I like the story, Dandello, but I must take issue with you on one line.
A lot of cultures believe in the transmigration of souls, past lives. Even the early Christians didn’t discount it until about the time of the first Council of Nicaea.
This simply isn't true. It's part of the teachings of some early Gnostics who believed that their "special knowledge" of things spiritual would bring them closer to God, and that those who lacked such knowledge would be far from Him. It isn't a Biblical idea, and it doesn't jive with established early church history.
That quibble aside, the story rocks. I visualized Clark lifting the sword like Adrian Paul in Highlander and then shoving it into the ground with more-than-human strength. And Lois charging at the force field alone is so very in character for her.
I believe I read in another thread that you haven't decided when (or even if) to bring Superman back, but it seems that it's almost time for Lois to admit to herself that she cares deeply for her partner, far more deeply than any best friend. And if I were to be asked, I'd suggest that Lois figures it out but doesn't tell Clark at first, but then you bring back Superman with Lois's deliberate help by putting them in a situation where he has to come back or someone important (other than Lois) dies. And she makes this deliberate decision to invite him back, knowing that he'll come between her and Clark. Lots of angst possible there.
And I wanted to ask you, did you write the story you referenced in a previous thread? It was more than pretty good, too.