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“Lois?” the voice spoke again, and this time Lois turned around in her chair,... a disapproving look fixed firmly on his face. Lois should have used an alias at the school or ignored Kent completely at this point. She could said "Excuse me but I don't know you!" Kent might have given up ( Iknow a pair of sisters that are now early 40s and mid twenties and ten years ago you would have though they were twins) I doubt Kent would have risked a major scene and if he tried to confront her later, well and good someone would hear and it would mean her main suspects would be more likely to trust her. [Lois] was dressed in the classic “little black dress,” though hers had a slightly devious slit up the side. ... “Lois you look beautiful in that dress,” ... "[Kent] spent a few too many seconds appraising you in that scrap of fabric you’re passing off as a dress. Seems like he’s only human.” ... Every few seconds [Kent's] gaze would flicker back to Lois, Notice it is not "Lois, I'm concerned that your choice of attire is sending your date the wrong message..." Sorry but this is not platonic concern, Claude nailed it I think your Mr. Kent was experiencing the green glare of jealousy.
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Very nice, Laura! This is certainly a wicked web. I'm curious how you'll solve that problem. I like the situation you have set them in and I'm impatiently waiting for your next part. Well done!
It's never too dark to be cool.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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How did you know we were about to come after you for the next part! As soon as Lois agreed to go out with Claude, I had a feeling Clark was going to show up and decide that Lois had fallen prey to some chat-room sex pervert. Boy, Lucy could have some fun with this! Big sister, it's payback time. 
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Ohh! Another awesome part! “Oh really? And have they led you to believe you’ll find any new evidence?”
“I’m not entirely sure, but I am positive that I’ll be able to nail this case. I’ve already got a ton of notes on them all typed up and stashed at my house.”
“Very efficient,” Claude said approvingly. Oh no! I can already tell that you’re setting this up so he can sweep in and steal those notes—and her story! What was she going to *wear*? <Snicker> A nun habit? Save the sexy outfits for Clark. “H-hi Mr. Kent,” she said shakily. Her inner voice was screaming at her. BUSTED! BUSTED! BUSTED! Mr. Kent looked furious and suddenly she did feel like the young student she role-played as.  Go Lois! And Claude's true colors are shown! I really enjoyed this part. Can't wait for the next one!
Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver.
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I have a feeling that Clark has a suspicion, maybe on the subconscious level, that Lois is older than she appears.
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Clark saves Lois from the evil Claude! 
When Life Gives You Green Velvet Curtains, Make a Green Velvet Dress.
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So, I just had time to read all 5 parts and I can't say how much I love this. I love Clark as a teacher and I think it would have been a great job for him. I love Lois as a student and I love your premise. Can't wait to see how this story will move on and how the problems are solved.
I'm hooked. So don't let us wait too long.
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Hi, Great part! “What are you doing here?” Lois blurted out, hoping to counter his questions. While Lois could pass for 17 or 18 with little difficulty, she knew Claude looked his thirty years. It was his smooth charm and worldly eyes that she had fallen for in the first place. From what she knew about Mr. Kent, she was sure he wouldn’t approve of his student meeting such an older man on what was obviously a date. Claude is older than Clark. “To even insinuate such a thing speaks of your own unscrupulous morals!” Lois glared at the man she had once thought so attractive. “You’re wrong, and worse than that, it’s you who’s jealous.”
“What does that man have for me to even scrounge up the slightest bit of jealously, mon choux? Certainly not his dinner companions.” Listen to yourself! “He’ll find out who you are eventually,” Claude hissed, his façade of calm finally breaking. “And I’d hate to be around to see the fallout.” Noting the anger tensing Clark’s shoulders, Claude took a hasty step back. “Not so fast, Loverboy. I’m out of here. Have fun with your underage student.” Claude makes it sound like she is a prostitute. 
Maria D. Ferdez. --- Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age. MAF
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Ahh, as soon as their date started, I just knew Clark was going to show up! Interesting, Claude didn't blow her cover...and another ahh, the drive home! Man, I can't wait to see where this all goes!
