Not sure if this follows the rules of the Walk the Dog Challenge but it follows on from my previous Krypto fic
Rules are rules.
Not much, just happy I broke my writer's drought.

The dog whined from his spot on the floor, gazing up at Lois with those irresistible puppy-dog eyes that strangely reminded her of the way Clark looked at her.
Fluffing her pillows and tucking her comforter around herself, Lois settled into her own bed. She glanced down at the super mutt, who gave another small whine and wagged his tail at her hopefully.
“You can’t sleep with me,” Lois said, settling against the pillows. “I’m not having a dog in my bed.”
The dog sighed and laid his head back down on the ridiculously overpriced fluffy dog bed Lois had purchased for him that afternoon.
“Goodnight, Krypto.” Lois flicked off the lamp and lay down under the covers.
Krypto whimpered in the dark.
Lois shifted and rolled over, determined to ignore the cries of her houseguest.
His whines intensified over the next ten minutes, and Lois groaned in defeat. She couldn’t let the poor dog suffer, could she? He probably missed Clark.
“All right!” she relented, sitting up and switching on the lamp.
Krypto leapt to his feet and let out a soft, joyful
“woof.” He bounded toward the bed and skidded to a halt. His bottom hit the floor, and he sat up straight, doing his best
'goodest of boys' impression.
Lois reached over to stroke his chin. “Okay, look, this is just for tonight, okay? Just until you settle in.”
Krypto needed no further invitation. He leaped onto the bed and curled up beside Lois, gazing up at her with adoring eyes.
Lois’ heart melted. “I guess you are pretty cute,” she admitted with a smile. She flicked the lamp off again and settled back into bed. Krypto shifted beside her, snuggling closer.
Lois stroked his soft fur as Krypto began to snore. “This is just until Clark and I are married, you understand, right?”
Comments below if you wish.