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#89746 09/20/12 07:19 PM
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Clark TOC can be found Here

My hubby's a chef at a fancy restaurant (yes, I know, I live the hard life) and the guys made this for us the last time we came for dinner. The kids loved it! I figured this was the kind of dessert that Clark would use to impress Lois for her birthday. It's quite an impressive show - live. Here are those links again:

Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream - Long Version (19:19) - More safety precautions.

Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream - Medium version (4:18)

Liquid Nitrogen Gelato - Short Version (1:19)

See how deftly I distracted you from the fact that Clark not only broke down sobbing in tears (back at Lois's apartment), but also ran from the table to throw up, during his date with Lois. thumbsup Well, he knows how to make a first date memorable, doesn't he?

Next up: Lois's POV of these events. evil

Oh, right, feel free to comment how much you'd like Clark to take *you* out for your next birthday.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 05/23/14 02:22 PM. Reason: Added Link

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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She glanced through the peephole and saw Clark standing in her hallway. This was it, the beginning of their first official date. No going back now. She took a deep breath and straightened her dress one more time. She wanted this, she reminded herself. He wasn’t a perfect match like Superman, but Clark was close enough and he loved her.
He is an "Almost (canon) Clark."

There. Now, he looked right, she thought. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. It was the first time Clark looked right. He didn’t look wrong. Oh, this wasn’t good. No, no, this wasn’t good at all.
Lois: Oooh, he's handsome. He's gorgeous. I can't help finding him perfect now.

“We’ve been talking about me all night, you must be bored,” she said, taking the last sip of her wine.

Clark shook his head. “Fascinated. Your life is so different from mine.”
Even without the fact that he's from a different universe entirely (hence him avoiding talking about his past) this is true.

Then again, if I'm not mistaken I'm fairly certain that part's canon.

Clark squeezed her hand. “My mom used to bake all the time,” he said, starting in on one of his memories. “She was bound and determined that I wasn’t going to grow up to be one of those men who didn’t cook.
Go Martha! Honestly, my hubby was the one who helped me learn to cook. I could bake (cookies, cakes, etc.) but for some reason never learned to cook much.

So, some of my earliest memories were in the kitchen with Mom. I had my own footstool, so I could reach the counter. My dad had made it; he even carved my name on it. She’d have me measure flour and sugar, crack eggs, and pour ingredients into the mixing bowl. It was our thing that we did together.”
There's a lot of information in that one snippet. His father worked with his hands and his mother wanted him to know his way around a kitchen.

“When is your birthday?” Lois asked, unable to resist an opening like that.

“February 29, 1966,” Clark replied, taking a sip of his wine.

She pressed her lips together. “No, it’s not, Clark. Leap years happen during the same year as presidential elections, and there was no presidential election in 1966.”
It is when you're a foundling and they don't actually know when you were born.

“What can I say? My folks had a wacky sense of humor,” he said with a sheepish shrug.

Clark sighed. “I was abandoned. When my parents found me they guessed I was about three months old, so they gave me that birthday. They told me I was so special that my birthday should be too. It was switched to the twenty-eighth when the papers went through the channels, but between us it was always February 29.”

The steam dissipated and chef tilted the large bowl of ice cream towards her for her to examine. He took a teaspoon full of it and handed it to her. She stuck it into her mouth and moaned.
Clark certainly knows how to please Lois. *snerk* Sorry, as soon as I wrote that I realized the second meaning of that. *opens up her head and pours bleach over it.*

She decided to test the boundaries of his anti-sweets stance. She plucked a raspberry off the side of her dish. “How about just a raspberry then?” she asked, leaning across the table with the offered fruit waiting on her fingertips.
It's fruit, Clark! It doesn't have any added sugar. Take it! Eat it!

“I don’t know, Lois,” he murmured as if her name was Eve. She could see the fight inside him. It wasn’t chocolate, but it had touched chocolate. Finally, he relented and ate the fruit from her fingers, his tongue brushing over her fingertips. He smiled generously, and she returned his smile. That’s right, Clark, little steps.
Oh the temptress. How sweet she is.

Clark took the offered fruit from her fingers, once again momentarily sucking her fingers as he did so, but when he swallowed his face went ashen. He stood up. “Excuse me,” he said and rushed off from the table.
At first I was going, *rwar* (in a good way) and then... oh no. Not a rescue!

She glanced down at her fingertips. Seeing a bit of chocolate, she went to lick it off and paused. Could Clark taste the trace amounts? Had he had an adverse reaction to the little bit of chocolate on her fingers?