"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Laura! Yeah, you're back. I hope you had a safe trip but you should not have taken it at our expense! I got nervous when Lois went out with Claude. I just knew that he was setting her up to steal her story. “Lois?”
Lois jumped at Clark’s voice. But she was staring at Claude. Oh, she had been ignoring him, hadn’t she? She put on a soothing smile to ruffle over his hurt feelings, but he was looking past her.
“Lois?” the voice spoke again, and this time Lois turned around in her chair, dread rapidly replacing her insides with jelly. The object of her daydreaming and secret nighttime fantasies was standing behind her, a disapproving look fixed firmly on his face. And I just knew that Clark would show up! It won't be the last time he rescues her, either. Claude reached out a hand to shake, which Clark coolly accepted. He turned to her and she nearly gasped at the anger in his gaze. It faded slightly, as he looked at her, but she saw it rear up again when his eyes slid back to Claude. “Lois, can I speak with you privately for a few minutes?”
Lois gave him a belligerent look and finally followed him to a shadowed corridor. Once away from Claude, she noticed that his eyes no longer looked dark with anger, but instead sparkled with something she couldn’t place.
“Lois Lane, you are out on a date with a man who is entirely too old for you,” he started, getting straight to the point. “I don’t know what he told you, but that man is certainly not a college student.” There goes protective Clark. He has feelings for Lois but he's having to squash them. I know that he;'s looking out for her best interests but he already knows that something isn't about Lois. Part of me wondered if he heard part of Claude's and Lois's conversation. “Lois you look beautiful in that dress,” Lois’ head snapped up at the unexpected compliment, but Clark’s face still looked grim. “And I’m afraid that man you’re with knows it. He’s not expecting anything platonic out of this night, Lois!” As innocent as it sounds and is with Clark, he slipped Lois a compliment and it made all the difference in the world. I think she cares what Clark thinks of her. “Please do not go home with that man, Lois.” Clark thought for a moment and grinned as an idea struck him. “Look, stay and eat dinner with him. Enjoy yourself. But let me drive you home. My parents are here, I’m sure they’d love to meet you.”
The notion of driving home with Clark took a moment to digest. Lois took a long, serious look at her senior English teacher. He was obviously distressed at seeing her here with an older man. His espresso colored eyes implored her to consider his suggestion and he kept raking his fingers through his hair, mussing it completely.
“Okay, Mr. Kent. If you really want me to, I’ll go home with you instead of with Claude.” <Lois, I care about you so please let me take you home. I'll be your knight in shining armour tonight and when you're old enough maybe you'll remember me and want to give us a try.> Clark has it bad. And I agree that he is suspicious that she is not really as young as she is trying to pass off as being. “He was quite angry when he caught sight of us, Lois. I think your Mr. Kent was experiencing the green glare of jealousy. He spent a few too many seconds appraising you in that scrap of fabric you’re passing off as a dress. Seems like he’s only human.”
Even as Lois’ mind rejected the idea as ludicrous, her traitorous heart lurched a little unsteadily. “You’re insane. Mr. Kent cares about all of his students equally and he sure wouldn’t make any kind of advance on a student of his!”
Her anger was flushing her face, and she barely noticed her voice rising up a notch. Claude is right Lois. Clark is more human than most humans I know. He does care about all of his students but if he would admit it, he cares differently for Lois. And yes, Lois, Clark is jealous. Protective but secretly jealous. H e just cannot cross the line. “You would think he’s wonderful. You’re falling for him, aren’t you?”
“Of course not. Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Oh but you are. How pleasingly ironic the whole situation is!”
“That’s it. I’m leaving,” Lois hissed, grabbing her coat and purse. “You’re a bastard.” I'm sure that Clark heard this. Yes, Claude, Lois is falling for him. Lois quit lying. You'd have to be dead to not fall for Dean...I mean Clark. “Mom, Dad, this is Lois Lane, one of the students I was telling you about.” Ahh...so Clark has been talking to Jonathan and Martha about Lois. Hummm... She barely noticed Clark standing, his mild mannered gaze suddenly much more intimidating until he blocked Claude from her sight and their staring match was abruptly ended. Clark stood between Claude and herself, his fist bunched rigidly at his side.
