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#45164 08/05/07 03:09 PM
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clap clap Delightful
Ha! She could read him like a book, that was for sure.
She couldn’t wait until they could just work together, though, without all of this nonsense.
Hmm, but you are going to make her wait quite some time more, you want Clark back to 100% before he learns that Lois knows. So you going to make us all and wait

wait wildguy and wait wildguy and wait wildguy and wait wildguy

#45165 08/05/07 04:06 PM
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I'm glad to see this story back to life but you're killing me with this long drawn out pre revelation. It's been great but please, please...

Anxiously waiting for the next chapter...


I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.
#45166 08/05/07 04:34 PM
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I enjoyed the banter between Lois and Clark in this chapter. Lois is finally seeing Clark for the wonderful "man" he is, and treating him more like a friend finally. The musings before the revelation takes place is simply sweet! Clark's reaction to the information found out in last weeks chapter about the little girl was understated and perfect. I'm sure you'll delve into that part of the story later.

You have me hooked until the end!!!! Keep up the great work!

G. Kuhn
#45167 08/06/07 06:42 AM
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Hmmm, I sure owe you some FDK by now, don't I, Smirky? wink

(Although, I must tell you that my fountain of FDK will soon be replaced by a trickle. School starts again very soon, and add to that that I'm having more and more problems with my eyes... It's sad, but it's true.)

If they had only asked him. If they had asked him—surely he would have been willing to let them use him to save the life of a little girl.

He was willing to face pain, torture, even death to protect even one, frightened little girl.

Was he willing to face pain, torture, even death to protect even one, frightened little girl?

That answer was obvious: an unconditional “yes.”
This is so stark and merciless. Is Clark actually obliged to offer his life to save another person? I can't believe that. I love how you write two sentences that mirror each other perfectly, except that one is a confident statement, while the other, which follows after the first, is a question.

He never had a hesitation about throwing his life on the line to save an innocent life out on the streets. Why would this be all that different?

If there was something in him that could heal such terrible diseases just like this . . . If he was truly so willing to help, he should find another doctor, let them use whatever that was to find cures for so many of mankind's ailments . . . .

The very thought made him very glad that he wasn't driving, because all he could do was close his eyes and clench his hands. He couldn't grip anything—his fingers were tight enough to bend steel as they formed fists on his lap.
Yes, Clark... if you truly believe that you are obliged to sacrificie your own body so that scientists can turn it into medicin, then there is a host of possible doctors that you could see right now. But you can't do that. No one could ever be asked to do that. Remember what 1 Cor. 13:3-4 says (I'm quoting my own Bible here):

If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
No, we are not asked to hand over our bodies to others. Our bodies are our own.

What was she thinking? About Superman, and about how he would take this news? Was she even going to tell him?

She wouldn't get the chance. Clark was going to tell her first.

There was a moment of silence.


“What's the address for that, Clark?”

No. Not yet. Perhaps at lunch. Maybe get her to take a walk with him to some secluded spot so she could scream and rage without drawing too much attention . . . .
But, hmmmm... I just wrote a comment on a beautiful new vignette by Dave, which many thought was extremely negative - my review, that is - but which I didn't think of that way at all. Anyway, Dave's fic deals with the fallout of the fact that in his vignette, Clark has actually never worked up the courage to tell Lois that he is Superman, even though he is married to her as Clark Kent. I'm beginning to wonder if your fic is going to turn into an at least slightly similar story, so that Clark and Lois in your story will be completely unable to tell each other what they know about Clark and Superman.

“We need to be quick,” Lois said. “I wouldn't be surprised if Lex has instructions to call him if we show up.” Or maybe he'd been watching them all along. In that case they had to be extra careful. Especially Clark.

Half of her loathed the idea of dragging him into such a place, but she had no good reason to keep Clark Kent out, and if Superman knew her reasonings then there would be no way to keep him from her side—that she knew. Taking a deep breath, she started inside with a bold step, making sure Clark came right at her side.
Ah gaaaahh!!! Lois knows that Clark really shouldn't visit this place because it is dangerous for him since he is Superman, but of course she can't argue with him since she can't tell him that she knows that he is Superman... frown

“What is your clearance, Mr. and Mrs. . . . ?”

