Thanks for playing round seven of the Kerth Quizzes, everyone!
Here are the answers for the Dramatic Stories:Twice the Love to Share by Aurore2023 Ficathon: No Small Thing for Blueowl by KSaraSara IBM: All Fallen Down by JavedEvie Breaking Point by Kathryn84 Don't Wanna Say Goodbye by bakasi District K: Injustice by AmandaKMovie Night by Queen of the CapesHere are the recommendations that people made:Don't Wanna Say Goodbye by bakasi
Out Of The Fire by Toomi8
Undercover Reporter: Resurrection by JadedEvie
Six Seconds by AmandaK
2023 Ficathon: Christmas Lights for KSaraSara by JadedEvie
Smart Kids Revisited by AmandaK
Space (Shuttle) Pilot by BlindPassenger
Here are the scores everyone got on this quiz:AmandaK: 6 points + 1 shiny gold star!
Bakasi: 6 points + 1 shiny gold star!
UltraWoman: 6.5 points!
90sTVfangirl: 4 points (2 half points for correct author guesses)!
Michael: 3.51 points (1 half point for Bakasi and .1 points for guessing an authorโs origin!)
Here are the overall scores so far:AmandaK: 45.75 points + 6 shiny gold stars!
UltraWoman: 39.5 points!
Michael: 36.76 points!
Bakasi: 37 points + 7 shiny gold stars!
90sTVfangirl: 23.3 points + 3 shiny gold stars!
BlindPassenger: 16.85 points + 2 shiny gold stars!
QueenoftheCapes: 4.15 + 1 shiny gold star!
AmandaK is still in the lead. But Andreia overtook Michael in a major shake-up! With TWO rounds next week, anything can happen!
The next quiz, Quiz #8 for Micro-Short Stories, will be posted shortly! Head over to get your answers in now!
And thanks again for playing!