Hi Evie!
Let’s see how spoilery the excerpts will be. /remembers ye olden days where the quote did not contain the original character’s name, only their talking/
1. Okay, this one’s…tricky. It looks like it’s one of the OG stories I *haven’t* read


2. Oooh…!
(This impression may have been contributed to by the end of a towel sticking out of the leather bag he was carrying. Well, that really wasn't Clark's issue to worry about.)
I read the Hitchhiker’s story. Only, I might not have catalogued it.
Oh, no, I did.
That’s Ford Prefect from Travelers by Blind Passenger
(okay, you put the name in there, later on, too

3. Looky there. A story about the famous escape artist, Alexander Houdini!
Good thing there’s only ones story. Well, not *good* good. But it makes it easier

Love, Houdini by Bakasi
4. Jimmy paused, staring at the page. His hand trembled as he thought about what he’d just written. The truth was heavy, but it was also freeing. He took a deep breath and continued.
The one with Jimmy’s letter. I did stumble over it in the previous quiz.
A True Friend by Kathryn84
5. Oh, this one’s another tricky one.
It feels like Batman rescuing Clark. Batman does that in Mary’s stories about a forgetful Superman. Luckily, Superman still remembers that he’s Clark Kent and should not look at women other than Lois Lane or the story would be much more tragic than it already is, what with it being about the actual death of Clark Kent instead of simply the vanishing of Superman.
Okay…let’s see…
Disaster by Queen of the Capes
(This was a difficult one. There’s several stories)
6. Gah, I didn’t read this one.
“You’re a good boy, Lex, but you be careful around the Son of Jor-El. As much as I love him, you and I both know how dangerous he can be. So tell me, what have you found?“
Or have I…?
The only title in my list that matches ‘Lex’ in the character listing and the theme of the excerpt:
Proud of My Son by Shallowford
7. A shadow appeared in her doorway, and Kyle Griffin sauntered into her apartment as if stepping into a center stage spotlight.
/rubs note sheet/ Come on, come on… /rubs sheet some more, watches as sparks fly and sheet catches fire/ See? We got another way to make fire for freezing Lois and Clark in Mary’s World of Snow. /holds burning sheet to Kyle Griffin/ Sorry, I digressed…
Our quiz mistress strikes again!
2023 Ficathon: Christmas Lights for KSaraSara by JadedEvie
Falling for a Farm-Boy by Female Hawk with a marvelous Martha
I’ll Be Home For Christmas by Queen of the Capes with a marvelous Bruce Wayne
2023 Ficathon: Wishing You A... for JadedEvie by Queen of the Capes with a ton of Perry, Cat, and Jimmy action!