Her eyes gazed towards where Clark had disappeared. Making sweets reminded him of his mom. Eating sweets made him physically ill. It wasn’t that he didn’t like ice cream; he could no longer eat it. She recalled what he had said to her at the hospital that one and only time he had spoken to her about his parents’ death. It was sweet and smoky like burning sugar… He had been trying to let her in then, only they had been interrupted.

She winced, placing a hand over her mouth. Oh, Clark. What had she done?
So he's having a psychosomatic reaction to the sugar. Oh poor Clark. *hugs Alt-Clark*

Lois pursed her lips. “No more, Clark. I’m not going to let this come between us any longer. I’m going to do what I should have done two months ago. You are going to take me home, and you aren’t leaving until you tell me the truth,” she demanded, pointing at him.

“Well, if you insist,” Clark said, as a sly smile replaced his other one. “— but we’ll have to call Perry and explain why we won’t be coming into work tomorrow, or the next day, or…”
*waggles eyebrows* Something tells me that Clark would be in too much of a doghouse for not telling her though.

Lois raised a brow. If he thought they were going to take up where they had left off at the Metro Club, he had another thing coming. She refused to discuss that topic again until she knew who he really was. “You’re not even going to get a first date kiss until I get some information from you.”

“Twelve,” Clark said.
laugh Threaten to pull back on a kiss....

Personally, he liked her ultimatum better. Her not letting him leave her apartment, until he told her something she wanted to know, that was. Sadly, they both knew that that option wasn’t ever going to happen. She’d get too mad and kick him out, and he’d be the good guy and leave when she asked him to. Clark had tried to explain to her that the reasons weren’t important, only the results. He really didn’t need another woman to tell him it was all in his mind, and to ‘get over it’.
Huh? When would he been told that?

As he hurried out the newsroom, he barely missed a delivery man entering with a large bouquet of red roses.
Aaaaaand Luthor's trying to make good with her. *eyeroll*

Enjoyed it, can't wait to read more!

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)
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She glanced through the peephole and saw Clark standing in her hallway.
I was surprised it was Clark, and you did not throw in some complication.

Lois opened the door and pressed her lips together so her jaw wouldn’t drop.
Well, Cat seems to be a good friend. She has helped Clark impress Lois.

It was the first time Clark looked right. He didn’t look wrong.
At this rate the story may need to be renamed.

"It's not my birthday, Chuck,”
He should have checked on this being the same in both universes.

“Well, yes, but that’s not until…” Lois’s eyes widened. “Today! Oh, God! I forgot my own birthday.”
I guess he is up on things and she is not. I did not know it was possible to forget your own birthday.

There was a knock on her once again closed front door.
He seems to have found a way to at least make it appear he did not listen in.

“Happy birthday, Lois. You look amazing,”
Is this where he decides to shift it from a date to a birthday get-together, or is that only later on to cover for his rushing?

“You just came in though, didn’t you?” she sputtered.
I am surprised she is this daring, what with all her premonitions of late.

“I thought we could use a do-over,” he said, reassuring her.
Does that really work?

“So, open it later?” Lois guessed, and Clark nodded.
What? Lois not demanding to open it right now? Has she been replaced by a clone?

Clark squeezed her hand. “My mom used to bake all the time,”
He is really opening up.

“Excuse me?” She couldn’t believe he would lie to her face about his own birthday.
If he was to lie to her face he would make up something believable, not something that obviously won't work.

I was abandoned.
Well, this is not precisely true, but does Clark know what really happened?

When my parents found me they guessed I was about three months old, so they gave me that birthday. They told me I was so special that my birthday should be too. It was switched to the twenty-eighth when the papers went through the channels, but between us it was always February 29.”
He has told her a lot more than she knew before.

The light in his eyes brightened. “Wait a minute,” Clark said, pointing between them. “You thought this was an official first date?” He grinned with a wink. “That’s right; you forgot it was your birthday. I was just inviting you out as friends. You told me you wanted to slow down. Remember?”
I don't buy this explanation. He acted like it was a real date. He told her it was a real date. If he wanted her to think it was just a birthday celebration he should have mentioned her birthday, otherwise her remembering it would be irrelevant, since the issue was only did he know it was her birthday, and if he said nothing she was safe in assuming he did not know.

“Friends don’t suck other friend’s fingers,” she countered.
She has a very good point.

I am surprised she did not commit to memory his license number and check to see if such really existed.

