The lure of her lips captured him ... enticed him forward ... closer ... closer.
“Superman! Help! Superman!”
Ah, so *that’s* how things progressed from there
“I ...”
What could he say?
There was nothing he could say.
And he had to go.
Really, really had to go...
“I’m sorry but I need to use the bathroom, right now.”
Lois just watched as Clark disappeared into her bathroom while she silently cursed the turkey. And she had been so sure that this time, the evening wouldn’t end with food poisoning.
Fifteen minutes later, Clark, still in the suit, was back at Lois’s door. Situation fixed. Tragedy averted. People saved. Everything returned to normal.
Lois hurt. Check. Yep, everything back to normal.
And all of Superman’s powers combined were not enough to restore that situation.
And this time she isn’t even wet so he could dry her off…
Clark stared at the solid wooden door, not daring to look through it. If he did, he knew what he would see ... Lois – wounded, lonesome, frustrated, confused.
In the arms of Dan Scardino as they dance into the night…
He tapped softly on her door and listened as her footsteps approached.
Ummm, but as Superman… That screams ‘Bad Idea’ even more clearly
“Who made you cry?” As if he didn’t know.
Yeah, Clark does have a certain knack for hurting everyone within reach. Himself included…
She said nothing for a long time. Clark searched frantically for something to say, but his mind stubbornly refused to cooperate. Then the dam burst.
“I’m sorry?”
I’d like to tangle two fistfuls of his perfectly groomed hair around my fingers and shake him until his perfectly shaped teeth are rattling around his perfect throat so that the next time he flashes that formerly-perfect smile, I’ll be reminded that under that suave, perfect exterior lurks a man who can be thrown into a brouhaha by an almost-kiss.”
“How can you be choking?” she asked. “You haven’t eaten any of my food yet.”
What was that? Cough-Choke-Laugh-Wheeze?
Why does he act as if he would mutilate anyone who so much as even thought about hurting me and then rip out my heart himself?
Because that’s his prerogative? Lois, haven’t you learned anything from dating Lex?
“You do?” Her eyes trapped him as he squirmed inside, realising what he'd done. He’d admitted he knew something. And she was Lois Lane. There was no way out of this – at least not without a mountain of lies and an awful lot of super-ducking-and-weaving.
Yeah, next thing he knows, Lois will have *two* persona-nongrata in her life.
And this was where the rubber hit the road.
Or the sleigh hit the ice.
Or the knee the groin.
“I want you to know the man I am when the suit comes off.”
Hey, I thought this was supposed to be a gfic?
“You already know who I am when I’m not in the suit,” Clark said. “You know the real me better than almost anyone else. You spend hours with me every day. I frustrate you. I annoy you. I bring you coffee. I confuse you. I watch your back. I trail behind you as you chase down a story.”
An almost inaudible squeak. “Jimmy?”
“A little concerned, maybe. You seem upset. And confused. Have you considered a vacation? Or therapy?”

Not that there was ever any doubt