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#48911 01/05/08 04:06 AM
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So sweet! I love the ending.

Inside, she was the same little girl standing at the window, wishing for the Santa she no longer believed in to heal the broken pieces of her family.
This line got to me. I could see her yearning to be happy and unsure of how to get there.

Well done.

#48912 01/05/08 06:55 AM
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Lois was grown up now, but her attitude toward the holidays hadn‘t changed. Inside, she was the same little girl standing at the window, wishing for the Santa she no longer believed in to heal the broken pieces of her family.
Poor Lois... Christmas really wasn't an easy time in het life.

Martha smiled. “How many minutes until midnight in Metropolis?”
It's just so like Martha to see what's wrong with Clark.

Clark. For some inexplicable reason, the mere mention of his name caused her heart to skip a beat.
I like that his name made her heart skip a beat, while she was with Superman!

The cool scent of cucumber oil continued to permeate his senses
Wasn't there an interview where Teri Hatcher said she put cucumber oil on because Dean Cain liked it wink ... or was that something else?

“I miss you, Clark…”
aaawww, she may not have wanted to say it to Superman, but it so sweet that she admitted it to Clark!!


"I have no regrets. If you regret things, then you're sort of stepping backwards.
I'm a believer in going forwards." ~Kate Winslet
#48913 01/05/08 06:58 AM
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Aw, aw, aw! This is the morning for ficathon stories! laugh I love it. Yes, this story, too, all of it. I do enjoy reading spunky Martha trying to help out Clark and the message Lois left at the end gave me the hope that maybe, just maybe, she's close to admiting to herself that she loves Clark and heck maybe in some unconscious place she even knows his secret already. hyper


#48914 01/05/08 08:08 AM
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heeeeeeee!!! I'm so excited!! *covers self up with the Batman fleece throw and starts reading* (ahum.. yes.. Lara is a dork!)

Her feet propped on her desk and a half-eaten bag of holiday M&Ms in her lap, Lois Lane cast yet another plaintive look at the clock.
ROFL! That starts well. Is she making a big 'S' on her desk with those? wink

With a disgusted sigh, she mentally catalogued the last 12 months. The Planet being blown up, and then closed. Her aborted wedding to Lex. His crazed ex-wife creating a clone of her. Countless attempts on her life. Her streak of three-consecutive Kerth Awards coming to an abrupt end – at the volition of her partner, no less. And worst of all, too many tears to count.
awwww! *hugs Lois*

Lois was grown up now, but her attitude toward the holidays hadn‘t changed. Inside, she was the same little girl standing at the window, wishing for the Santa she no longer believed in to heal the broken pieces of her family.
Sniffles! *hugs Lois some more*

She would be lying to herself if she didn’t admit that she had been affected when they held hands at her window and watched the snow fall from the moonlit sky on Christmas.

And that she wished he were here tonight.
Heeeeee! and... awww!!! I'm sure he's not very far away. He's never very far away.

Now, she wished she had never made the suggestion, and that he was there to tally how many M&Ms she could catch in her mouth and tease her about counting the ones that bounced off her lip and landed on the floor.
*giggles* that is cute. I could totally see him doing that. I wish he was doing it... Poor Lois!

Martha Kent leaned back in her chair, her arms folded, as she watched her only son stare into a cup of mulled cider as if it held the answers to the world’s great secrets.
LOL! Clark, that's not the right place to look for them. Everyone knows the world's greatest secrets can only be found in a bowl of chocolate ice cream. wink

“But I don’t want to lead her on,” he protested. A pained look on his face, he hastened to explain what had been on his mind for weeks, “Not as Superman. I can’t do that to her, Mom.”
awwwww!!! *hugs Clarkie* ...you can just tell her he flew you back into town, you know. Something. Martha's right, you're a smart guy. Ahh! Come on, you have to go back to Metropolis, Clark!! Think!!!

He sat there in silence, mulling it over the question to which he already knew the answer. Could he really fly back to Metropolis and see Lois?
Yesssssssssssss, you can!!! *giggles*

After several long moments, he pushed back his chair and came around the table to kiss his mother’s cheek. “Happy New Year, Mom. Will you tell Dad I said goodbye?”

Holding Lois securely in his arms, Clark slowed in the air above Hobbs Bay just as the first burst of red sparkles illuminated the sky. “Good, we made it.”

Lois looked impressed. “Wow, what a view.”

And she meant it. She had never seen fireworks below her.
WOW! That's got to be the most amazing way of watching fireworks. *dreamy sigh*

They stayed that way for several moments, watching the fireworks, and it wasn’t until Clark felt Lois rest her head against his chest and sigh contentedly that he snapped back to reality. This was exactly what he didn’t want, and what he wanted more than anything, all at the same time.
I've told you when you showed me this paragraph, but I have to say again: this totally makes me melt. And poor Clarkie, all conflicted. Mmm!

As a burst of silver sparkles illuminated the bay, she softly murmured, “How beautiful.”

