Welcome to the 2025 Kerth Quiz: Original/Supporting Character
SPIFFY DISCLAIMER THINGY!: All the stories featured in this quiz qualify for the Best Original or Supporting Character in a Story, but this quiz is not a stamp of recommendation for nomination. There are more fantastic stories which qualify for this category, but this quiz only covers 7 randomly chosen ones.
(Instructions are blatantly copied/linked from previous Kerth Quizzes.)RECOMMENDATIONS: Don't forget that recommendations for other favorite eligible stories are *very* welcome and encouraged! So don't forget to add these in a section after your guesses!
QUIZ RULES: One point each for getting the story and author from the quote. Plus, shiny gold stars for those who recognize their own stories. Please don't forget to mention which number you're answering. Rule recap: Open hard drive and open boards (+AO3!), *don't* forget to snip out the excerpts in your replies, and don't forget the spoiler tag when you post in the replies thread.
CATEGORY: The show may be called Lois and Clark, but sometimes another character really steals the show. This award honors characters other than Lois or Clark whom an author has taken extra care to make shine. This includes any of the original supporting cast – good or evil – as well as new original characters. Characters are eligible whether they are the star of their own story or a supporting character in Lois and Clark’s story who captures the audience’s heart.
The DEADLINE for entries for this quiz is SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2025, by 11:59 p.m (Eastern Time Zone).
Here’s the full list of
Eligible Stories.
Here are the full quiz instructions:
Countdown to Kerth Quizzes Extended Instructions and Disclaimers.
Please post your answers
Good luck!

EXCERPT #1:Before she could reply, the sound of paw steps were heard, Dax, with head held down came quietly into the room. She stopped abruptly, went first to Lois, thumped her tail against her leg and then walked over to Martha and sat down with a contented, soft woof.
Lois laughed, “That dog knows who is the head of the house!”
“Nonsense! She wants to get near the fireplace. In a few minutes her fur will be hot, and she’ll turn on the other side to toast it. What a sweet doodle.”
“One of Dax’s many nicknames. When she’s in the snow, that dog will jump into a drift and roll around like a young pup. Very much like when Clark drew doodles on a paper when he was doing his homework.” Martha said.
“That must be fun to watch.”
“Oh it is! Sometimes Jonathan tries to keep up with her. What a hoot!”
Jonathan and Clark walked into the living room, he asked, “What hoot?”
“Chasing that dog of yours… and Clark’s.”
From the floor came a low huff and then Dax rolled over so her other side could get warm.
“Dad, I’m so glad you took her in. It would have been difficult for me, especially with the job…”
EXCERPT #2:"Excuse me? Clark Kent?"
Clark jumped and turned around. The man opposite him looked somewhat inconspicuous - but there was something about him...Clark couldn't quite place it. Somehow he didn't seem to fit in. (This impression may have been contributed to by the end of a towel sticking out of the leather bag he was carrying. Well, that really wasn't Clark's issue to worry about.)
"Yes, That's me. Can I help you?"
"Oh yeah, sure, I hope so. Um, the name is Prefect. Ford Prefect."
Clark blinked. "...Like the car?"
"Oh congratulations, people tend not to notice that. Um, well, what can I say, so my research on this may have been a little inaccurate. It happens to the best of us."
"...I do not quite understand...?"
Ford shrugged. "It doesn't matter. Where were we? Ah yes, right, I could use your professional opinion. You see, I'm a colleague of yours, Mr. Kent. As in, a fellow reporter. But I'm working in the travel department."
Ah, Clark thought, that might explain the British accent. "Well, I'm happy to help if I can. I assume you've come to me because you've heard that I've made a few trips to more distant places myself in the last few years?"
For some reason the person he was talking to seemed to be amused. "Well, that's certainly one way to put it."
EXCERPT #3:“No, I’m afraid, you can’t come with me.” Clark scratched Houdini's ear sympathetically, before he focused back on the mirror and straightened his tie. He studied his face and turned to both sides, giving his outward appearance one last thorough check.
