Aw, shucks. I really wasn't expecting such positive feedback for this thing.
Carol, not only do you write me tons of stories, but you start a FDK thread for me, too. Thank you!
Lara! Hey, I finished this story in less that ONE MONTH! You should be proud!

I do hope to be writing more. You make it all possible! I don't think this one would ever have been posted if it wasn't for your encouragement.

. I had actually done a lot of thinking about Clark fooling her with his identity in this one. As a matter of fact, I had originally intended to write in a revelation, but there just didn't seem to be room in this quick little fic. Those revelations can be quite messy sometimes. It means a lot to me that you enjoyed my work, though. Thank you!
Thanks for the feedback, Laura!
nepenthe - Wow, your first post was FDK for this? Thank you for the great comments, it's things like those that keep me wanting to write!
Andreia, glad I made you smile!
Hi Clarkie! Those books are pretty bad, aren't they? You'll definitely find a lot of better reading on these boards (and I'm happy you think mine fits in that category)!
Mercy, thanks for the FDK! If I could go anywhere in the world it would be to Clark, too.
Thank you again to everyone, you really know how to inflate a girl's ego!