You'd better be working on a sequel already... Or even have it ready and start posting ASAP

Definitely a beginning .... for a sequel!
If you don't do a sequel just know that it is likely to cause me sleepless nights trying to decide what might happen next. Is it working. The guilt - trying to get a sequel. Pretty, pretty please.
Sequel? What is this "sequel" of which you speak?
Sorry, couldn't resist. (Actually, I could. I simply chose not to.)
To keep the pointy sticks away from the tender portions of my anatomy (and to prevent any more sleepless nights), I confess that I am working on an epilogue for this tale which - if it goes the way I think it will - should provide some closure for the gentle readers (those, I might point out, who have threatened to be less than gentle with me).
Of course, as befitting my new title (thanks, Tank), it might not tell everything. It all depends on whether or not my muses get interested in seeing how this tale continues.
It should be up by the weekend, unless I run into a huge roadblock or tornado.