Houdini whimpered his protest, lowered his head and trudged out of the bedroom - the entire dog a picture of misery. Clark heaved a sigh. He felt bad for leaving the poor dog all on his own, even if it was just for a few hours. Houdini had been his steadfast companion for years. And yet, Clark was also looking forward to showing Lois his favorite restaurant in Paris. His gaze drifted toward the little box with the engagement ring that was sitting on his nightstand.
To propose or not to propose - that was the question.
Before he had a chance to make up his mind, paws tapped across the floor, accompanied by a strange jangling sound. A moment later Houdini appeared in the doorway, tail wagging and carrying - a leash?
Clark blinked.
Houdini put down the usually offending item before Clark’s feet and looked at him with puppy dog eyes, tail still wagging. He gave a hopeful bark.
Clark knelt beside his dog and ran his hand through his thick fur. “You’re even willing to go on a leash, just so you can come with us? Gosh, this really means a lot to you, huh? I’m so sorry, pal. We both know how much you hate flying. I promise you can come with us next time. But just this once I want to treat her to something really special.”
The dog stopped wagging his tail, his ears drooping. Then Houdini lay down, giving one last, heart-wrenching wail and lowered his head onto his paws.
EXCERPT #4:Jimmy paused, staring at the page. His hand trembled as he thought about what he’d just written. The truth was heavy, but it was also freeing. He took a deep breath and continued.
Both of you give so freely, even when it comes at great risk. I don’t think I’ll ever fully understand how you do it, how you carry the weight of the world and still find time to lift up the people around you. I’m honored to be your friend.
I don’t want you to worry. Your secret is safe with me. I know you’ve both been through so much, and the last thing I want is to add to that burden. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from watching you, it’s that real strength isn’t just about power. It’s about showing up, day after day, for the people who need you.
One day, maybe I’ll tell you that I know. Maybe we’ll laugh about all the times I almost figured it out but didn’t. But for now, I’ll keep this to myself. You deserve that peace.
Thank you for everything, for every rescue, for every piece of advice, for every moment of quiet support. You’ve shown me what it means to be truly heroic, and I’ll never forget it. I’ll always be grateful for both of you. And I’ll always be here, ready to help in any way I can. Even if it’s just making sure you get the first copies of the next front-page story.
Your friend,
Jimmy folded the letter carefully and placed it behind a framed photo of him, Lois, and Clark. It was one of his favorite shots, taken during a rare moment of downtime in the newsroom. The three of them, laughing, caught in a candid moment of joy. He smiled, knowing it was the perfect place to hide the letter.
EXCERPT #5:“Can you hear me?” the voice from the radio asked.
The side of a police car swam into his vision, but now he squeezed his eyes shut. “You're not real.”
“Yes, I am,” said the voice.
He let his eyes open again. A ring of cops and police vehicles had formed around him. A crowd continued shouting outside of it.
A man in a black costume knelt beside him, the only other occupant of the ring as far as he could tell. “Can you get up?”
When he could, the black-clad figure whisked him into the back of the nearest car. The closed door muffled the noise somewhat.
The confusion outside fanned his lingering sense of dread. “Lois… Is Lois okay?
The man…Bruce?...nodded. “She's fine. *I*, however, will be in serious danger if she makes good on her threat to swim over here and tear me limb from limb.” He shifted in his seat and procured a cellphone from one of the many pouches in his belt. “Call her as soon as you're able to.”
He nodded, taking the phone, and let his head fall back against the headrest. Stars still loomed beyond his vision, while something unseen and terrible waited for him. Somehow, he was simultaneously sitting in this car on Earth and also drifting in space, his air gone, his fingers slowly turning blue while he lost the ability to move them… He took a deep breath, trying to dispel the feeling. His words came out in a strangled whisper “Everything went wrong…”
Bruce’s hand came to rest on his shoulder. “You saved lives. As for the aftermath…we'll deal with it together. You're not alone.”