John Pack Lambert
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Oh, NO! Roses! From Luthor no doubt.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

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I think it was primarily Lana who told him to get over his sweats aversion. This has to be one of the most negative versions of Lana possible. Although, they really did not leave much room for a positive version of her in the show.

I was hoping the flowers were not from Clark. I doubt it. He learned what was up with the roses, so probably has almost as much of an aversion as does Lois. Plus, it just does not seem to be his style. He believes in being there for Lois, not just giving her things.

Anyway, red roses seem a bit much. White or yellow maybe, but not red yet. That is going a little too fast, even without the negative associations with Ms. Taylor's illegal business.

Lastly, I figure that if Clark wanted to give her flowers, he would do so in person, not send them by delivery.

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“Well, yes, but that’s not until…” Lois’s eyes widened. “Today! Oh, God! I forgot my own birthday.”
You know, this totally sounds like something Lois would do. smile

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There was a knock on her door, and Lois rushed to answer it, still pulling on her high heeled shoe. She wasn’t entirely ready, but it did a man good to wait. “Give me thirty seconds!” she called.
Ooooh! She’s an entire year (or more) early!

He wasn’t a perfect match like Superman, but Clark was close enough and he loved her.
Oh dear. Settling is never a good idea.

She reached up to his forehead to fix an errant curl that had slipped down the left side. There should be only the one curl on the right side.
clap Although, it might be fun together with Clark?

“Hi, Clark. You better be making my sister deliriously happy, and, Lois, I expect full details.” Click.
/imagines Lois sighing and restocking the cameras in her bedroom/

Lois felt like crawling into her closet and hiding. There was no way that Clark didn’t hear that message, unless he stuck his fingers in his ears and hummed.
Because he now thinks that Lois is a very … unrelaxed woman?

Oh, God, was this necklace bought with cyborg funds?
Not directly. But it was made from the bones of the limbs Doc replaced with artificial ones.

Great. Lucy’s message had scared him off.

“What can I say? My folks had a wacky sense of humor,” he said with a sheepish shrug.

Lois let go of his hand and leaned back to study him. “Excuse me?”
Hippies. They don’t live by Western calendars.

A chef approached the table, rolling a tablecloth-covered cart. On it was a large mixing bowl, a whisk, a ladle, and a tall container metal container.

Lois glanced at Clark. He had ordered chocolate ice cream for her? Clark?
Duh! Doesn’t mean he’ll eat it.

She stuck it into her mouth and moaned.

“Does this meet with your satisfaction?” asked the chef.

“Yes,” Lois said, licking the spoon and grinning at Clark.
/Clark files away sound sample for later reference during different kinds of satisfactory behavior/

The chef cut the cupcake in half and pulled the two sides apart. Out of the center of the cake poured steaming chocolate lava. The chef then placed two scoops of the chocolate ice cream on the plate,

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Finally, he relented and ate the fruit from her fingers, his tongue brushing over her fingertips. He smiled generously, and she returned his smile. That’s right, Clark, little steps.

but when he swallowed his face went ashen. He stood up. “Excuse me,” he said and rushed off from the table.
Huh? This sounds like. Is someone having an accident?

“I’ll get the check and take you home,” he suggested reluctantly, waving at the waiter for the bill.
Hey! She’s not even halfway done eating.

You are going to take me home, and you aren’t leaving until you tell me the truth,” she demanded, pointing at him.

“Well, if you insist,” Clark said, as a sly smile replaced his other one. “— but we’ll have to call Perry and explain why we won’t be coming into work tomorrow, or the next day, or…”
Okay, so it took me a moment to realize that it’s not because he’s actually spilling his beans and keeps spilling for days.

“You aren’t encouraging me to be forthcoming,” he said. “If this is my punishment for keeping things from you…”
wave Michael

Next up: Lois's POV of these events.
huh No, it's not up. confused

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"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Christina: smile1 Approx. 36 hours and counting.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Love the fancy ice cream and desserts! Can Clark take me out?

I like the understanded way you handled the scene at Lois' apartment.

I have a feeling those roses are from Luther.


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John: Wow, more long FDK. You guys are spoiling me. hyper Keep it up. laugh

I was surprised it was Clark, and you did not throw in some complication.

QUOTE: The light in his eyes brightened. “Wait a minute,” Clark said, pointing between them. “You thought this was an official first date?” He grinned with a wink. “That’s right; you forgot it was your birthday. I was just inviting you out as friends. You told me you wanted to slow down. Remember?”

