Hi Barbara!
Eight red roses. Was it too much? Not enough? He wasn’t sure.
LOIS: Flowers instead of chocolate?
CLARK: Uuuhhhh…
He wouldn’t let Superman get in the way tonight unless there was a natural disaster the size of an asteroid heading their way.
It has happened before. It will happen again.
Clark’s mouth ran dry and with difficulty he dragged his gaze back up to her chocolate brown eyes. He could get lost in those, too.
He could gift Lois a photo print shirt, one with her face pasted over the front.
CLARK: Fiancée. Wedding in a couple of weeks. Vvvvvvery patient.
He swallowed hard. “Does there have to be an occasion?”
“Nope.” Her smile broadened, making his knees weak.
They are adorable together

the rest of the time Superman duty had interfered.
Yes, but during those times, wouldn’t Superman rescuing and carrying Lois also count?
Reluctantly, he pulled back and looked at her. “I was thinking… would you like to spend the night in?
Not too patient tonight, are we?
Or would you rather go somewhere?
Like the honeymoon suite?
He let out a breath and sighed. “I know. But Superman will have the night off, so unless you have anything else you need to do, I would love to spend some time with you.”
/Runs this through Martian filter/ professional care giving? /Runs this through Kryptonian filter/ oh! /Heads over yonder/
“I’ve been thinking about our honeymoon…”
Clark’s heart beat faster. “There’s a nice thought.”
She pulled him towards the table and spread out some of the prospects she’d been studying.
Love Fortress February 14th Edition?
“With all the money we can save on airfare, we can stay just about anywhere we want.”
Back home in Clark’s bedroom?
He looked at the pictures of beaches, cities, mountains and sights scattered across the table – the Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal, the Pyramids.
Visiting Claude, Asabi, and…
, he desperately wanted to share the world with her.
Let’s hope he does it the Bruce Wayne way and not the Selina Kyle way.
He’d vowed to himself to spend the evening talking to her, much as he’d rather shower her face with heedy kisses.
They could compromise by sharing heady kisses in her shower?
His mind pulled up images of Lois’ in a bikini, her usually pale skin a soft bronze.
Next, since it’s a private beach, we remove said bikini…
Also, this reminds me of the Love and Capes honeymoon.
https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Love-and-Capes/Issue-13?id=86149#3https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Love-and-Capes/Issue-13?id=86149#4His thoughts wandered to all the things he’d loved to do on that beach, her body under his as the waves splashed around them.
The wet sand getting into every nook and cranny…

But she stiffened and pulled back. “That is, if you like soft beds.”

now we’re back to scaredy cat Lois
They have other kinds: big ones, small ones, fluffy ones, hard ones, ones with a little curve. It’s just a matter of choice.”
Clark’s not picky. So long as there’s a Lois in the bed, he’s happy.
Clark wasn’t sure what had happened that suddenly had her so on edge.
Her eyes widened. “What if it’s not? What if you expect one type of bed, and you get a completely different kind? What if it’s not the bed you wanted or expected at all? What if you’re horribly disappointed?”
“It’s possible, isn’t it?” The blush on her cheeks adopted an even deeper shade of red. “I mean, you did say that you had all the parts of a man, didn’t you?”
Yes, he … ummm… he does have a collection.
Her gaze drifted across his body, coming to rest on his lap as if she was trying to see right through his pants to inspect his more private parts and find out for herself. Then, upon realizing what she was doing, she abruptly looked up again, winced and averted her eyes.
What she gets for not looking while she was ultra.
“I never found a difference between me and… uh…other men… in that regard.”
Locker rooms

Except maybe one. And it’s not even a fear, it’s just… a concern.”
Yes, how can a single Earth woman please Superman?
Clark closed his eyes. Skittish probably wasn’t the right word for it.
/Points at Exhibit A, now buried in several parts after their relationship bombed/ I would say ‘skittish’ works.
The men I’ve been with, they’ve all ended up disappointed.”
And then when word started to get around, the next guy actually jumped off a balcony rather than sleep with her.
Clark reached out and cupped her cheek, using his thumb to wipe away a tear. “Are you worried that I could compare you to my previous experiences and find you lacking?”
I wonder, did they ever clear up the pheromone incident? Clark was preeetty adamant on not being attracted to her.

She pressed her lips together and nodded.
I’m seeing her sitting there wide-eyed, lips pressed together, head bobbing up and down fast.
“That’s not going to happen, Lois. You see, that intimacy threshold you’re so worried about – well, I have never actually crossed it.”
Like that’s not going to scare her, too.
She said nothing. When he raised his head to see how she was taking the news, she was still patiently waiting for him to continue. Which was odd in itself. Maybe he’d finally succeeded at stunning her speechless. Though, at the moment, that didn’t at all feel like a victory to him.

He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, praying that she wouldn’t ask him what the stepping right up he had mentioned had entailed.
LOIS: Maybe a diagram…?
In her presence, he was always scared witless.
“Do you know that I love you, Clark Kent?”
Yeah, he did. And he loved her too, more than words could express.
So he just sealed her lips with a long, fierce kiss.
Lot’s of WAFF!