“Kent,” Clark finished. Then he stuttered. “C-clark Kent, I mean. And this is L-lois. Lane.” He sent a flustered look at Lois, and was surprised to find her looking more amused than not. She didn't catch his eye.
Is it really wise that Clark tells that woman his and Lois's real names?

“Miss Lane? Lois Lane? My, now, isn't it great to see you!” A thin man with wild grey hair and a thick grey beard had come around the corner, and had called out from behind his clipboard, which he had paused in the middle of turning a page. Now that he had seen them, he lowered the notes and stepped forward at a brisk pace.

“Never mind, Emily. These two are with me.”

“But Professor . . . . ”

“No, not, "But Professor.' I've been waiting all afternoon for these two to show up.” He took Lois by the arm and steered her down the hall, leaving Clark to follow. “Why didn't you show up at the time of your appointment?”

Lois stared at him, momentarily without words. “Dr. Hamilton—”

“Shh!” the bearded man shushed her as they turned the corner, not slowing his step. There was a gleam in his eye, and a slight shimmer of sweat on his wrinkled brow. “Not here.”
Ah! Professor Hamilton to the rescue, I hope.

“Who's this?”

Clark blinked, pulling his hands from his pockets as if he were a kid caught stealing a stick of gum from a friend's backpack.

“C-Clark Kent, Professor.”

“My partner,” Lois explained. Hamilton's frown didn't disappear, but only increased.

“Have we met before?”

Lois paused, blinked. She remembered Clark saying he knew the doctor, and that he worked at Metro Physics. But Hamilton didn't recognize him, or at least his name.

Oh, goodness. Clark had never been to see the professor, but Lois was willing to bet that his primary-garbed counterpart had.
Gaaahhh! Yes, Professor, you have met him! (And that primary-garbed counterpart was really funny...)

She cleared her throat. “He just has one of those faces,” she said quickly. Clark shot her a puzzled look.
Lois Lane to the rescue! goofy Figure that one out, Clark Kent!

“They must have changed the lock,” he declared. “Sorry, I—”

Lois didn't wait. Every moment in these white walls was increasing her feeling of unease. She reached for her picklocks and credit card—taking both in hand.

Lois couldn't help but smile a bit triumphantly when, less than a minute later, the door swung open.

“Find anything?” Lois asked, pushing the emotions along with the gabbling voices in her head to the back of her mind.

Fumbling suddenly, Clark readjusted his glasses and faced her.

“N-nothing,” he said.

Initial disappointment from his answer stopped as Lois noticed him fidgeting and still looking at a place against the far blank wall, which was devoid of any visible thing of interest.

“Oh,” Lois said, glancing at him to the wall and back. “Well, I'll go peek out to make sure our way is clear, and we can leave.”

She deliberately turned her back and walked towards the closed door. She could feel Clark's eyes on her back as she opened the door, poked her head out, and then actually stepped completely out.

She kept the door open but a sliver behind her, her hand on the doorknob.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven . . . .



Lois stepped back inside the room to see Clark standing there, a sheath of papers in his hands. Behind him a small panel that had been invisible to her eye had opened, but was now empty.

Ha! She could read him like a book, that was for sure.
Sorry about the long quote, but I just love this. Lois realizes that Clark has found something, but he needs to use his superpowers to get it, and he can't do it while she is watching him, because he hasn't told her that he is Superman. So she will have to duck out for a moment and let him get the stuff in peace. (But they really should come clean with each other very soon!)

She couldn't wait until they could just work together, though, without all of this nonsense.
Glad you agree with me, Lois!

“How did you find that?” Lois asked the expected question perfunctorily, trying to appear surprised.

“Well, L-lois, I—uh—”

Lois used her famed impatience for her partner to save him from having to stumble awkwardly over a lousy, made-up story.

Some other time she might consider it fair consequence for his long-time reluctance to tell her, but right now she just wanted to get out of here.

“Never mind. What is it?” she interrupted him.
Gotta love Lois here.

Besides, she didn't like to see Kal-El lie to her. Even if he meant it for the best, it was too painful for her—and she thought she could see it was painful for him, too.

