua, she was devastated. and how there was nothing to stop anything from happening between the two of them here in this room. Jimmy might call? This time he did reach for her and she let him, meeting his eyes and biting her lip in a way that awakened every cell in his body. Awwwww /turns off lights/ and I can find something more…romantic for us to do.” Did he just suggest squeaky sounds? And yet, his body didn’t seem to be able to move. And yet it was trying to move a lot just a moment earlier. “This could get…complicated,” she said, and he saw the way her eyes darted to the bedspread. She was nervous. No, it’s so simple, even a society columnist can figure it out. . I’ll even sleep over there on the chair if you want me to.”  “Because you’re that irresistible?” She teased. Her eyes danced mischievously and he felt some of the tension lift. According to precedent, yes. You make me feel safe. But maybe, for once I don’t want to. Living dangerous! “What are you saying?” He asked, his mouth suddenly dry. Checking out chapels in Glasgow? They might have to reimburse the Planet for their flights, but he couldn’t think of a single place he’d rather be right now. Hey, it’s not their fault! /points are Sara/ It’s her fault. See you in part 5!  Michael
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Hi Sara! Chapter 5: She was starting to think that Glasgow might have more to offer than she’d originally thought, which, to be fair, had been something along the lines of incomprehensible accents and seagulls the size of minivans.  How was she supposed to keep her hands off of him when he was this close and when he looked at her the way he had back in the room only a few hours ago? Clark could sew her into the sheets? and not how gorgeous his lips were and how much she wanted him to do something else entirely with them. Or rather, to them. /points at this not bring marketed as an FTB/ What would he do if he knew how badly she wanted him to touch her? Run away on a Superman emergency? . “But I think you’ll like it. Just keep an open mind, okay?” He’s not going to take her to the finest haggis place in town, is he? “Clark, I am nothing but open minded,” Lois Yes, she’s even open to dating aliens. CAT: That’s not being open-minded, that’s being desperate. “Clark Kent! Ah cannae believe mah eyes. What are ye doing here?” Just flying by. “Aye, joined at the hip, so we are,” Stewart said cheerfully. So, newlyweds?  Stewart was currently working as a graphic designer for a tutoring company I was reading this with glasses on a subway train, so I just happened to first read this as “torturing company”  /translates as “boffing”/ dunno if that’s correct, though. “What’s this then, ye dafty, if no’ a date?” Breakfastlunchdinner . “Do either of you know of anything happening here?” There’s that dino-snake in the lake for one. “You need tae get this one somewhere romantic an’ just gie him a wee snog! Lois likes snogging. For him to stick around for more than thirty minutes. Clark began to gently run his thumb over her palm – something that sent shivers throughout her body. She tried her best to listen to the story Stewart was telling her, but the way Clark was touching her was making that extremely difficult. Let’s hope he doesn’t keep that up in the newsroom or Perry will have their heads. “The pub quiz is th’morra,” Stewart reminded him. “Why no’ come here?”
Clark sat up straight and shook his head. “Oh no, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Does not want to be in the middle of a bloodbath? “Yeah I don’t know,” Clark hesitated. “Lois can get a bit…competitive.”  Were it not for the lack of a story to come back to Metropolis with, Lois would consider this the perfect trip. Especially since Clark was still holding her hand. Awwwwwwww We have deep fried Mars bars.” Ahhhhhhhh “Alright,” she agreed, meeting Clark’s eyes and sending an entirely different message. “Let’s live dangerously.”  Another fun part!  Michael
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Hi Sara! Chapter 6: Twice that evening alone he’d heard a cry for help and managed to duck out under the guise of having to use the restroom. Beer does have that effect. Superman was required to be at the press conference to meet the Queen. How was he going to get away for that? He could tell Lois that Superman had invited to take Clark to the press conference. I’m sure it would go over well with Lois. LOIS:  And he also knew that he probably should tell her before things got too serious. Like after the kids got into the kindergarten and before they fly off to college? But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Especially not now, when they found themselves walking through a winter-whitened Glasgow city centre, quietly enjoying one another’s company and eagerly anticipating their first date. /makes chicken sounds/ “I was asking if Metropolis felt like home.”
