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#94985 05/03/13 06:53 PM
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This space is for comments on Fire Drill . This is not a test. smile

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
#94986 05/03/13 07:58 PM
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Sorry. Wait. Hold on. I just have to go knock the smoke detector from the wall. There. I've got it now. Darn. It always seems to go off when I read Sue S. stories. I wonder why that is. It's like the room heats up to uncomfortable levels for that poor piece of machinery or something. thumbsup

I love the imagery with the coat. How romantic. How Clark. How much I want it to rain right now. Sigh. This is a very interesting combination with Lynn S.M.'s recent (Semi)Annual Safety Seminar piece. notworthy It does leave me wondering though, is Perry up in the office curious where the hottest team in town disappeared off to during the fire drill? And did one of those smokers drop a bud in the wrong place (like on under a car with a leak), and poor Lois and Clark will be interrupted by a real fire in the parking garage? That would be a shame, because I'm thinking they're just starting to warm up.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
#94987 05/03/13 09:44 PM
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OK, now I'm distracted.

Short, sweet and smokin'.

#94988 05/04/13 03:07 AM
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Such a treat in the morning! HooHa, that was great. Keep throwing those little gems our way, anytime.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis
#94989 05/04/13 03:59 AM
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I, for one, feel that the burden of un-betaed Sue stories is one that we may all suffer to bear. wink

Then again, I guess that all depends on your definition of suffer. smile

This is one of those short stories that is perfect in its length and scope. That is not an easy thing to accomplish!

The real trouble with your stories, Sue, is that the only thing better than a new story is more new stories! It's a vicious cycle. smile

As far as actual feedback goes...The imagery in this story was fantastic. You have an amazing knack for getting in the characters' heads. These "everyday life" scenes are some of my favorite stories.

Amber smile

#94990 05/04/13 07:18 AM
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Whew! Steamy! Love the vivid imagery. (I was going to use another exclamation mark, but I figured that would be overkill.)

I wonder whether anyone else noticed them. It doesn't sound like they were out of sight of the rest of the group. I'm not so sure that Perry is going to be wondering where they are. I think that he'd be more surprised to see them heading back into the newsroom.

I don't know that I've read anyone dealing with this aspect of PML before. Everything went the same, Clark resisted Lois, "nothing happened", but why would neither of them be thinking about it afterwards? I love it.

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
#94991 05/04/13 02:25 PM
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Great story! I have always wondered why the scenes from Pheromone, My Lovely never seemed to have any long-lasting impact on either Lois or Clark. I'm glad that this time they did.

I really like your version!

Ultra Lucille
#94992 05/04/13 05:58 PM
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Great story! I have always wondered why the scenes from Pheromone, My Lovely never seemed to have any long-lasting impact on either Lois or Clark.
I always thought it was that they were just too embarrassed about the events, and they had a mutual unspoken pact not to bring it up.

As Sue has pointed out in several other fics besides this fine one, OF COURSE they would think about it. Both Lois and Clark would wonder what might have happened during the pheromone incident if they had done something different.

I'm glad that in this fic, they get the courage to ditch the unspoken mutual pact, and start speaking about it. And acting on it. Yay for Sue!

#94993 05/05/13 07:54 AM
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Hack from Nowheresville
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smile1 Some fire drill you organized for them Sue thumbsup Can I have one, please? dizzy

#94994 05/05/13 05:37 PM
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Awww I love it. So sweet, romantic and oh so cute!

Superman: I hear you've been looking for me.
Lois: All my life.
#94995 05/05/13 06:51 PM
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Have you ever had one of those weekends where you thought you had plenty of time to get everything done, and then, suddenly, it's Sunday night and you have no idea where the time went? I'm leaving town on Tuesday and I'm probably going to be up for the next 48 hours to get everything on my to-do list done. It's been killing me that I haven't been able to reply to all your wonderful comments.

Virginia - Hot flashes? LOL! I loved the imagery with the coat, too. I wanted something like that scene at the beginning of 'AKA Superman' when he gets possessive and bumps her up against the wall while they're waiting for the elevator. But I couldn't justify Clark getting *that* possessive (not in the first season, anyway), so I settled for him using the coat to pull her to him. blush That's a very happy mental image, at least for me.

Shallowford - I'm happy to have distracted you. wink

Artemis - I've always maintained you deserve a treat. laugh

Amber - It is a vicious cycle for me, too. I write something. I get lovely FDK. That makes me want to write something else… So you can blame yourself the next time I write another one. :p

Mrs M - In my mind, no one else saw them. Lois went to the far end of the garage, so they were well away (and behind a long row of vehicles). As for Perry, he was behind them on the way out and, no doubt, saw Lois was carrying her purse. I think he'd be more surprised to see them return than by their absence, especially given the long wait to get back inside.
I don't know that I've read anyone dealing with this aspect of PML before. Everything went the same, Clark resisted Lois, "nothing happened", but why would neither of them be thinking about it afterwards?
Gosh, I hope there are other stories out there that acknowledge that there's no way they could just ignore everything that had happened! Sure, they might not act on it, but how could you not think about it?

Lucille - I wondered that, too. smile I'm glad you enjoyed this version.

