I started pasting favourite bits into a txt document so that I could put them in the review, but I had to give up because I was just gonna be copying the whole thing. UGH it's so good it's making me weirdly aggressive like how dare it be that good how does the magic word person DO this dark sorcery.
All their little banter!
Lois scoffed and swatted his arm. “Oh, you know what I mean. Ow! What are you made of? Steel?” she shook out her hand[...]
Lois’ eyes flew open wide. “What?! That’s not fair! You know three languages?”
“Maybe I’ll just stick with you. You make a pretty decent translator,” Lois teased. She snatched a pastry off the table and took a bite.
Clark laughed. “Maybe you’d better learn Kryptonian.”
The little flirty banter! the little touchesshhaldfjkalsd
But he didn’t think it was as simple as a friendship born of common interests and experiences. What he felt… what he was starting to feel for her was something more. There was a connection between them, something almost tangible. He wanted to explore it more but he also didn’t want to push her. They’d been thrown together in such a bizarre way and it all happened so fast. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
oh, yes please, I can feel it, we're going to get some internal hemming and hawing from both of them here. Him from wanting to not pressure her. Her from .. **waves at Lois' general distrust**. Mwah. Also.. what is wrong with me? Whatever it is, it's
also wrong with a bunch of us because this is definitely a trope I've developed a taste for here.
He walked over to the bedroom door and leaned against the frame before clearing his throat in what he hoped was a casual manner.
how dare all these words be so perfect in painting this picture. Same for:
The smile fell off of Lois’ face. “I thought you were floating to sleep?”
In retrospect, the smile could only have fallen. not wiped, not disappeared, no, it could only fall. I can hear her incredulous questioning voice.
“I’m saying…” she crossed the room to stand just in front of him and placed her hand on his chest. “…that I trust you.”
Clark couldn’t help but smile at her words. He caught her hand in his own. “Thank you, Lois. That means a lot. I trust you too.”
Dead. I am deceased. I experienced too many feelings at once.
It had been awkward at first. There were muttered apologies and fumblings to put space between them. But after about the fifth time it happened, they sort of got used to it. Instead of apologizing, they would offer each other quiet smiles and roll to their respective sides before stretching and yawning and beginning their day.
Had I not already been deceased this definitely would have done the job. I like that you jumped in time and this is a sort of look back at how they got here. I'm glad she did it first because gosh poor Clark would have been mortified. Adorably so, but still.
She certainly wasn’t going to stay at home, pining away for a husband who didn’t love her. They would be friends. That was all. She would not allow herself to become dependent on him – no matter how wonderful he was.
You tell yourself that, Lois. (edit; tho that part is actually spot on. I was thinking more of the these feelings aren't real part, my bad). I find Lois' internal "debate" pretty accurate. I mean her nay-saying internal voice has some solid points, you know, objectively speaking. That voice just doesn't know it's in a OTP fandom, but it still makes sense for it to be there. Even under these circumstances, Lois' drive would be to get active, do her own thing, not be dependent. Not because he's controlling or anything bad, just out of principle.
Also, presumably his studies WILL take up a lot of his time. I wonder what she'll do with herself.
I love all this so much. I wonder what'll happen next. I feel like even having one sort-of 'human' with her, it's still going to be so hard to be away from everything familiar. She can steel her mind and frame it as a trip- a long-term investigation, maybe, a gap year.. but... I imagine at some point it might get to her? The sheer weigh of it, her life, missing Lucy's birthdays and whatnot.. or not, I'm not telling you what to do cos that depends a lot on where you want to take tone of the story. But if so, poor Clark, he'd feel guilty I'm sure. Or would she hide it from him? Will they get to communicate with earth at all?.. idk if they have a subspace equivalent here so it would take.. a really long time..?
in short.. WORDS GOOD, MOAR!