“It is,” he agreed softly, but he wasn’t looking at the fireworks.
*happy sigh* Oh, how I love this!

“You sound like Clark.”
*giggles* no kidding. I wonder why that is... hehehe!

Clark. For some inexplicable reason, the mere mention of his name caused her heart to skip a beat. He had crossed her mind at various intervals of the evening, and she wasn’t sure why. Surely, the holidays weren’t turning her into the kind of sentimental sap she detested.

No, it was something else. Something she wasn’t willing to admit.
heeeeeeeee!!!! YAY!!!!

“We’re fine,” she assured him. “Actually,” she added faintly, “I miss him.”

There. She had said it.
Oooh! YAY! ... and awwwww! and... dammit, he's *right there*!!!!! sigh!

The cool scent of cucumber oil continued to permeate his senses, and when he closed his eyes, he could feel her lips pressing against his.

But that wasn’t even what had gotten to him so badly.

Her soft words repeated in his mind over and over again. “I miss him.”
/melts into a huge puddle of goo.

“It’s me … Lois.” He smiled at that. “I … I know you’re in Smallville and you won’t even be back until tomorrow, but … I … I wanted to call and wish you Happy New Year. It counts since it’s only …” She paused, undoubtedly to look at her watch. “It’s only about twenty after midnight. … Anyway, I hope you had a good time with your family, and I, uh …” He heard her take a deep breath. “I miss you, Clark…” She paused again. “I‘ll probably see you before you even hear this, so … bye.”
ah, man... you got me all teary eyed.

Awwww!! Jenn, that was so beautiful and waffy and wonderful. Thank you SO much! sloppy *hugs her story and its author* Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
#48915 01/05/08 08:57 AM
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Beautiful and so sweet.
That's definitely a resolution I could and just might use too. Thanks for the reminder! smile


#48916 01/05/08 09:02 AM
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Her feet propped on her desk and a half-eaten bag of holiday M&Ms in her lap, Lois Lane cast yet another plaintive look at the clock.
ROFL! That starts well. Is she making a big 'S' on her desk with those?
Heh! I've got to start my FDK with Lara's comment! (We all know what she and Sue like to do with their M&Ms!) laugh

Sue and Lara\'s M&Ms

Lois hadn't always had such a negative attitude toward Christmas. She loved it when she was nine, and Santa brought her and Lucy a dollhouse. She loved it when she was ten, the year her father hired a horse-drawn sleigh to take them through snowy Centennial Park. She loved it when she eleven, and she donned angel wings to sing the solo in the school Christmas pageant.

And she hated it when she was twelve. When her father left, her mother drank, and she had to spend her life savings to buy a tree so she wouldn't have to see her little sister cry.

What a difference a year made.
That's a tear-jerker. I love how you write it.

“Clark, you're not fooling anyone.”

He snuck a look at his watch before replying. “I'm fine.”

Martha smiled. “How many minutes until midnight in Metropolis?”

“Oh, Mom, I don't …” his voice trailed off and he shrugged. “26 now.”

“Go home, Clark.”
Gotta love Martha!!! <hugs Martha> grumble

The logic of some farmboys. Go figure.

&#8220;Do you want to regret not seeing her tonight?&#8221;

He sat there in silence, mulling it over the question to which he already knew the answer. Could he really fly back to Metropolis and see Lois?

After several long moments, he pushed back his chair and came around the table to kiss his mother's cheek. &#8220;Happy New Year, Mom. Will you tell Dad I said goodbye?&#8221;
I gotta say this for Clark. He knows when to listen to his mom. laugh

Holding Lois securely in his arms, Clark slowed in the air above Hobbs Bay just as the first burst of red sparkles illuminated the sky. &#8220;Good, we made it.&#8221;

Lois looked impressed. &#8220;Wow, what a view.&#8221;

And she meant it. She had never seen fireworks below her.
So I wish that he had told her already, but... it might have spoilt their New Year's Eve. And it would have been a pity to miss this. The view must have been spectacular.

He shrugged. &#8220;There's something about New Year's &#8230; I don't know &#8230; it's a clean slate. A new beginning.&#8221;
So what are you going to do with your clean slate, Clark?

They stayed that way for several moments, watching the fireworks, and it wasn't until Clark felt Lois rest her head against his chest and sigh contentedly that he snapped back to reality. This was exactly what he didn't want, and what he wanted more than anything, all at the same time.
Stupid boy.

As a burst of silver sparkles illuminated the bay, she softly murmured, &#8220;How beautiful.&#8221;

&#8220;It is,&#8221; he agreed softly, but he wasn't looking at the fireworks.

It was shortly after 12:45 when Clark returned home from his nightly patrol. The city had fallen quiet soon after the midnight revelry ended, but he knew sleep wouldn't come easily.

Not tonight. Not with Lois on his mind.

The cool scent of cucumber oil continued to permeate his senses, and when he closed his eyes, he could feel her lips pressing against his.

But that wasn't even what had gotten to him so badly.