I don't buy this explanation. He acted like it was a real date. He told her it was a real date. If he wanted her to think it was just a birthday celebration he should have mentioned her birthday, otherwise her remembering it would be irrelevant, since the issue was only did he know it was her birthday, and if he said nothing she was safe in assuming he did not know.
He's only teasing her, trying to make jokes so that she forgives him for running off and throwing up after sucking on her fingers, which really embarrassed him. He's trying to save face. He never really thought it wasn't a date, but if it makes her feel more comfortable with it not being a date, since he's humilated himself, he's more than willing to try again. I didn't say it was a sucessful joke, but he's trying to get her mind off his problems with sweets. It's called distraction.

She has a very good point.
She usually does.

I am surprised she did not commit to memory his license number and check to see if such really existed.
I don't know about driver's licenses in other states but in ours it's a mishmash of letters and numbers, probably not easily rememberable, plus he snatched it away before she could focus on it more.

I think it was primarily Lana who told him to get over his sweats aversion. This has to be one of the most negative versions of Lana possible. Although, they really did not leave much room for a positive version of her in the show.
2 Points. Lana. Actually, I just finished reading Female Hawk's The Accused and that Lana is pretty bad. And there's a scary Lana from an old fic (Shane Terry's The Family Hour ) where she had actually married Luthor. SHE was really scary. My Lana is more manipulative than evil. More on her coming up soon.

I was hoping the flowers were not from Clark. I doubt it. He learned what was up with the roses, so probably has almost as much of an aversion as does Lois. Plus, it just does not seem to be his style. He believes in being there for Lois, not just giving her things.
True on all accounts. Plus, at some point Clark says he'll never be able to look at Roses again the same way.

Anyway, red roses seem a bit much. White or yellow maybe, but not red yet. That is going a little too fast, even without the negative associations with Ms. Taylor's illegal business.
Am I the only person who doesn't associate flower colors with meaning? huh I would never have gotten uncomfortable with any guy (I was dating) giving me red roses, nor would I have assumes that they meant "love" as in actual LOVE. love But, hey, that's just me. Flowers are nice, but not really a gift, IMO, more of a gesture. We even had kind of yellowish, peachy roses at my wedding. Does that mean my husband and I didn't love each other? We're only friends? Oh, dear. wink

Lastly, I figure that if Clark wanted to give her flowers, he would do so in person, not send them by delivery.
Yes, kind of tacky, since they work together and he's sure to have seen her at the office to have them delivered. Much more romantic to hand deliver them. Unless, of course, he doesn't want the whole office to know about their date.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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There was nothing from Lois about them having different backgrounds in "Lucky Leon". Lois does not even ask Clark about his growing up per se, she asks him about if he had any big fights with his parents. That leads to Clark making the remark that people are only fully open when they are passionate, like in fighting, and Lois then adds "or when they make love".

So, this date discussion was very different from the one in canon. Also, since they share chocolate in canon, it is very, very different.

I was remembering that in canon at the end of "The Prankster" or whatever they call that episode, Clark does send Lois some yellow roses, and not even sign the card. Of course, the only way to explain that is because it is more funny to have Lois freak out and wreck them. It is part of go with funny not logical.

While the "he does not want the whole office to know" might explain not giving them to her in person, not signing the card always just seemed odd.

I guess you are right your Lana is not half as evil as the one from "Accused", although I would say that Lana is more mentally unbalanced. Actually when she does show up in fan fiction, the canon universe Lana does seem worse than alt-universe Lana. Your fireworks story had a Lana who was cheating on Clark, which this alt-Lana has not been accused of.

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Great part, Virginia!

“Well, yes, but that’s not until…” Lois’s eyes widened. “Today! Oh, God! I forgot my own birthday.”
Lois doesn't remembers that it's her birthday! So in character!

So, some of my earliest memories were in the kitchen with Mom. I had my own footstool, so I could reach the counter. My dad had made it; he even carved my name on it. She’d have me measure flour and sugar, crack eggs, and pour ingredients into the mixing bowl. It was our thing that we did together.”
Clark as a little boy in the kitchen with Martha. So cute!

They told me I was so special that my birthday should be too
I love Martha and Jonathan!

Lois glanced at Clark. He had ordered chocolate ice cream for her? Clark?
CLARK: Of course! YOU love chocolate!

when he swallowed his face went ashen. He stood up. “Excuse me,” he said and rushed off from the table.
Poor Clark! I want to give him a hug!

“Jester,” he said with a grin.
confused Not Jerome?

As he hurried out the newsroom, he barely missed a delivery man entering with a large bouquet of red roses.
Luthor? No, please!

