*blushes...* aww you guys are much too nice to me.
It makes me angry that Lois had to hear that from her father, but it's almost as bad that Clark had to hear it. Listening to awful words like that about someone you love can hurt almost as much as hearing them about yourself.
I agree, wholeheartedly.
Thanks! And I've written this story completely before I posted it and now I'm rather regretting the decision. It's nice to hear feedback and suggestions on what to do and how the characters might act. Thanks for the comment.
I didn't much like him either. :rolleyes:
*blushes* thanks for correcting my error. I think I've gone through my whole life spelling it that way and my past English teachers haven't ever caught it. And I agree, crying is a nice stressbuster. And part 6 should be posted tomorrow. I figure nobody will be on to read it if I post it today (Superbowl Sunday and all)
Never fear, new post tomorrow.
Thanks for the review!