“No,” he said with a gentle shake of his head. He reached out and cupped her face in his hands, marveling at her beauty even in the darkness. “You do.” Awwwwww He lay there in the darkness long afterward feeling like the world’s luckiest man and the world’s worst coward all at the same time. He’s Super Chicken!  Michael
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Hi Sara! Onward it goes! Chapter 7 She’d always felt that Clark Kent was an open book and now she was realising that there was still much more to learn. Just wait till she gets a hold of the author notes! and spent the bulk of their breakfast trying to brainstorm ideas for something to write on to present to Perry in its place. A Scottish version of the Kama Sutra? “Not unless you want to write it on the invention of the deep fried mars bar,” he joked. Lois gave him a side glance.
“Don’t joke,” she told him. “That was one of the best desserts I’ve ever had in my life.  How have they all not dropped dead of a heart attack?” Lots of fresh air above and below? They spent an hour and a half inside the gallery, looking at art and having in-depth conversations over what appealed to them and what didn’t. Clark goes for the Norman Rockwell Family Home, Lois is more the Punk Death Robot gal. She’d held back even with Superman. Sure, a princess in every city and a wife on every home planet. Lois told him she would take his word for it while silently cursing his metabolism. I think it was Sue who had Lois calculate how many chocolates bars she could eat after having burned calories with Clark. “I uh…I think I dropped my watch,” Clark said, looking slightly panicked. “I’m going to go and look for it. I’m pretty sure I had it at the art gallery, but I don’t know what happened after that.” That’s ambitious! Fresh snow, still falling. Backtracking an entire sightseeing tour. “Do you want me to come with you?” Lois asked, starting to stand up.
“No!” He exclaimed.  She was a little taken aback but he amended his tone Oh, it’s his code for sneaking out to the men’s room in the lobby to take care of his business without exposing Lois to this fact. mainly because it was hard to run off to Blockbuster or walk your neighbour’s Pomeranian in another country but somehow he’d found a way. She really needs to have him see a specialist when they get home. After all, the watch might have had some sentimental value for him. Lana won it at a country fair on their fourth date. See you in a moment!  Michael
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Hi again! Chapter 8 What would she do when she found out? How would she feel about him then? She already knows about kryptonite, so depends on whether she kept some. Would she have even wanted to fly with him once she knew his secret? Would she ever want to fly with him again? Good question. Only one way to find out. Yet somehow, he couldn’t bring himself to stop. Not when he had everything he wanted.
Not that he really had her. How could he, when she didn’t truly know him? What Lois hears: Excuse. Excuse. Excuse. “Clark,” she whispered, though there was nobody to hear them for miles. “Kiss me.” Awwwwww And, if his betrayal was too much, he might never have it again. /points at Superman II/ He has options. “I guess I was afraid you’d think it a bit weird,” she admitted with a shrug. Aaaand cut to the Buffy crossover Tomorrow. He would tell her tomorrow. He wanted this one perfect day before he risked it all falling apart. He does realize that he just wound her up and that they will be sharing a hotel room bed? If they never had another date, this one would be one he could look back and remember a time when he was truly happy.
His heart was full. He’s sweet. He’s also a chicken. Okay, that’s it for today!  Michael
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Hi Sara! Chapter 9: “Ye took her tae a cemetery? Are ye daft? Touched in the head? Do ye no’ want a second date?” Hey, if they get attacked by vampires, they could have many more dates! /points at Spike and Drusilla/ “Is that where he kissed ye?” Lois’ surprise must have shown because Gemma gave a quiet chuckle. “Ye look like ye’ve been well snogged.” Eeep! Good thing that’s all they did. “Numpty?” Lois laughed. She looked at Clark. “That’s not fair. How is numpty a word and chumpy isn’t?”  You can’t stand to lose.”
