Hi Evie!
1. She stood from the bale. “Come on, Farm Boy,” she said offering him her hand. “It’s time we got some sleep.”
This got to be
Falling for a Farm Boy by Female Hark
2. Lois felt herself falling into the kiss. His mouth was warm and firm against hers. Her adrenaline had been fading since Henderson had shown up.
Aaand now we got
another Platinum Star for recognizing the Quiz Mistress’s work!
Undercover Reporter: Resurrection by JadedEvie
3. Okay, this one’s a bit more difficult…
They’d been careful with one another ever since the near miss inside the virtual reality simulation. Both of them were aware that, whenever they touched, things had the possibility of going from a spark to a flame within a matter of seconds, and right now they were playing with fire.
This got to be a hint…
I’ll lock in…
A Conversation Long Overdue by bakasi
4. So, what do you say, Farm-boy? You want to get your first kiss in a few years early with the girl you know you’re going to marry instead of some stuck-up cheerleader?”
Another one right in the bull’s eye. Only…
…um… which of the DNCA stories by Amanda is it? Let’s see…
First Kiss by AmandaK
5. Okay, now things get difficult…
Ooooh, I found it!
You Made You Choice by KSaraSara!
6. Another difficult one

7. Before she could talk herself out of it, Lois took a brush and a small bucket of paint. “Okay, then, let's get started.”
This should be… but isn’t that…
…okay, it’s not Don’t Let Me See You Hurt by bakasi. Instead, it’s…hmm…

And you’d think “painting a room” is a rather specific detail. Alas…
2023 Ficathon: Christmas Lights for KSaraSara by JadedEvie
2023 Ficathon: Wishing You A... for JadedEvie by Queen of the Capes
Thank you for another fun quiz!