He opened his mouth, but she overrode him again. “No, wait. Never mind again. Let's just go. We can read them in the car, okay?”

They'd spent enough time here.
And here, too.

“Cats,” Clark said grimly as Lois pulled her jeep out of the parking lot. They didn't want to stay close to anything Luthor longer then they absolutely had to.

“What?” Lois asked.

“He was experimenting on cats.
That's so cruel. I love cats.

Clark bowed his head and rubbed his temples as if he had a headache.

“What is it?” Lois said, immediately concerned.

“Huh?” Clark looked up at her. “Oh, nothing. I . . . something's just itching at the back of my mind. I'm just trying to remember what—”
I'm worried, too. He's just trying to remember?

She knew Superman was all right. She was Superman's partner, for crying out loud. He was going to be okay, the investigation on Luthor was finally making some headway, and come this evening all the cards were going to be on the table between herself and Kal-Super-Clark-El Krypt-ville Kentman.
I just love this paragraph! clap

“Y-you need to be more careful, Lois,” he said.

“What?” Lois took a sharp left turn.

“Driving,” Clark said with a hint of a smile in his voice despite his concern—she figured she would have missed it if she hadn't heard Kal-El's inflection in the tone. “You're not Superman, you know.”

Oh, ho! You think you're so clever, mister.

How often had he made such horrible jokes without her being able to notice the irony of it all?

“But apparently you think you are,” Lois replied calmly.
Oh wow! Yes! How about a bit of revelation here...

“W-why do you say that, Lois?”

“Goodness, Clark. Have you ever looked at yourself? When was the last time you took a break? You're either out busting bad guys with me, saving cats and little kids from trees, or helping old ladies across the street. No doubt the whole time you were in Smallville you were helping your mom with the farm or anything else you could possibly think of. There isn't a more selfless, honest, determined-to-do-good boy scout in the world—and that includes Superman. Trust me, I know.”
Well, not exactly what I wanted her to say, but good anyway.

“T-thanks, Lois.” He said it softly, sincerely, and Lois felt her heart ache as she realized how much the simple, teasing words really meant to him.

“How are you doing, Clark?”


Lois didn't meet his gaze—keeping her eyes on the steps as she moved upwards. It was beginning to hit her how utterly unfeeling she really had been towards Clark Kent—and it didn't matter that it turned out that he was Superman. Her actions towards him had been completely uncaring and made her stutter with shame as she remembered. “W-well, you know. It's been a hard couple weeks for you. First, with Bureau 39, then with your dad. . . You haven't had a break.”

Clark stared at her, his dark eyes reflecting a flash of pain at memories, a moment of confusion, and then his brow furrowed and concern took it's place.

“I-I'm fine,” he said. “A-are you okay? You . . .you're . . . well . . . .”

Acting kind of funny.
That's sad. Lois is asking him how he's doing, and he is reacting as if there was something wrong with her. Of course, this is not the kind of question she used to ask him before.

“Would you like some coffee, Lois? I could make some up really quick, if you like.”

How fast could Superman make up a batch of coffee, Lois wondered.

“No. Let's just look over this and see if there's anything of use. If we can cover enough bases tonight I . . . well, I kind of fixed us a picnic. I thought we could go to the park for lunch or something.” Clark stared at her as if she had gone full-on insane and she spoke quickly. “Well, I put everything in the cooler, anyway. The lemonade is from the store and the sandwiches were ready-made, but it's the thought that counts, isn't it?” she finished defensively. She put her hands on her hips, flustered. “Where are these notes of yours?”
Delightful, Rachel! Delightful!

“Sit here, Clark,” Lois said, scooting over a bit to make more room. “You can't see the papers from way over there.”

And that was the reason. Really.


Well, she supposed he could have seen the papers from over there. He could probably even read them—through the paper and all. Or was it even possible to read letters printed on paper you were scanning through?

“Thanks,” Clark said, sitting next to her. His leg brushed hers and he apologized and moved further over. Lois wanted to tell him that she didn't mind, but decided that would give raise to his suspicions far too much.

Well, this isn't awkward at all, Lois thought dryly.
Oh, giggle-groan!

