Ok, here is the next part. Let me know what you think.
Lois sat on the exam table wearing a paper gown and nervously swinging her foot back and forth. Clark stood beside her, ever the supportive partner. They had been ushered into a typical exam room where Lois had been instructed to change into the gown and sit on the table. Clark had tried to excuse himself when the nurse had started to the initial exam, but Lois wouldn't let him leave.
“Good morning, Lois,” Dr. Kate McKay said as she walked into the exam room, “I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“I’m sorry, Kate, you know how it is with my job. This is my boyfriend Clark Kent,” Lois said pointing to Clark.
“Hi, Clark, it’s nice to meet you. I’m glad you and Lois finally decided to get together. You were all she could talk about sometimes.”
“It’s nice to meet you, too. Lois has told me a lot about you.” Clark responded.
“So, Lois, I see you think you may be pregnant. Lay back and let’s take a look.” Kate said with a smile.
“Yes, that’s right, but there is no way I could be pregnant. Clark and I haven’t slept together, yet. We’re taking it slow.” Lois responded as she lay back on the table.
“Alright, Lois, I am just going to do a quick exam and then I will do an ultrasound, just to be sure. We’ll talk about the rest after I see if you are pregnant or not. Sometimes the home pregnancy tests produce a false positive, so I’ll just take a look and go from there.” Kate said.
“I’ll just be waiting for you outside, Lois,” Clark said as he started to walk towards the door.
“Wait,” Lois said as she grabbed his hand, “Please stay here?”
“Alright, if you want me to, I’ll stay,” Clark said with a smile.
“I do,” Lois said quietly.
Clark walked to the head of the exam table to give Lois some privacy as Kate started to do a cursory exam. The physical exam took less than five minutes and Lois was glad when it was over. After Kate had finished she told Lois she would return with an ultrasound machine.
Five minutes later, Kate and nurse wheeled a TV monitor into the room and the nurse started to fiddle with the controls. Lois and Clark just watched in silence, not really sure of what was going on.
“Alright, Lois, you’re going to feel a slight pressure, right there. There we go,” Kate said as a gray and white image appeared on the screen. “See that round spot right there? That is the baby. It looks like you are about seven weeks pregnant. The lab-work will give us an exact date of conception.”
Kate finished up with the ultrasound, making sure to get a picture for Lois and Clark and then told Lois to get dressed.
“I’m going to send the nurse in to draw some blood and then I want you to meet me in my office so we can talk.”
After leaving the exam room, Clark and Lois walked hand in hand down the hall to Kate’s office.
“Come in, please,” Kate said when Lois and Clark knocked on the door, “Please sit down. I thought it would be best if we talked in here. Lois you are indeed seven weeks pregnant but you say there is no way that could be possible?” Kate asked.
“That’s right, Kate, I just don’t see how it could have happened.” Lois said as she broke down into tears again. Clark just held her as she cried and waited for the doctor to tell them how this was possible.
“Lois is there any chance you and Clark might have had too many drinks and not remembered that you slept together, any chance at all?”
“No, of course not, Clark can’t….I mean Clark doesn’t drink,” Lois said trying to come up with a way to explain that Clark would not be drunk.
“I see. Well, have you been out to any bars, maybe had too much to drink there?”
“Yes, Lucy made me go out with her about two months ago. I didn’t think I drank so much but Lucy called Clark to come and help her take me home. I don’t remember the night at all.” Lois said, as the realization dawned on her.
“That’s what I was afraid of, where exactly did you and Lucy go?”
“The Metropolis Regent hotel, their bar was supposed to be really nice and they had those bartenders like in the movie Cocktail. Why?”
“There has been someone who has been slipping some sort of date rape drug into women’s drinks there and then waiting for the women to go somewhere private. The cops are trying to catch him, but it’s hard to do with so many people in the bar. The only reason we know this has been happening is that I and several of my colleagues have had women come in with the same exact problem. We were able to conclude that each woman had been to the hotel bar right around the time they had gotten pregnant.”
“Wait, you’re saying that I was raped? How can that be possible? Wouldn’t I feel sore or at least feel something after something like that? I mean it has been a while.”
“You do remember from sex ed that it is possible to get pregnant without penetration, right? We believe that this guy is not going as far as to physically rape the women but he is sexually assaulting them and leaving something behind in at least some cases. Do you have any other questions?”
Lois glanced at Clark who shook his head and then said, “No I guess not.”
“This is a lot to take in, Lois, I want you to think about it and then get back to me. Let me know what you want to do about the pregnancy.”
“I will not get an abortion, Kate. I know that much.” Lois stated emphatically.
“Okay, I will write you a prescription for pre-natal vitamins. Are you experiencing any nausea?”
“Yes, for the past week I have been so nauseated at night that I can’t sleep. I’ve only been able to sleep for a few hours each night.” Lois answered.
“In that case I will also write you a prescription for an anti-nausea medicine. Call me if you have any problems, Lois. Don’t forget, I’m not just your doctor, I’m your friend too and I’m concerned about you, okay?” Kate asked with concern.