Oh, right, feel free to comment how much you'd like Clark to take *you* out for your next birthday.
Yes! Yes!
hyper hyper



Non ! non, c’est bien plus beau lorsque c’est inutile !
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Wow, more FDK! hyper

Michael: Sorry for the delay in responding, I needed to send 54 to Beta and start in on 55, and prep 45 for posting tonight. YIKES! eek My cushion is down to 10. Not good.

Ooooh! She’s an entire year (or more) early!
Well, being that she's going out with entirely the wrong man, I don't think it counts as early.

Oh dear. Settling is never a good idea.
But canon Lois settled for Luthor and almost settled for Dan... Oh, THAT's what you meant.

Wrong Clark.
CLARK: I may be the wrong Clark but that doesn't mean I don't like burgandy. I do, I'd like Lois is almost any color. Geez, I'd like her in nothing at all. blush Um... I didn't mean that like it sounded.

LOIS: You wouldn't like me naked? I'm getting a fairly good idea on your hesitancy now.

CLARK: No, of course, I'd love to see you naked... I'll prove it to you, get naked and...

LOIS: Uh-huh. <crosses arms> I don't think so. How about you get naked instead and I'll decide if I like what I see?

CLARK: Maybe we should just get back to the FDK.

LOIS: Spoil sport.

Lois is out on her birthday, selling a birthday special.
ELLEN: That my daughter has gone out drinking and went home with some man she wouldn't talk to if she had been sober.

Huh? Why not?
Because Ellen is so kind to her daughter and never mentions her short-comings.

You wouldn’t have. A female sanity appliance?
[Linked Image] (only because the correct answer cannot be posted on these boards. BTW: 2 points)

Although, it might be fun together with Clark?
CLARK: Um... thank you. No.

/imagines Lois sighing and restocking the cameras in her bedroom/
To show her sister?

Because he now thinks that Lois is a very … unrelaxed woman?
Um... because those weren't really phone message type things to say.

Not directly. But it was made from the bones of the limbs Doc replaced with artificial ones.
No, real pearls.

He just went to the office
The arrival of the package happens off page (I believe. It's been a while since I've read these next few parts.)

Oh dear! It’s happening again. She’s gotten unstuck in time.
Poor Clark, and he was trying to do something nice so it didn't look like he had listened to the message.

/whispers/ Lucy already got her one of those.
Nope, this is different.

Lois is not going to stay a happy camper for long.
Good thing nobody likes a mad Lois.

Yeah, besides, teenager parties can easily get out of hand and end one or more of the girls in the maternity ward in about nine months later.
ELLEN: Exactly!

What *is* the gift?
[Linked Image]

Now she’s mad. Also, it’s fun to link those two. I’ve always just gone with dividable by four etc. Hmm... Why was there an election in 1900, then, though
Was there no leap year in 1900?

Hippies. They don’t live by Western calendars.
Well, I always thought alt-Martha and Jonathan looked a bit more hippish than canon M&J, but that might only because their photo was from the 1970s from before they were dead. Plus they were fore-runners in the Re-Earth (Organic) movement in Smallville, so yes.

I accidently hit "post" blush so, off to the next screen.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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FDK Reply - Part 2

Duh! Doesn’t mean he’ll eat it.
She thought he didn't like it, so he wouldn't encourage others to eat it either.

/Clark files away sound sample for later reference during different kinds of satisfactory behavior/
Compare it to the failed pasta night?

She’s going to go into chocolate overdose. Oh my.
Chocolate is an aphrodesic. laugh

Lex can attest to that.
LEX: That isn't what I offered her for dessert.

Huh? This sounds like. Is someone having an accident?
Stomach upset.

Hey! She’s not even halfway done eating.
She lost her apetite when she realized her teasing made him bolt for the rest room.

Okay, so it took me a moment to realize that it’s not because he’s actually spilling his beans and keeps spilling for days.
Actually, he's kept so much from her it might take days, but no, he was referring to the fact that why would he tell her the truth if he got to stay with her in her apartment as punishment for NOT telling her.

Down, boy.
Just joking.

You said ‘date’. /pulls on crystal studded glove and pulls back to *really* slap Clark across the face/ Huh. Where that’s one crystal shard gone… And why’s Clark choking?
He was only teasing her.

Depends on the benefits package.

/doesn’t remember about fake driver’s license from *way* back/
It's his real driver's license, but it's from alt-dimension.

That’s what they say. Over here, it’s the nose.
What if he has a big nose and small feet?