“Stay away from her,” he said simply, in a low voice designed not to bring attention to their table.
Claude took a step toward her anyway, but Lois let out a sharp gasp when Clark grabbed his arm and stopped him effortlessly. Claude’s eyes widened in surprise slightly at the steel grip, but he eventually stopped struggling and Clark reluctantly let him go.
“He’ll find out who you are eventually,” Claude hissed, his façade of calm finally breaking. “And I’d hate to be around to see the fallout.” Noting the anger tensing Clark’s shoulders, Claude took a hasty step back. “Not so fast, Loverboy. I’m out of here. Have fun with your underage student.”
Clark remained standing, frozen as he stared after Claude’s retreating back. His form was stiffened with palpable tension. Finally, after a moment Clark grabbed his chair and sat eased himself back down on it. I love protective Clark. And don't think for a moment that any of Claude's comment got past Clark. “No, no put that money away! I’ll take care of it.”
“But Mr. Kent, you came here with your parents. You didn’t expect a whole other meal to pay for.”
Clark glanced at her plate of spaghetti. “Yes, like you were so expensive. It’s fine, please. I insist.” I would say..."almost first date"...if it weren't so inappropriate. He was going to drive her home! To the apartment she lived in *alone*. It was obvious from the outside that the rooms inside were for singles or couples. He couldn’t find out that she didn’t live with her family. Heaving a big sigh as she climbed in his car, she directed him to her parent’s house. Great. Lucy would throw a fit. Clark has X-Ray vision! I know where everyone is coming from with there skepticism, but I know it's Lois and Clark and that they are the same age and regardless of how they meet they always end up together. I would never however otherwise support this situation. Great story Laura and I am still your #1 fan! Keep it coming and I'll keep giving you feedback. Otherwise I'll send you hate mail! Brava! ~Sheila
I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.
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lisa in the sky with diamonds
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I agree with the others who think that Clark is already suspicious about Lois's age and has a feeling that she's hiding something. (My personal guess would be that he thinks she's an undercover police officer. We had one at the high school I went to and just about everyone had a feeling that something was wrong about that guy...confirmed after the police came in on a narcotics bust.) So I can accept his actions based on that belief and not think he's doing (or thinking) anything inappropriate about an underage student...subconsciously he really already knows the truth. That way, I can just enjoy the story!  But I'm interested in seeing how your vision of the story plays out...you've put your characters into quite a predicament! P.S. Boooooo, Claude! BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! 
You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie.
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You know, except for Lois's age-inappropriate clothing (which, given her new circle of friends, might not be so inappropriate), as long as Clark takes her home first - with Jonathan in the front seat and Lois in the back with Martha - I don't see anything indecent about that. It's certainly more appropriate than the homecoming Claude had planned for her.
I like the idea that Clark would believe that Lois was a narc. It fits, and it might even help her cover. If he thinks she's looking for drugs and dealers, he'd be far more inclined to protect her cover story. So no, I don't think you have a problem with your story.
Lois, however, is going to have to tie Lucy to a chair and duct-tape her mouth closed. Otherwise there'll be a murder in the Lane household tonight. And Lois better hope that her mother is sober enough not to spill the beans!
It's getting better and better, Laura. Keep it up!
Oh, yeah, almost forgot. Claude is a @#$%^&*()&^%!
Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.
