To me, the best part of this part came right at the beginning:
One oddity, Clark was no longer disappearing at odd times with bizarre excuses. Lois hadn't asked him about the change – she was afraid his earlier disappearances had been related to Superman. And Clark's memories of Superman were still missing.
Yes! That is a very nice observation. Lois is so right that Clark's earlier disappearances had something to do with Superman - in fact, they had everything to do with Superman!
But apart from that, I couldn't find anything in the B-plot that set this chapter noticably apart from the episode it is based on (which I have actually seen, though only once). Come on, Dandello! That's not fair!!! You know I'm such a B-plot junkie!!!
As for the A-plot, which I always have trouble concentrating on, the only difference I thought I spotted was this:
“But why would anyone kidnap a housekeeper's kid?” Lois asked. “If she wasn't working for Moskal, she wouldn't have been able to raise the ransom.”
“Maybe we need to look at Rose Collins,” Clark suggested.
You seem to suggest that there is more to Rose Collins than meets the eye, Dandello. I can't remember that there was anything odd or special about her in the episode. Then again... don't trust me to remember the A-plot of episodes.
But come on, Dandello! Tell us
your story! Let us hear what happens to Lois and Clark now that Clark has no superpowers, and neither of them knows that Clark used to be Superman! Let's hear more about
them, about Lois and Clark! Please? Pretty please?