Her soft words repeated in his mind over and over again. &#8220;I miss him.&#8221;

Lois had gone flying with Superman &#8211; and said she missed Clark.

And as a result, he had nearly dropped her in shock. She missed him.

She missed Clark. Not that she'd ever admit it to him.
Martha is right, Clark. You do need to stop thinking of yourself as two people.

&#8220;It's me &#8230; Lois.&#8221; He smiled at that. &#8220;I &#8230; I know you're in Smallville and you won't even be back until tomorrow, but &#8230; I &#8230; I wanted to call and wish you Happy New Year. It counts since it's only &#8230;&#8221; She paused, undoubtedly to look at her watch. &#8220;It's only about twenty after midnight. &#8230; Anyway, I hope you had a good time with your family, and I, uh &#8230;&#8221; He heard her take a deep breath. &#8220;I miss you, Clark&#8230;&#8221; She paused again. &#8220;I"ll probably see you before you even hear this, so &#8230; bye.&#8221;

He stood there, barely breathing.

She had said it. To him. Clark.

A slow smile crossed his face.

Possibilities, indeed.
Right. You remember what I told you, boy? Tomorrow you go to her and tell her that you are both Clark and Superman. Now you've not only managed to make her believe that you are two different persons, but you have also managed to make her choose the aspect of you that you want her to choose. But you can't build your relationship with her on a lie.

Oh, wow. This boy so needs to turn over a new leaf.

Sorry about my grumbling, Jenn. I, too, loved when Clark took Lois flying. Really.


#48917 01/05/08 01:43 PM
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this was such a beautiful, romantic and touching story! clap *hugs*

Any chances to get a sequel?

#48918 01/05/08 03:29 PM
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That was so cute!! Lois admitted she missed Clark laugh


Come on Lois you havent said a word since 1866!

Thanks for the avatar, Hana.
#48919 01/05/08 03:45 PM
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So sweet. I loved it! Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"
#48920 01/05/08 05:01 PM
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Hi Jenn,

Such a sweet story. I loved how you listed Lois charting Christmases. It was great to learn that once upon a time she enjoyed Christmas. That was just so touching, so real and so Lois. smile

The scene with Martha was also cute. Martha knows her boy, so she sends him to where he needs to be.

Oh, and seeing fireworks from above sounds like an exciting experience... but Lois' thoughts were with Clark and new possibilities.

Romance is alive and well. wink

Yours Jenni

#48921 01/05/08 07:25 PM
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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*slowly ventures out of the nfic board to read gfic for the first time since signing up here...*

But you knew your story would draw me out. wink

Great job, as always! It was so incredibly sweet.

I knew you were having some trouble trying to communicate Lois' feelings on holidays and I think you pulled it off beautifully.

The only thing that could have made this any better is an NC-17 rating. :p

*Skulks back to nfic folder*

Thanks to Cat for my rockin' avatar!
(About Lois & Clark)
Perry: Son, you just hit the bulls eye. It's like we're supporting characters in some TV show and it's only about them.
Jimmy: Yeah! It's like all we do is advance their plots.
Perry: To tell you the truth, I'm sick of it.
Jimmy: Man, me too!
#48922 01/05/08 07:50 PM
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*happy sigh* I loved this. It was just so... waffy. And the open ending! I have mentioned this before but I love open endings!!!

Thank you for sharing it with us. smile

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!
#48923 01/06/08 07:43 AM
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What a beautiful story! I think that's the best one I've ever read from you. It was touching and full. I loved it.


#48924 01/06/08 05:38 PM
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What a great story! Sweet, yet not unrealistic or out of character. Although I love to see L&C as a couple, I love that you didn't push them into a relationship too quickly, but subtly brought them one step closer.

This little addition of yours would have fit perfectly into the original storyline and this, my dear friend, is why I love your writing.

Thanks for that treat, I have missed your stories. Hope to see more soon!


"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi
#48925 01/07/08 02:05 PM
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“It doesn’t take a genius to know that you’re thousands of miles away, Clark, and I‘d venture to guess it’s The Daily Planet’s newsroom. You should have just brought her.”

He sighed. “I couldn‘t.”
Now there's a conversation I'd like to see. smile "Hey, Lois, I'm flying home for New Year's. Wanna come?" "Oh, I don't think I can afford it." "No, it's free." "Free? They gave you two free tickets?" "Umm…"
Clark. For some inexplicable reason, the mere mention of his name caused her heart to skip a beat.
Gosh, I hope he heard that. laugh

What an awesome little fic - full of waffy moments that hit the spot exactly right. thumbsup

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
#48926 01/14/08 11:54 PM
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I just returned from my trip to Vegas and realized that I was so crazed before I left that I didn't thank everyone for their wonderful feedback.

Lara, I am so glad that you loved your story! I have to admit that I was even more nervous about it knowing that I was writing for a friend. So it made me a little teary that you liked it so much.

And I also am glad that everyone else liked it, too! You guys are fabulous! It makes the chilly January days a little less painful.

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"

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