“I can so,” she retorted, She can’t even lose the argument about losing and argument. “Well Lois will have current affairs in the bag,” Except for contemporary crime. She can’t recognize a crime boss if he puts a ring on her finger. unable to hide the admittedly tiny competitive streak that surged up /inserts aerial shot of 16-lane LA freeway/ She had even declared as much to him last year before she’d married Lex, though Clark didn’t know the particulars of that. Eeeeehhhhh /makes wavy hand gesture/ LOIS:  “Simple,” Rob said with a grin. “Naebody goes oot wi’ a get-up like that unless his Mammy made it. Plus, as Gemma already illustrated, it means nobody is lookin’ at his face.”  Cute! . Still, she couldn’t let people think that Americans didn’t know their trivia. *blinks* It didn’t help that the questions focused mostly on British pop culture and Lois found herself realising she knew next to nothing about the television, movies and music from the UK. What about that show about the time traveling spy? That episode where he dressed in a leather catsuit was ballers! image to urlsupposedly glamorous life they lived in Metropolis. Rats everywhere. Rats as tall as men. Congested traffic. Aliens. Kidnappings almost daily. Superman had been a fantasy but Clark was the reality and she decided she preferred reality. So, no role playing “the reporting damsel and the mightiest hero?”? Lois knew exactly what she wanted, as she had been thinking about it all day. Belly shots with Clark? “You guys should try these,” Lois said when they delivered hers and she had taken her first bite. She had to stop herself from moaning out loud, but something in her reaction sparked a heated look from Clark which she tried to ignore for now. /recommends Nibbling At by The Little Tornado/ it’s a story about a Clark Bar. “Maybe we should do a story on them after all,” Clark said and Lois noticed he was only half joking. Maybe the bistro on the Daily Planet’s ground floor could start carrying them? Lois’ team let out a collective ‘whoop’ and before Lois knew it, Clark was kissing her. Deeply. Passionately. And without any regard for those around them who were suddenly cheering for an entirely different reason. He’s never gonna convince her now that winning at all costs is a bad idea. She didn’t know what was going to happen once they returned to Metropolis, but here in this place, everything was perfect. Well… See you in the next chapter!  Michael
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Hi Sara! Chapter 10 beside his suitcase, the top of it lifted wide open. In her arms she was holding his suit…the suit. Clark! The maid could have found it! MAID: Oh, those Americans and their games. /puts suit back with two fingers/ She looked over at the suit and then away again. He felt a little bit stunned at her admission. Never in a million years did he think she would be angry at herself for rejecting him. Humiliated, yes, but mad at herself? It’s an unexpected turn of events. And I know we’re here, and we have this beautiful room and this bed, but I don’t know if I’m ready to —” Don’t worry. He tends to run at the first sign of female interest. “I think we should write about the Mars bars…I really liked the Mars bars.”  Very sweet ending! /rushes off to the epilogue/  Michael
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Hi Sara! And now for the… Epilogue In truth, she’d gone with the idea she’d had for a story about Glasgow’s unique character and used the Mars bars as an illustration of both the quirkiness and innovation she’d seen in the city. Page One headline: New deep fried desert discovered in Europe! “I know it seems odd,” Clark argued, “but we both feel it’s a good story.” The Cardiology Society of America will have a coronary. You sure I shouldn’t have you two in the travel section?”  Lois shot Clark a meaningful look and he returned it with a smile that made her heart skip a beat. He’d flown to Glasgow that morning and come back with one.  “On it,” Lois assured him. She and Clark left the office and made it all the way to the elevators, before he took her in his arms and kissed her deeply enough for Lois to feel it all through her body. So much for that secret. “You better have a quote ready for me, farmboy Competing reporter: I swear to you, the number of quotes she gets from Superman, she must be sleeping with the guy. Want: -An exotic location -The Superman costume -Clark using his powers as Clark  This was a great scenic piece you did!  And this concludes our coverage of this year’s Christmas Ficathon!  Michael
Joined: Jul 2020
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Beat Reporter
Beat Reporter
Joined: Jul 2020
Posts: 428 Likes: 43 |
I love this story! It’s fun, entertaining and educational plus I adored your characterizations of Lois and Clark. I liked that Lois didn’t get mad when she discovered that Clark was Superman.
Your descriptions of what Lois and Clark were seeing and doing made me feel like I was there. I’ve never tried fried Mars bars before but now I want to.
Thanks for a terrific fic and for making me smile! I needed this today!