“We can do that later,” she said. “I'm starving. Are you hungry?”

Clark shrugged, the sunlight from the window resting on his head. “Sure.”
She is hungry for food, and he is hungry for the sun! laugh

This was it. If everything went according to plan and Clark took the opportunity she was presenting him then in a matter of minutes it would all be out in the open. How would he tell her? What would he say, exactly? What would shesay? And once it was all out in the open, what would they do?
Will he tell her? I sure hope so.

And then it hit her. It hit her so hard she almost staggered, yet at the same time some corner of her mind laughed at the thought that she hadn't really recognized it until then.

It was so simple. Stupid, foolhearty, clutzy-farmboy and all . . . She loved him.

She loved Clark Kent.
All right!!!!

And now, Clark, all you need to do is do your part. That's not so hard, is it? smile

Is it? frown


Oh well. He ran out on us again. Nothing is harder for him than telling Lois Lane the truth about himself! You'll have your work cut out for you if you are going to make him spill the beans, Smirky! Please don't let us down! Please?


#45168 08/06/07 07:42 AM
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Ah Smirky... I love this story so much. Really I do. I'm so glad you are writing again. You haven't lost your touch and I can't wait for this picnic in the park. ^_^ laugh

I loved the emotions in this chapter and I loved how protective Lois has become of Clark and that she is seeing him as Clark and not Superman. thumbsup Ahhhh this next chapter will be good.

Thanks for sharing with us as always.

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!
#45169 08/06/07 08:39 AM
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I'm on the edge of my seat, waiting for this picnic to take place.

wildguy Tell her that you're Superman, Clark!

Wonderful part, as always!

Silence is golden.
Duct tape is silver.

~Saw it on a T-Shirt.
#45170 08/06/07 12:52 PM
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If they had only asked him. If they had asked him—surely he would have been willing to let them use him to save the life of a little girl.

He was willing to face pain, torture, even death to protect even one, frightened little girl.

Was he willing to face pain, torture, even death to protect even one, frightened little girl?

That answer was obvious: an unconditional “yes.”
I thought this was the perfect answer to the new information. He's such an unselfish person to the death...it's just a Clark thing to do.

She knew Superman was all right. She was Superman’s partner, for crying out loud. He was going to be okay, the investigation on Luthor was finally making some headway, and come this evening all the cards were going to be on the table between herself and Kal-Super-Clark-El Krypt-ville Kentman.
And please call him Kryptville when it happens. That would just make my day LOL. That's so written into my vocabulary for life.

Superman would take it in stride. Kal-El would probably want to sweep her off her feet and go flying. Clark . . .

That was the most important question. What in the world would Clark Kent do?
We've really come a full circle in this story. Surviving with Superman, keeping an eye on Kal-El, and now loving Clark. Clark dude, you've got too many personas, has anyone ever told you that?

Loved the new part!

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
#45171 08/09/07 10:02 AM
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Hack from Nowheresville
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[Linked Image] dance Yeah You're back!!!!!!!

Ok, I know I'm a little late getting to this post--I've been out of town for three weeks on vacation and just found it!!! laugh What a wonderful thing to find when I got home.

OK--I have a couple of things about both chapters and I'm going to put them here-please forgive me for being lazy--

A cat named Zupie?!? rotflol Somehow I just can't see that monster having a cat named after superman... oh the things you will do for your kids. And the cat was colored Bright Blue--I'm visualizing superman blue--were they trying to complete the image?

You know, I think Lois is right--He probably would have helped if they had asked.

I love the time in the lab when they were searching.

I am looking forward to the two of them both knowing that the other knows. there is a great line in the Lion in Winter that goes something like:"I know, He knows, I know he knows, he knows I know, We are a knowledgeable family" I'm so ready for it all to be out.

BTW-- rotflol -- all of Lois' Clark Kent Name alterations rotflol

I'm so glad you are back!

Johnny was a chemist,
Now Johnny is no more,
For what he thought was H two O
Was really H two S O four.
--Lab safety limrick--
#45172 08/23/07 03:43 AM
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Sorry for the delay, people! RL has been insane, and it hasn't helped that my poor computer has been going through the mill.

