Hi 90stvfangirl!

“Sorry Mr. Kent, but rules are rules.”
“You won’t even know he is here. He’s house trained and super quiet and well mannered and–”
He only gets excited when he sees a blonde. It’s part of the Kryptonian genetic makeup.
“Ooof!” Mrs. Cutler, his landlord, almost fell backwards as Krypto launched himself at her, excitedly pawing at her midsection, tail flapping madly and tongue licking at her hands.
That’s not good.
we’ll have roosters and ferrets running around the courtyard.”
Yes. And those lovely gentlemen from 4C, they say they would like to being their two pet tigers to live with them.
Clark sighed. “What am I going to do with him?”
“He can’t stay here.” Lois folded her arms across

Lois frowned. “That was…years ago. They’ve changed the policy since then. I’m sure of it.”
Yes, they no longer allow free ranging animals or cooking in the building. It even says so in the lease agreement.
Her eyes grew big. “We’re getting a house and a yard?”

Yes, to go with the 2.4 kids.

Yes, but he likes to chase Cat.
“Uh, yeah. Sure.”
“Clark… ”
“Uh, you know what, I think I hear sirens…uh, gotta go. Goodnight Lois! Be good Krypto! Bye!”
Oh boy. Does that mean he digs holes in the floorboards to do his business?
A.N. Lois had a cat in the comic books at some point, so I stole that bit from there.
She also had a Cat in some of the stories over here.
Woof! Woof woof.