Joined: Oct 2005
Posts: 697 Likes: 9
Joined: Oct 2005
Posts: 697 Likes: 9 |
Hi Sara! And now for the… Epilogue In truth, she’d gone with the idea she’d had for a story about Glasgow’s unique character and used the Mars bars as an illustration of both the quirkiness and innovation she’d seen in the city. Page One headline: New deep fried desert discovered in Europe! “I know it seems odd,” Clark argued, “but we both feel it’s a good story.” The Cardiology Society of America will have a coronary. You sure I shouldn’t have you two in the travel section?”  Lois shot Clark a meaningful look and he returned it with a smile that made her heart skip a beat. He’d flown to Glasgow that morning and come back with one.  “On it,” Lois assured him. She and Clark left the office and made it all the way to the elevators, before he took her in his arms and kissed her deeply enough for Lois to feel it all through her body. So much for that secret. “You better have a quote ready for me, farmboy Competing reporter: I swear to you, the number of quotes she gets from Superman, she must be sleeping with the guy. Want: -An exotic location -The Superman costume -Clark using his powers as Clark  This was a great scenic piece you did!  And this concludes our coverage of this year’s Christmas Ficathon!  Michael I am SO sorry I didn't see all your FDK earlier! But getting caught up on it in one go had me chuckling out loud for quite a while so THANK YOU for taking the time to read this and leave all these comments! It really did make my day!
Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known." -Angel
Joined: Oct 2005
Posts: 697 Likes: 9
Joined: Oct 2005
Posts: 697 Likes: 9 |
I love this story! It’s fun, entertaining and educational plus I adored your characterizations of Lois and Clark. I liked that Lois didn’t get mad when she discovered that Clark was Superman.
Your descriptions of what Lois and Clark were seeing and doing made me feel like I was there. I’ve never tried fried Mars bars before but now I want to.
Thanks for a terrific fic and for making me smile! I needed this today! They really are quite a weird desert. But not quite as weird as Morton's well fired rolls. If I had been able to work those in, I totally would have! Thank you for your comments! I really appreciate them!
Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known." -Angel
Joined: Jul 2020
Posts: 428 Likes: 43
Beat Reporter
Beat Reporter
Joined: Jul 2020
Posts: 428 Likes: 43 |
I love this story! It’s fun, entertaining and educational plus I adored your characterizations of Lois and Clark. I liked that Lois didn’t get mad when she discovered that Clark was Superman.
Your descriptions of what Lois and Clark were seeing and doing made me feel like I was there. I’ve never tried fried Mars bars before but now I want to.
Thanks for a terrific fic and for making me smile! I needed this today! They really are quite a weird desert. But not quite as weird as Morton's well fired rolls. If I had been able to work those in, I totally would have! Thank you for your comments! I really appreciate them! I had to google Morton’s well fired rolls. I think the crispy roll would be more to my taste but I wish you had been able to work them into the fic. You never know, maybe you’ll be able to work them in to another story.
Joined: Apr 2007
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Joined: Apr 2007
Posts: 9,169 Likes: 44 |
Hi Sara, Your story got picked for the February Scanvenger HuntSince I already did a wee bit of FDK before, I’ll stick to the unique stuff. First off, this is the longest story posted in a single part last year. And possibly ever  “Kitchen’s closin’ in a wee minute,” she told them. “Anyone fancy dessert? We have deep fried Mars bars.”
“Deep fried what?” Lois exclaimed, raising an eyebrow in surprise. She’d definitely noticed the Scottish had a penchant for deep frying anything they could, but a Mars bar? Deep-fried Mars bars. This is such a unique thing. And got no calories at all.  Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft ding and she watched through tired eyes as the seatbelt sign turned on and the Captain announced they were beginning their descent into Glasgow airport. The only story set in Glasgow, Scotland this year. “Right then, yer all set,” she said. “Enjoy yer stay wi’ us. The room may shake a wee bit, but it’s no’ but the subway underneath ye. Pay it no mind.”
“Wonderful,” Lois muttered as they ascended the stairs to their room. “Just what we need. A room that shakes.”
“Oh come on, Lois, try to keep an open mind,” Clark said cheerfully. “Think of it like…a bed with a free built in massage.” Lois and Clark share a bed that doesn’t shake because of the occupants but because of the environment.  Michael