The next chapter should be out sometime today. <crosses fingers>

Thanks for all the amazing reviews! You guys are the greatest!


#45173 08/23/07 08:08 PM
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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So I literally have somewhere between 100 or 200 words to go on this next chapter, but my brain just melted onto my keyboard. Sorry for the false hopes, people! Darn, no one's ever going to trust me around here any more!

Tomorrow it will be, even if I have to stay up until 3 am to get it done!

Wish me luck!

<staggers off to bed>


#45174 08/23/07 08:21 PM
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Originally posted by SmirkyRaven:
Tomorrow it will be, even if I have to stay up until 3 am to get it done!
Oh for heaven's sake relax. We are all willing to wait, if you overstress yourself again you'll drop into another multiMonth hole.

You know we'd rather have your unrushed best even if it means waiting.

#45175 08/24/07 12:57 PM
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Ahhhhhhh! I forgot how much I was enjoying this one. I read 43 adn 44 just now (sorry no FDK on 43 just yet...I guess I'm doing this wrong.

Such a sweet chapter.


Lois and turned to face Clark. He had stood behind her, and she found herself close, looking up into his face. Suddenly breathless, the words she had been about to say fell dead and she just stared as memories slammed into her with the force of a flashflood.

She saw him, like she had the first time she had seen Superman as he darted into the space station and swallowed a bomb—saving her life and all others on board. She saw him, curled up and pale in the white room but still managing to smile—just for her. She saw him, sitting across from her desk day after day, always ready to help her despite how often she had shrugged him off.

Please let this work out all right.

“L-Lois? Wh-what is it?” Clark asked nervously, adjusting his glasses.

Lois swallowed, remembering their kiss early that morning, before Kal-El had left her. Before Clark had left her.

She had known who he was, then, and she had kissed him—Superman, Kal-El, and Clark. The whole package.

She had kissed Clark Kent. And it had been beautiful.
I was speachless and had a stupid grin on my face. I was happy that there was a waffy moment. Well it's waffish to me.

AHHHH! Where's 45! Puuuuuuuuullllease! clap

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.
#45176 08/24/07 01:44 PM
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And the cat was colored Bright Blue--I'm visualizing superman blue--were they trying to complete the image?
I pictured a cat that was blue like Reeve's suit, but with some dark blue (like Cain's suit) tabby like stripes. LOL.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.
#45177 09/11/07 04:41 PM
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Speaking of this fic (i saw the other fdk thread get bumped). Any idea when we might see the next part? grovel

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!
#45178 09/23/07 01:37 PM
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You are breaking our hearts.

We can't WAIT for the next part.


#45179 11/17/07 03:35 AM
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Does anybody know what's happened to Smirky? I miss this story.

Jen D

#45180 11/18/07 03:08 AM
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Co-incidentally, I received an email this morning. Apparently, she's ducked out of sight again as RL becomes busy. But she may be posting more of this story soon.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers
#45181 11/28/07 06:00 PM
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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<sneaks in, beams around at everyone>

Well, I'm back!

After all, it *is* the anniversary to the first time I ever, evereverever posted "Darkest Dreams"! And what a lovely surprise it was when my little friend Samantha dropped by my work today and dropped off a packet of special reviews and reminders that I wasn't hated, despite me disappearing once again. Your notes had me laughing for a good hour, and I'm still grinning like an idiot over here. Goodness, I've missed you all!

Thank you all so much for the amazing notes and reviews and continued support! I've officially decided that college was created to keep young chilluns like myself from doing what we like to do best. Well, life is life.

But enough blabber. I dropped in because, if you haven't heard, there's a chapter coming out tonight as a celebration gift for all your continued encouragement and dedication. Sadly, that doesn't mean that I'm going to jump back into my weekly posting (maybe after the approaching finals are past), but enough to promise you all that I *have* not forgotten you, nor our dear Lois and Clark.

So there you are. I'll give you about an hour to read up on the last chapter and stuff before chapter 45 goes up.

Thanks for not giving up on me (again)!


#45182 11/28/07 06:36 PM
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clap Thank you Smirky. I'll be waiting. ^_^ I'm glad life is okay for you though and that you are well. I was beginning to worry something had happened. smile

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!

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