I kept being surprised that Lois didin't wake up the next morning with a horrible hangover. She is still as infatuated and hormone-driven as before?
This set-up reminds me of
Phero-Moan My Lovely by Queen of the Capes. That story will show you what happens if the effects of the perfume doesn't wear off!
Anyway, I'm glad that Kal realized that Lois was drugged, and that he couldn't take advantage of her while she was under the influence. But I also love the fact that he was sufficently attracted to her that he might indeed have responded to her invitation if he had believed that she was being herself!
I had a lot of fun at the scene at the Daily Planet, not that it was unexpected.
And Kal nabbed Miranda's perfume! Good!
I think, however, that the thing I like best here is how Kal really loves Lois's touches and her physical nearness. I'm reminded of the show, where he said, 'Lois, if you still want me, here I am,' or something to that effect. Of course, by that time the pheromone had worn off. I strongly suspect that you are going to do something similar here and save Kal's virginity by having Lois wake up from her drug-induced state before it is too late. Ah, but it's going to be a lot of fun to watch the spectacle while it lasts!

Of course, I have to wonder what the fallout will be.