Yeah! Feedbacks! THANKS!
I was becoming so worried. I hoped that I would receive two, maybe three comments, with any luck, so I am reaaly happy to know there is people out there who are reading and enjoying my story. I know it can happen that nobody leave feedbacks on a part, but two chapters with no comment whatsoever really put me on edge. So thank you to everybody. You've just reassured me.
Je vous ai envoyé un email.
Yes, I've got it, and I've sent a response back to you. Thank you a lot.
As for this story. It's actually one of the scenarios I've always wanted to see. It has the potential for angst ala TOGoM. It's able to give us Lois' fears for Clark at a time when she is just realising how important he is to her.
That was exactly what I wanted. I love to read angsty story, even if I didn't had the time to read anything in the last year. And so, I wanted to try for the first time to write angst. My first story is completely comedy, and the second one completely romance. No Angst. So this time, I tried to write an angsty one. I'll hope you'll think I succeeded when the story will be entirely posted.
Tank (who sees an obvious revelation in the not too distant future)
Oh? You think? Maybe you're a descendant of Nostradamus...
But what about Martha and Jonathan? I know that they couldn't be with Superman at this point, but wouldn't they be in Metropolis 'looking' for Clark? Would they eventually [maybe even by now seeing how Lois obviously feels] have told her the truth? Or something? I'm sure you'll let us know.
One thing that does concern me is the shuttered windows. Understandable of course because they don't know that Superman is solar powered.
No. My bad. She is Nostradamus daughter... Have you read the story in french? You seem to know a lot about what will happen...
Effectively, we will know about the feelings os Martha and Jonathan soon enough. In part 4 actually.
And the shuttered windows... Well, I don't really want to comment that so early on on the story. I'll come back to it when a few more chapters will be posted.
And since I can’t read French, I’ll never find out what happens if you don‘t carry on posting.
Well, you won't have to learn french! LOL I just wanted to know if there was readers or if nobody was even cliquing on the link. But since you're there, I'll keep posting.
But I've got a proposition from someone to beta-read next part. And since my english grammar really sucks, I've accepted the offer, of course! So, I won't post daily anymore to let her time to read it and work on it. So, except if she finally decides that I am too big a challenge, I won't post next part until she finished.
But rest reassured, nobody will have too long to wait. The fanfic is already completely written (yeah, more than a year and half ago, actually), and traduced. I'va also already sent it to the archive, and a GE is looking into it. So in a few weeks time tops, the story will be archived, no matter what. Thanks a lot to both of you, my BR and my GE.
Thank you to everybody who let me know they were reading and enjoying. I'm really grateful for the comments. Keep writing them when next part will be posted, please