EXCERPT #6:“You know I never could cook like your mother.”
“Which is why I try to make it home as often as possible. Tell me--are you worried that Maisie will discover your post-harvest obsession with The Ivory Tower? I saw the television listing laying out the last time I was home.”
“I’m disowning you. Tomorrow. I’ll make an appointment with Jordan Fredrichs and write you out of my will. ”
“Look, you know you need the company as much as the food. Please make time to take care of yourself.”
A grimace came across the man’s face. “Maisie’ll have me gossiping like an old hen, but I’ll try.”
“Thank you, Father. By the way, have you seen the news? Superman has been having a very good week. I cannot thank you enough for the idea. It was worth the trouble it took to have the costumes made discretely.”
“I’m sure Martha couldn’t have done better. If you had an aura as strong as Clark’s I guess you wouldn’t need to replace them so often but I guess the fewer people who associate you with Clark these days, the better.
“I think I have some good news for you by the way.”
“Son, good news is welcome anytime.”
“There’s a scientist at STAR Labs that thinks he has found a way to drain away Clark’s powers. We’re not sure if it would be permanent or not but if it works it might be enough time treat him—maybe even to find a cure.”
“You’re a good boy, Lex, but you be careful around the Son of Jor-El. As much as I love him, you and I both know how dangerous he can be. So tell me, what have you found?“
EXCERPT #7:A shadow appeared in her doorway, and Kyle Griffin sauntered into her apartment as if stepping into a center stage spotlight.
Lois pushed down the fear that had crept up into her lungs. “Aren’t you supposed to be in jail?” she bit out acerbically.
The man in front of her chuckled. He was wearing a red and green argyle sweater, and she decided she hated the festive version of the Prankster more than his typical persona. It would just figure that someone who was out to get her would be a Christmas enthusiast.
“Well, we were in prison. But you know, it’s not the most festive holiday hideaway. So I got to thinking… What would make this Christmas better than any other Christmas?”
He took the hat off the bad Santa sidekick next to him, toying with the fur pom.
“And as I looked around at the grey cement walls, thin sleeping pallets and barred doors, it came to me.”
He settled the Santa hat jauntily on his own head.
“This year… all I want for Christmas is YOU, Lois Lane.”
She had to force herself not to take a step backward. His words had a manically menacing quality to them, and she worried whether the return to jail had played havoc with his already disturbed mind.
Griffin patted his Santa goon on the shoulder — a little too hard, she noticed, as Santa grimaced at the rough contact – and started to circle her as he spoke.
“So Victor and I hitched a ride on Santa’s sleigh, borrowed a suit, and decided to come wish YOU a merry little Christmas.” He stopped near her tiny tree, leaning toward her and affecting a wide grin. “Merry Christmas, Lois.”
His nearness unsettled her and she fought back against it with a sharp retort. “You’ll be back in that cell so fast that even Rudolph won’t be able to light you a way out of —“
“I SAID, ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS,’ LOIS,” he suddenly shouted, sweeping his arm violently into her scrappy little tree and knocking it to the floor.
She flinched as ornaments shattered and glass scattered across her floor. The timber of his voice and the sound of breaking glassware triggered the childhood trauma of Christmasses past. She pushed it down and refocused on Griffin.
He’d definitely gotten more unhinged after this latest jail stint, brief as it was.
And now he was looking at her expectantly.

Good luck, everyone!
Have a question? Ask it here! Or you can PM any of the K-Com members or reach out on Discord too! You can also send an email to us here: Kcom@kerthawards.com
In order to help you find all things Kerth for this year, we’ve created a TOC for all the
🏆TOC for Kerth Awards 2025 Posts🏆.
The Kerth Committee
(KSaraSara, Michael, lovetvfan, and Evie)