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Hi! Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to comment.  Okay, here goes: Patrick-- Lois should have used an alias at the school or ignored Kent completely at this point. She could said "Excuse me but I don't know you!" Kent might have given up I think if she had ignored Clark completely he would have thought something was really wrong. Caveman!Clark coming out and all of that... I can just see him slinging her over his shoulder and marching away from Claude. :p And maybe Clark isn't feeling very platonic when he sees Lois in that dress... hmm... that's probably something for him to stew over when he gets home.  Thanks for starting off the feedback thread and letting me know what you think. Bakasi-- Hey! I'm glad you like the situation. It's getting pretty sticky. *grimace* trust me, I want to get them out of it too! Lol, but we'll have to see! I think things might have to get worse before they get better... But we'll see/ Thanks for the feedback and reading! Rkn-- Ee! Happy to oblige! *dodges men with pointy sticks and sighs with relief* *the doorbell rings and Laura goes to curiously answer* * Thanks for commenting! Dandello-- Hmm... Maybe he does. Or that something isn't right. But I don't think he's a naturally suspicious person, especially since he has no reason to be in his job as a teacher. He might just chalk it all up to wishful thinking. Or not. Who knows? Thanks for reading. gr8shadesofelvis-- Yay! I like a Claude being vanquished by Clark. I'm glad to be back! Tahu-- Aww great! I'm thrilled you're enjoying it so far. Don't worry, I feel bad about last chapter's long wait. Hopefully the next one will be up soon. Mariadferdez-- Hey! Thanks for the comment! Claude is older than Clark. Yup. And I don't think Clark's very happy about the fact. Lucy still lives with her parents? Not in canon, but in my story she does. She's a junior in high school and Lois is only 23 years old. Hope that clears that up! Thanks for reviewing. JD-- Ahh, as soon as their date started, I just knew Clark was going to show up! Clark's too predictable. ...Or wait, is that me? I'm glad you like it and are excited about where it all goes! Hopefully you'll enjoy the rest. Sheila-- I hope you had a safe trip but you should not have taken it at our expense! Hehe. "Sorry guys, I can't come with you. I need to stay home and write fan fiction so I can be near a computer to post it." I think she cares what Clark thinks of her. I think she does too. Claude is right Lois. Clark is more human than most humans I know. He does care about all of his students but if he would admit it, he cares differently for Lois. And I think you nailed it! I think the whole rub of this entire scenerio is that he does care differently for Lois. He's not in a full blazing love affair with her but he can see the charge. He cares about her, even as he's suppressing all of his feelings with that super willpower of his. I doubt he's even admitted to himself that he finds her attractive. It's part of what makes Clark, Clark. I know where everyone is coming from with there skepticism, but I know it's Lois and Clark and that they are the same age and regardless of how they meet they always end up together. I would never however otherwise support this situation. Ditto. Except for Josie and Sam from Never Been Kissed. I always have a special place for them in my heart. I attempted my first fanfiction ever about them.  It was godawful, but I still love 'em to pieces. Great story Laura and I am still your #1 fan! Keep it coming and I'll keep giving you feedback. Otherwise I'll send you hate mail! *scurries to keyboard and studiously avoids man with pointy stick prodding her shoulder*  Thanks Sheila! Lisa-- Thanks! Groobie-- But I'm interested in seeing how your vision of the story plays out...you've put your characters into quite a predicament! Heck yes I have. It's bitten me on the butt a few times already with this particular story! I love the speculation. I hope you enjoy how it eventually plays out. Terry-- as long as Clark takes her home first - with Jonathan in the front seat and Lois in the back with Martha - I don't see anything indecent about that. It's certainly more appropriate than the homecoming Claude had planned for her. And that's exactly how I figured it in my head. Glad you agree. It's getting better and better, Laura. Keep it up!
Oh, yeah, almost forgot. Claude is a @#$%^&*()&^%! Thank you! And I agree. Thank you everybody who reviewed. --Laura
Thanks to CapeFetish for the awesome icon.
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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You know I'm slightly in two minds about your story, because Clark isn't free to respond to Lois in it.
But for all of that, I think this is a very well-told story, set in a fascinating milieu. The very fact that it is an undercover story, with Lois as a sort of undercover agent, makes it captivating. And the fact that practically everybody can identify with a school situation and remember what going to school was like, means that the identification factor is amazingly high.
Claude makes my skin crawl. (Claude Malfois, indeed... the name suits him.) I truly hate seeing Lois infatuated with him. Of course, in this part, Lois had the cobwebs ripped from her eyes when it comes to Claude's character. And even though Clark isn't free to respond to Lois, he defended her to Claude with a quiet passion which suggests that Lois has become more than just another high school student to him.
