Evelyn It's good that you're finding a lot in each part. I decided to post less often and have bigger parts - no real reason, just a whim
Lois's chat with Martha ... is going to have a huge effect on the rest of this fic.
Thanks, Evelyn.
Ann You ask a lot of questions, Ann. I can't really answer any of them

RE the merger - you're right. The question is not so much the outcome, but how the outcome is achieved. And, what effect it has on Lois and Clark.
Sheila That's a thought - which will be addressed. Thanks, Sheila.
DW Most footy fans are stubborn when it comes to their club.
Thanks, DW.
Sarah I think every fic I've posted has had a happy ending - this will be no different. You could always try paava leaves!
Betty Thanks for leaving FDK, Betty.
Mayson's character is definitely a stretch. My problem was that with both Lois and Clark in Melbourne, the Daily Planet had very few characters left to build a story around, so I had to import a few.
In the show, Mayson could probably see Clark's attraction to Lois. This Mayson can see no good reason why Clark wouldn't be interested in her (yes, she's *that* egotistical!) Add in a rich and easily manipulated uncle, and she's a spoilt brat. And it's also true that I needed a villain.
Canon didn't really emphasise Lois's loyalty to the DP too much, but I think it was definitely there. I've tried to transplant that feeling to Hawthorn. I'm glad it seems realistic to you.
Framework Thanks!
Clearly Lois can't afford to accept that Seb is right. She needs to do everything she can to fight the merger OTHERWISE some part of her will believe that she could have stopped it but didn't because of Clark.
I think that makes a lot of sense.
Your Mayson is pure evil. Looking forward to her meeting Mad Dog Lane.
There will be a meeting.
Tank Thanks for sticking with the fic despite some bits that drive you crazy.
who has enjoyed how easy Clark and Lois' relationship has progressed but he knows that he along with the other gentle readers are being set up for some serious whams ahead
A major theme in this fic is 'team'. Whams can be either external to the team or internal to the team. The key is how the team deals with the whams!
Beth Hi, Beth. Thanks for letting me know you're reading.
I'll be interested to see how you manage to get Mayson and Seb together.
One's a reporter in Metropolis and the other's a jeweller in Sydney. Getting them together in a believable way is not going to be easy.
Bob As for Seb, what a ^!@%!$#. Lois is right. Merger is just as certain a death as closing the doors. I understand why the pure "money" people of the club would favor it, but I can never why see any fan would support such a thing.
A few comments ... when these events happened, I was
firmly of the opinion that Hawthorn should not merge. However, there were many people who love Hawthorn as much as I do who just as firmly believed that declining the merger would mean the certain death of the club. Seb is meant to be representative of them.
Also, the fear that we would lose our club altogether was real enough - remember what happened to Fitzroy?
In order to survive, a club needs three things - on-field success, a large membership, and financial stability. In 1996, we had none of them.
(However, I've had 14 years to moderate my views!)
Thanks, Bob. I appreciate you taking the time out from a busy life to read and respond.
More A/N (which I keep forgetting to include!)
When Lois was talking to Seb on the beach, she mentioned that she'd seen actresses wearing 'Sebastian Stone' creations. However, Lois introduced Seb as Seb Wilton. It will come out that Sebastian Stone is his business name as a designer of jewellery. However, in my fic, Seb's dad, Ron (Wilton) is a trainer at Hawthorn, and in RL there is a runner/trainer at Hawthorn called George Stone. Ron is not meant to represent George. I used 'Stone' because it has a connection with jewellery, not because it has a connection with George!