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Toomi8 Offline OP
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Perry kills Lois' latest story about corporate corruption when her whistle-blower source is presumed murdered. Can Lois and Clark find out what's really going on and expose the story?

Favourite scene?
Favourite quote?
Fanfic recommendations?

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MARTHA: I just hate it when he inhales his food.

CLARK: You were almost killed last night.
LOIS: I got out of it. I don’t need any help. (she was rescued by Superman)

CLARK: Lois, it’s past babbling hour. Can you get to the point please.

Plot Bunny:
Lois gets suspended. What if she’s fired and has to take a job at the National Whisper?
Starting in Season 2, Clark uses his phoning in a story as an excuse for being away. What if Lois gets more than a little ticked off?

Clark helps Lois win against a bratty 11 y/o
Martha explains to Lois that Clark isn’t there because he has to phone in the story of Superman stopping the Ferris wheel. Lois is miffed. Starts to be a pattern, Clark supposedly reporting the story while he’s off supering.
Perry uses “Managing Editor”. “Editor in Chief” is probably fanon.
Lois decides she doesn’t need to share her story lead with Clark. Payback for earlier in the episode.
Copier had a broken wire on the circuit board. Just how does that work when there’s no moving parts?
MET STAR headline: Planet Informer Murdered. Reporter Linked.
The Vialogic building is the same one that’s later used for STAR Labs
MINUTE 41:35: Map of Metropolis with subway.
Lois acknowledges that they could one day win a Pulitzer together. (her name will go first)

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.
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Toomi8 Offline OP
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The opening scene with the fair looks like they're at a beach. There's the Hobbs (Hobs?) River that gets mentioned in fanfic (not sure if it's mentioned in the series at all?). Would this beach in theory be on the Atlantic or on one of the Great Lakes?

While Clark is at his place with his parents, Martha makes the comment that she's got to finish making sandwiches, and it's still bright daylight outside, when a bundle of newspapers is dropped off. Was this an afternoon edition? Or is it the following morning and they're having sandwiches for breakfast?

First appearance of Sheldon Bender? (Who has a skullet :P)

Microphones at the press conference include 'LNN', '20RZAL' (?) and something with '99' on it.

Usually reporters are permitted one follow up question during a press conference. Lois is allowed several.

Why doesn't Superman use his heat vision to dry Lois off? Instead he leaves her shivering....

When Clark is back at home with his parents, his hair looks extra fluffy!

When Lois is leaving the Planet and a security guard asks for her press pass, he's holding one heck of a brick for a walkie talkie!

No wonder Lois is so confused over her feelings for Superman. When he helps her up out of the barrel after she's almost drowned, he's got his hands all over her. Later, when Superman stops by her apartment, he's very tender towards her.

Mildly interesting that Jonathan Kent, who was so paranoid that anyone would find out about Clark, slips up and starts trying to stay Clark's name instead of Superman.

At the end, Clark only overhears Lois' side of the conversation when his super hearing would easily pick up the other person too.

Quote: Superman: "I'm not surprised. Clark is a very smart guy." <- I would love to see a fic where Lois knows about Clark's identity and blows up at him for patting himself on the back.

Favourite Scene: When Lois shows up at Clark's apartment and everyone starts fussing. It's a funny and heartwarming scene where Martha and Jonathan get to parent and fuss, while Lois and Clark get to banter off each other.

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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Okay I watched this last night and was left with some questions/plot bunnies.

Plot Bunny #1
AU where Lois is a copy machine repair woman and Clark is her trainee and she teaches him how to install the thermo master connector (not sure why this sounds so filthy but anyway…)

Plot Bunny #2
Martha insists Lois stays for dinner after she shows up with Stewart. Maybe makes Clark go and get some of his clothes for her to wear.

Unanswered questions…general confusion.

When Lois shows up with Stewart after Superman rescues them from almost drowning, Clark seems kinda annoyed by Lois’ arrival and he doesn’t want Stewart staying there because let’s face it the guy is high maintenance. His parents of course welcome Stewart to stay and Martha throws a blanket around Lois who is still soaking wet.

My question…..why didn’t Superman offer to take Lois home after the rescue? Or at least dry her and Stewart off? Was he busting to get home to dinner with his parents? I don’t get it. I guess Lois does say to Superman…”I’ll take care of him. I’ve got an idea.” I guess her idea was to dump him at Clark’s?

But then Clark seems surprised that Lois shows up with Stewart at his place and so do his parents…wouldn’t he have mentioned the rescue to them at least? Are they all acting?

Clark: Hey mom and dad, just act Super surprised if Lois and some geek show up.

Am I missing something? 😀

Anyway, really enjoyed rewatching.

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