And now I have to wonder if Lois's cover will be blown. Will she get the story? Will she put an end to the deadly initiation rites? Will she get a job at the Daily Planet? And will she get the guy, her handsome teacher? I doubt we will be able to answer the last question in the affirmative, but I'm more hopeful about the answers to the other questions.
Anyway, this is definitely a very well-told and fascinating story, Laura.
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Thanks for the heads-up about part 5. I had just found it when I saw your IM. “Mon petit trésor, how are you?” What is it about the French stereo-typical loverboy that has them using French terms of endearment? You never see a Swedish man do that. Of course, stereotypes become stereotypes because people do them all the time, but it still tends to annoy me when Claude does it because I know he isn't a gentlemen and I know the girls all swoon for the French accent with the sappy French words thrown in. “I’m not entirely sure, but I am positive that I’ll be able to nail this case. I’ve already got a ton of notes on them all typed up and stashed at my house.”
“Very efficient,” Claude said approvingly. Lois sat down in her armchair, curling her arms around her knees. She was tired of talking about the case. Now she wanted to bring him back to talking about dinner. That's the thing of it. She gets all distracted by his silky voice and the French accent and she doesn't see what he's really after. I'm glad that Lois is a little naive, because it means that she hasn't been hurt too badly in the past, but I still hate to see how it pans out for her. In fact, my distrust for him runs so deeply that I wonder why he meets with his boss after the regular workday. It makes me wonder where he's really going in the early evening. I love how Lois falls into character immediately when Clark shows up... err... I mean when Mr. Kent shows up. She feels belligerent, awkward and even a little bit rebellious and it spills out into her actions. I don't think Clark has a clue she isn't a teen, because she falls into the role so beautifully when she's around him. I also don't think Clark was eavesdropping before he came over. If he had, he would have known that Claude was talking about work and not about classes. He just sees her attire and knows its a date. “Lois, please, where are your parents? Do they know you’re spending time with an older man?”
“They wouldn’t mind,” Lois murmured, feeling intensely uncomfortable with the situation.
“Lois you look beautiful in that dress,” Lois’ head snapped up at the unexpected compliment, but Clark’s face still looked grim. “And I’m afraid that man you’re with knows it. He’s not expecting anything platonic out of this night, Lois!” Mr. Kent is trying every argument in the book to talk her into making better choices. He truly believes she's a high school student and the parent card ought to shake her up a little bit. Likewise, he doesn't realize how his compliment will affect her, but instead tries to point out that naivete I was talking about earlier. I love Lois' reasons for going home with Mr. Kent. She wants to date him, even though she knows thats not what the offer is. She even wants to meet his parents! She's got it bad. I had to re-read Lois' and Claude's conversation with the idea that Clark might be listening in. It is as delightful on the second read as it was on the first. It gives nothing away, even though nothing is intensionally concealed. Claude murmured something in return, too low for her to hear. If he wanted to, Clark could hear it. I'm not sure if he's mad enough to listen, though. “Mom, Dad, this is Lois Lane, one of the students I was telling you about.” Of course, he was telling his folks about her. "Clark, I'm your mother. You can't hide it from me. I can see it in your eyes..." "I'm really fine. I've been too busy to worry about anything anyway. Did I tell you that I have a new student? She's a sharp one--perfect for the English team I've been putting together. I know I told you about that. Didn't I?"... His whole life is his teaching now. He has no desire to mourn and doesn't know what else to do with the void, so he works. He talks work and lives work. So, of course, he's told his folks about his work. Lois glanced at Clark and then back at his parents. He had been talking about her? To his parents? Still, Lois doesn't know that... I love how Clark protects Lois' dignity through the whole scene. He doesn't mention Claude to his parents, at least not in Lois' hearing. He keeps his tone low as he threatens Claude. He's the perfect gentleman in a bad situation. Clark reluctantly let him go. Hee hee. He's mad, alright. (Probably mad enough to eavesdrop--for Lois' sake, of course.) He's looking forward to a fight, even though it goes against his better principles. “He’ll find out who you are eventually,” Claude hissed, his façade of calm finally breaking. “And I’d hate to be around to see the fallout.” This is so ambigious to those who don't know what he's talking about, that I doubt it fuels suspicions. It could easily be interpretted, "He'll find out eventually that you're a @#$%^&*()&^%." I'm sure Mr. Kent here's such sophomoric threats on a regular basis at his workplace. She looked down at her menu, wishing the night was over. Her expectations had been so high and Claude had changed so quickly. One moment he was charming and suave and the next he was saying those hurtful things. And then Mr. Kent had been there, looking so gosh darned handsome and blocking him from her view and now acting like nothing had been wrong at all. She's back to comparing the two again, as if Mr. Kent (as she thinks of him) is even available as a suitor. She doesn't realize the situation she's in. Her thoughts furiously whirled around in her head, and she almost didn’t feel the soft hand that slipped on her back.
