Thanks for playing the Kerth Quizzes this year, everyone!
Here are the answers for the Double Fudge Crunch Round:1.)
Fireworks by AmandaK2.)
Advent Calendar for folcs by Kathryn843.)
Out Of The Fire by Toomi84.)
Inside An Irresponsible Mind by bakasi5.)
Christmas Lights Epilogue by JadedEvie6.)
Walking in a Winter Wonderland by Queen of the Capes 7.)
Lois and The Spaceship by 90stvfangirlHere are the recommendations that people made:2023 Ficathon: Wishing You A... for JadedEvie by Queen of the Capes
I Will Always Love You by AmandaK
Here are the scores everyone got on the DOUBLE FUDGE CRUNCH ROUND (where points are doubled!):Bakasi: 14 points + 1 shiny gold star!
90sTVfangirl: 12 points + 1 shiny gold star!
AmandaK: 10 points + 1 shiny gold star!
UltraWoman: 12 points!
Michael: 8 points!
Here are the FINAL overall scores:AmandaK: 63.75 points + 7 shiny gold stars!
UltraWoman: 58.5 points!
Bakasi: 57 points + 9 shiny gold stars!
Michael: 51.76 points!
90sTVfangirl: 40.3 points + 5 shiny gold stars!
BlindPassenger: 16.85 points + 2 shiny gold stars!
QueenoftheCapes: 4.15 + 1 shiny gold star!
This is her second year in a row to win - sheโs a super reader!
This year, weโve also got some honorable mention awards!๐ Superman Award - first one on the scene, and most likely to get the scoop (and guesses) early: 90stvfangirl
๐ Lois Lane Award - a prodigious writing output, and winner of the most shiny gold stars for finding their own stories on the quiz: Bakasi
๐ Jimmy Olsen Award - most loved comedy, and most entertaining to read their answers: Michael
๐ Cat Grant Award - showed up for exactly one season and rocked it: QueenoftheCapes
Thanks to everyone who played along this year. It was a contest all the way to the end.

And an extra special thanks to all of this year's authors for continuing to provide us stories from the Lois and Clark universe. It was so exciting to see all those gold stars!

Now it's up to you, dear readers, to consider all of this year's stories and pull together your list of nominees for the 2024 Kerth Awards. Feel free to use the
Eligible Stories List to help pick your nominations and votes! I hope these quizzes have helped to remind us all of some of the excellent fanfiction we've read this year.

See you next year!