“Alright, Kate, thank you so much. I’ll make an appointment with the desk on my way out.” Lois said as she got up and followed Clark out of the office.
Clark had been silent throughout Lois’ exchange with the Kate, although his heart was breaking for her. He followed her out to the lobby and waited patiently while the nurse was telling Lois about her pre-natal vitamins and going over some pamphlets about pregnancy. After she was done, Clark followed her silently out to car and drove her home. He had called Perry before going to the doctor’s to tell him they wouldn’t be in today, so he thought they could go back to Lois’ and talk. The drive to Lois’ was quiet and Clark didn’t want to pressure her, so he was quiet. When they arrived at Lois’ apartment, Clark followed her up and simply waited for her to talk.
“Clark, what am I going to do? I can't raise a baby by myself. I wouldn’t even trust myself with a baby, how am I going to be a mother?” Lois cried.
“Lois, you are not alone. You have Perry, Jimmy, your parents….me. I’m not going anywhere Lois and I will help you as much as you let me.” Clark responded.
“Clark, you don’t have to stick around. I’ll understand if you want to break up. I mean why would you want to be with a woman who is carrying someone else’s child?” Lois knew she was being irrational, but some part of her wanted to test Clark to see if he would stick around.
Clark walked over to Lois and put his hands on her shoulders, “Lois, I am not going anywhere. If you will let me, I will gladly raise this baby as my own. I don’t care if he or she is not my biological child; I won’t love him or her any less. I want to marry you and be a family, I love you, Lois.”
“Clark, you don’t have to marry me just because I’m pregnant. I won’t trap you like that. I don’t want to end up like my mother.” Lois said as she tried to walk away.
“Lois, you are not trapping me. I love you and I was already going to propose tonight,” Clark said as he reached into his pocket to pull out the ring box. Lois gasped as he knelt down right there and held it out to her. “Lois, I fell in love with you the moment you barged into my interview. I want to grow old with you. I want to be the first person you see in the morning and the last person you talk to at night. I want to raise this baby together and I want to have more if you are willing. Will you marry me, Lois?”
“Oh, Clark, of course I will marry you!” Lois exclaimed as she threw her arms around Clark and kissed him. After they separated, Clark took the ring out of the box and placed it on Lois’ finger. “Clark, it's beautiful, thank you. I can't believe I ever doubted you. Are you sure you don’t mind if everyone thinks the baby is yours?”
“Lois,” Clark said as he picked her up and carried her to the couch so they could talk. “I really don’t care, in fact I already love this baby and I’m not even sure I can have kids. So if this baby is the only child we can have, I couldn’t be happier. But if we have more kids, I won’t love this one any less, in my mind they will all be my children.”
“Clark, you always know exactly what to say, thank you.” Lois said as she looked down at her ring. “This ring is beautiful, where did you get it?”
“It was my Grandma Kent’s, she gave it to me before she died to give to the woman I would marry. She was the only other person who knew about my special powers. I had confessed to her once that I didn’t think I would ever fall in love and she told me that that just wasn’t possible.” Clark said as he held Lois’ hand.
“Thank you, Clark, this means a lot. Grandma Kent sounds like a wonderful lady, I would have loved to meet her.”
“She would have loved you Lois. I’m glad she was right that I would meet someone to love.”
“She sounds like a smart lady.” Lois said as she settled back into his arms.
“Why don’t you go try to take a nap, it sounds like you didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“Okay, but only if you come with me, I want you to hold me while we sleep.”
Clark agreed and they walked back to the bedroom. They both promptly fell asleep and did not awaken for many hours. Clark woke up a couple of hours later and decided to go get food for them. After leaving a note he flew out the window towards Italy. When he returned a few minutes later he found Lois in the kitchen pulling out plates for their dinner.
“So when do you want to tell everyone,” Clark said after they had sat down and started eating.
“I was thinking we could fly out to Smallville and tell your parents tomorrow if that’s okay and I decided we would tell your parents and Jimmy and Perry the truth.”
“That sounds fine, and I don’t mind telling them the truth if it's alright with you. Do you want to tell your parents, too?”
“No, they wouldn’t understand. We’ll just tell them when we tell the rest of our friends, I’ve read somewhere that couples wait until the first trimester is over to start telling people. I think that would be best.”
“Sure, sounds fine to me. When do you want to announce the engagement?”
“Tomorrow at work, I don’t want to hide that and I would like to get married before the baby comes, too.”
“Great, we can start planning the wedding tomorrow. How about we watch a movie now,” Clark suggested.
Lois agreed and they settled down to watch the movie. It was about a half an hour later when Lois said, “Clark, I want to catch this guy. Lets go undercover to catch him.”
Ok, the traumatic event I was referring to is the fact that Lois was raped. Also, the idea I had from Strong Medicine is the same way Lois got pregnant. Basically a virgin girl came into the office for a check-up and turned out pregnant. They figured out that someone was using a date-rape drug at a certain hotel.
Also, I know Metropolis Regent hotel has been referenced before so just so you know, I didn't come up with, someone else did.