She raised her pounding head and saw that Martha Kent had patted her back reassuringly. When her clear blue gaze met her eyes, she simply smiled slightly and pulled her hand from her back. Incredibly, she felt a little better. Mr. Kent hadn’t noticed. He was steadfastly trying to talk about everything but the scene that occurred, but failing miserably. Every few seconds his gaze would flicker back to Lois, as if assuring himself she was still okay and that Claude hadn’t come back. Sorry for quoting the whole thing, but I love how quickly they fall into their respective roles. Martha does an excellent job of comforting, simply because she's Martha, but also because she's allowed to. Mr. Kent, on the other hand, can only do so much. I also love Lois' quick decision to direct him to her folk's house. Can't wait to hear what happens there. Elisabeth
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I just had another thought. (I know, I've posted enough already, but hear me out.)
Claude ordered for both of them. Who wants to make a bet that he started with a nice bottle of wine, which would be delivered long before their food arrived. No way that looked platonic to an old sage like Mr. Kent.
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Beat Reporter
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Laura, I'm covered up with RL stuff right now and have no time for proper feedback, but I wanted you to know I'm still reading this and hanging on every word. I promise better feedback on the next part and really hope to see it soon! Caroline
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Hi Laura! Claude’s deep chuckle sent pleasant tingles down her body. “Of course, I forgot about your assignment. How is it playing a high school student? Are the children insufferable?”
“No, they aren’t so bad. I rather like a few of them. I’m getting closer though, I can feel it!” Lois began excitedly, happy to be able to finally talk about her case. “I’ve befriended two of the most popular girls in school and my main suspects.”
“Oh really? And have they led you to believe you’ll find any new evidence?”
“I’m not entirely sure, but I am positive that I’ll be able to nail this case. I’ve already got a ton of notes on them all typed up and stashed at my house.” Careful, Lois, he might just decide he'd rather turn in this story himself. <g> but hard-bodied English teachers were the stuff of fiction. LOLSSS! “Lois?”
Lois jumped at Clark’s voice. But she was staring at Claude. Oh, she had been ignoring him, hadn’t she? She put on a soothing smile to ruffle over his hurt feelings, but he was looking past her.
“Lois?” the voice spoke again, and this time Lois turned around in her chair, dread rapidly replacing her insides with jelly. The object of her daydreaming and secret nighttime fantasies was standing behind her, a disapproving look fixed firmly on his face. LOL!!! I echo'd Lois's next thoughts - Busted, busted, busted... <g> “Lois you look beautiful in that dress,” Lois’ head snapped up at the unexpected compliment, but Clark’s face still looked grim. “And I’m afraid that man you’re with knows it. He’s not expecting anything platonic out of this night, Lois!”
Lois didn’t quite know how to respond, a first in a long while.
“Please do not go home with that man, Lois.” Clark thought for a moment and grinned as an idea struck him. “Look, stay and eat dinner with him. Enjoy yourself. But let me drive you home. My parents are here, I’m sure they’d love to meet you.” Awwww - he's so sweet to worry about her - and in my opinion he has every right to worry, whether she's 17 or 23!!! “You could start by doing a few more polite things.” Clark rose with one fluid movement and pulled out Lois’ chair for her as she returned to the table. Lois had sat, watching while shaking her head at Garrett’s bemusement. It seemed Mr. Kent had been born in the wrong era. Gentleman-like manners were hardly commonplace and neither was that fierce desire to protect. <sigh> No kidding... She knew before even looking up who it was and she quickly inhaled, filling her nose with his comforting scent. As swiftly as her mind had processed that the strong body was Clark Kent, he had even more quickly disentangled herself from him and steered her toward his own table.