Because he has so much trouble finding a … shoe that fits. It’s usually a real hassle. Most are too small and pinch him. And when he finds one that works, it soon wears out and he can’t wear it any longer. Did I mention ‘hassle’?
CLARK: My feet aren't THAT big.

But what if he cries in her lap?
Um... he did.

Oh boy. All the way in Gotham? Someone’s not going to be happy about that. How about Superman carries Batman up to Lex’s penthouse (Lois style) and leaves the two alone for a little while?
More on Monique Kahn developement later on. BTW: Luthor's manor house isn't in Metropolis.

Hey! First M&J. Now Clark’s gift for Lois? And he doesn’t even think about Lucy’s gift? Nothing? /taps foot/
[Linked Image] More on M&J coming up in a few parts. More on Clark's gift later. I've already addressed Lucy's gift above.

How about he just sits down quietly on her couch?
CLARK: Yeah, that's the perfect way to impress a girl. Refuse to leave on the first date.

That’s why? What…That…*LANA*!
Yep, Lana.

You mean, not think of him as a whole man? After he turned down Cat and Toni and even *her*? And now he’s crying like a baby.
CLARK: I really need to search for those sphere-shaped sports equipment. I know I had two of them at one point and time.

A Lt. Gordon?
Not important to the story, so possbily.

He guessed Ms. Kahn had already waited this long; what was a few more minutes.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> No, it's not up.
Coming tonight (or tomorrow, your time).

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Joan: That sounded like a good dessert to me too. I love chocolate lava cake (I've even been known to lick the plate AT the restuarant. blush ), so I figured she needed something to go with the ice cream.

I like the understanded way you handled the scene at Lois' apartment.
Do you mean before the date? Or afterwards? More on afterwards coming up.

I have a feeling those roses are from Luther.
Maybe from her Daddy in hiding? [Linked Image] That's right. He'll get around to her birthday gift by Thanksgiving.

John: Thanks for double checking Lucky Leon for me. It had been a while since I read (the script) or watched the episode.

Also, since they share chocolate in canon, it is very, very different.
Well, she shared her raspberries. wink

I was remembering that in canon at the end of "The Prankster" or whatever they call that episode, Clark does send Lois some yellow roses, and not even sign the card. Of course, the only way to explain that is because it is more funny to have Lois freak out and wreck them. It is part of go with funny not logical.
Yep, that was the episode (or Return of the Prankster) I was thinking of per the Roses.

While the "he does not want the whole office to know" might explain not giving them to her in person, not signing the card always just seemed odd.
I agree.

I guess you are right your Lana is not half as evil as the one from "Accused", although I would say that Lana is more mentally unbalanced. Actually when she does show up in fan fiction, the canon universe Lana does seem worse than alt-universe Lana. Your fireworks story had a Lana who was cheating on Clark, which this alt-Lana has not been accused of.
Not yet. smile1

Poor Clark! I want to give him a hug!
CLARK: ooooh. Another hug! This FDK thread is the greastest!

CAT: <pout> I offer you hugs all the time.

CLARK: Yes, but you cop a feel each time you do.

CAT: <shrugs innocently>

Not Jerome?
He's joking, people! (Jester meaning jokester or comedian)

Luthor? No, please!
evil He's back!

Yes! Yes!
CLARK: <checking schedule> So, I need to take Joan and Sydney out for their birthdays, and Lois, and probably Cat. I'm going to need a second job. wink Oh, wait, I still have a little gold left from when Herb brought me here.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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He's joking, people! (Jester meaning jokester or comedian)
Thanks! I didn't know. I never learned that word when I took English in high school.

So, I need to take Joan and Sydney out for their birthdays, and Lois, and probably Cat
hyper hyper



Non ! non, c’est bien plus beau lorsque c’est inutile !
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Originally posted by Sydney:
He's joking, people! (Jester meaning jokester or comedian)
Thanks! I didn't know. I never learned that word when I took English in high school.
I'll try to catch those earlier and place a note at the end of the story. wink My apologies.

So, I need to take Joan and Sydney out for their birthdays, and Lois, and probably Cat
hyper hyper
CLARK: Anything to please the Readers.

LOIS: Oh, the "READERS" huh? *I* read your work. What have you done for ME lately?

CLARK: Um... er... oh, look at the time... I believe I need to... uh... [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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My cushion is down to 10. Not good.
/hands Virginia emergency chocolate/

Well, being that she's going out with entirely the wrong man, I don't think it counts as early.
wave Michael

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