Iolan - I can see your point about being too embarrassed -- Lois that it had ever happened, and Clark that he gave in to temptation. But, dang it, I wanted them to have to acknowledge it! It wasn't hard to have Clark tortured by his memories. I tried to layer the story with the idea that Lois *did* remember a little something and it was driving her nuts.

Kate - Can you have one? Sure, I'll pull the alarm and send them all outside again. Maybe this time they can sit in her car to keep warm…

Jackie - Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

My thanks to everyone who's replied. You guys are the best! sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
#94996 05/05/13 08:32 PM
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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*finishes ficlet*

*turns on fan* Whew, it's hot in here.

She didn't get a glimpse of what was UNDER the collar, did she? goofy


"It's the mythology of a sun god who wished he was a man because he saw something so great in us.
It's the story of a hero who could move whole worlds and see through stars and hear a whisper on the other side of the planet...
...and who fell in love with a storyteller." - ashmaht (x)
#94997 05/06/13 12:34 AM
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This was one of the best examples of turning up the heat slowly since Labrat's Burnout.

Clark swallowed, but his eyes met hers, his expression cautious. "That might have been a lie," he said quietly.
Oh Clarkie ...

It is funny that she didn't think about the time at the airport as well. But he is sooo attracted to her! Happy chuckles! rotflol


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
#94998 05/06/13 03:52 AM
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Why, why, why weren't you writing on the show? I love the distraction, the sudden kiss, and slow admission of attraction.
Heaven knew he didn't pay much attention to fashion, but if he ever met the designer who revived miniskirts, he was going to buy them a drink.
You know, I've never thought about it before, but Lois' wardrobe at the beginning of season 1 was fullof longer skirts. When exactly did she shift to mini skirts?
Fueled by that memory -- and the hope of a glimpse of cleavage -- Clark got up and walked over to perch on the corner of Lois' desk.
rotflol Clark is such a guy.
Clark cupped the back of her head with his left hand while his right shifted to catch his coat as it slipped from her shoulders.
It's the little details that make us fall in love with your stories.

Thank you. More please.

#94999 05/06/13 04:09 PM
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OH! Waffykins!! laugh

Obviously, I loved it. As a student, I'm subjected to frequent fire/bomb/lockdown drills, and I guarantee you, it is most certainly ALWAYS raining.

It's unfortunate that men like Clark don't go to my school...

This time, a kiss was definitely the only good answer.
Sooooo, then what happened? laugh

Great job on this story. It's a good place holder while we wait for part 19... wink

.talk nerdy to me.
#95000 05/06/13 06:08 PM
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Hi! smile1

Kismatt - While Lois may not have seen what was under his collar, she has had a tantalizing look at it in the past (when he answered the door in nothing but a towel in the pilot episode). <sigh>

Morgana - If she'd thought about that time at the airport, this would have turned into a revelation fic, and I was trying to avoid that. I figured if she never made the connection after he threw on the bed in HiM, then she wasn't going to make it. Many thanks for the comparison to LabRat. notworthy

BJ - Hey you! I'd vote for anyone on these boards to have written for the show. We seem to have a more focused grasp on the characters than the writers did. Maybe it's a practice makes perfect kind of thing. smile As for her miniskirts, it seems like she did wear a few in the first season, but by the third season there were a lot of them.
Clark is such a guy.
To me, there's just no way Clark could drop the innuendoes that he does and not have a semi-dirty mind. Thank you for the compliments. blush

Mrs Luthor - Last year, just before the prompts were posted for the fall ficathon, we had a fire drill on a rainy day. When I saw "cold rain" in the list of prompts, I knew what the story would be. smile
Sooooo, then what happened?
Heh. It's like Clark reimagining the Dance of the Seven Veils night after night. You get to decide what happens next. laugh

My undying to gratitude to everyone who's left comments. Thank you! sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
#95001 05/31/13 08:16 AM
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Yeah, I know I've been MIA from the boards for a while... but I was sneaking around the TOCs to see what I've missed and came across a Sue S. story, which I knew I had to read. I was not disappointed. laugh

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink
#95002 06/04/13 04:35 PM
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Thanks, mozart! It's good to have you back. wave laugh

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
#95003 06/11/13 11:48 AM
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His attention shifted to Clark.
Hehe! Clark's in trooooouble!

Lois had a different excuse -- she simply hadn't left her desk.

God, she had to admire his attention to detail.
<sigh> Me too.

She saw his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed. "It's… distracting."

He ranked that perfect moment right above the first time he'd realized he could fly. Both experiences had made him giddy with delight.

She had thrown veil number five around his shoulders, gone on tiptoe, and gone for the jugular. Only that instance hadn't been a brief peck. She'd taken her time, applied some suction, and ended with a soft little nip of teeth.
<fans self>

"Even just a little?" she pressed. "Somewhere, deep down, in some part of you that you don't acknowledge unless you're drunk or in a really, really good mood?"

"I wanted to know if it would be the same."

This time, a kiss was definitely the only good answer.
<stands in front of the air conditioner to cool off>

Mmm...cold rain but soooo hot! Nicely done!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon

#95004 06/13/13 03:53 PM
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Thanks, DC! I apologize I didn't make it for the fall ficathon, but better late than never, right? smile

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
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