“Are you all right, Lois?” His gentle voice spoke in her ear, comforting her. She nodded and he gave her arm a tender, but unfortunately platonic squeeze. He led her to the empty fourth chair at their square table and pulled it out for her. Awww, <sniffle> Clark to the rescue... Claude took a hasty step back. “Not so fast, Loverboy. I’m out of here. Have fun with your underage student.” OUCH!!! As you can see, things are progressing in the tangled web of the teacher/student relationship. I'm fully aware that some of this might have been slightly inappropriate, but at the same time, it was how I imagined Clark and Lois acting to the situation I placed them in. I mean no offense to any teachers or students with this portrayal. Hope you guys are still hanging with me. Let me know what you think! I don't find it offensive because I maintain the idea that somewhere in his subconscious mind, Clark realizes that she's not everything she seems... that she's too smart, too educated to be a high school student, which is why he's drawn to her... Either that or it's because my 19 yr old sister dated a guy 12 years older than her <rolls eyes> and so a 6 year difference between Lois & Clark doesn't faze me... (yes, I know he's still her teacher... but... I know Clark wouldn't let things get too far for that very reason...) <shrug> -- DJ
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Posts: 2,724 Likes: 60 |
Hi Laura, I rediscovered this fic through Queen of the Capes FDK: Scavenger hunt "Lois?" the voice spoke again, and this time Lois turned around in her chair, dread rapidly replacing her insides with jelly. The object of her daydreaming and secret nighttime fantasies was standing behind her, a disapproving look fixed firmly on his face.
"H-hi Mr. Kent," she said shakily. Her inner voice was screaming at her. BUSTED! BUSTED! BUSTED! Mr. Kent looked furious and suddenly she did feel like the young student she role-played as.
"What are you doing here?" Lois blurted out, hoping to counter his questions. While Lois could pass for 17 or 18 with little difficulty, she knew Claude looked his thirty years. It was his smooth charm and worldly eyes that she had fallen for in the first place. From what she knew about Mr. Kent, she was sure he wouldn't approve of his student meeting such an older man on what was obviously a date.
"I'm taking my parents to dinner," Clark said stiffly, shooting a glare over at Claude. Lois looked and sure enough a pleasant looking older couple was looking at them curiously. "Now who is this?"
Despite her guilty feelings, Lois bristled at his audacity. He didn't own her. The farthest thing from that! He was merely her teacher and despite those erotic fantasies, that was the way things were going to stay. He certainly had no business prying into her private affairs.
"This is Claude Malfois," she said, praying Claude wouldn't blow her cover. Her gaze shifted warily to him and caught the tail end of him sizing Mr. Kent up. "Claude, this is Mr. Kent," she stressed the name and the "Mr." "My English teacher at Metropolis High."
Claude reached out a hand to shake, which Clark coolly accepted. He turned to her and she nearly gasped at the anger in his gaze. It faded slightly, as he looked at her, but she saw it rear up again when his eyes slid back to Claude. "Lois, can I speak with you privately for a few minutes?"
Lois gave him a belligerent look and finally followed him to a shadowed corridor. Once away from Claude, she noticed that his eyes no longer looked dark with anger, but instead sparkled with something she couldn't place.
"Lois Lane, you are out on a date with a man who is entirely too old for you," he started, getting straight to the point. "I don't know what he told you, but that man is certainly not a college student." This quote shows one of the things I enjoyed the most about this story. Clark shows his protective streak, time and time again and on the one hand falls deeper and deeper for Lois, while he knows that he shouldn't because Lois is his student and protecting her means staying away from her. It's really a fun read. Thank you very much.
It's never too dark to be cool.