Ah, March: that first month of Spring, known for rushing in like a lion and going out like a lamb. Why is it called March, anyway?
This month will have a marching theme. Any fic will qualify if it has either:
1. A Military (Whether it's an entire armada or just one retired vet, it still counts)
2. A Marching Band (Sousaphones optional)
3. Someone being ordered to
"MARCH!"We're also going to start in Free-For-All mode this month, which means
You Can Tag as Many Fics As You Want.Just Remember that
You Must Leave an FDK Post for Each Fic You Tag. Include a quote proving it qualifies, and come back here to post the links to your FDK so we know you didn't just dream the whole thing.
You Can Tag a fic that someone else has tagged...but doing so will give you less points. If you're the first one to mention it, you get the full point. Next one who tags it only gets half a point. Next is a third of a point and so on. Please don't make me break out a calculator.
Aight, that's it. Happy Hunting!