Poor Clark. That must have been a very difficult rescue for him at the orphanage.
![[Linked Image]](http://cosgan.de/images/midi/boese/a045.gif)
Naughty administrators going out for lunch and leaving the children to die. When he first returned, I thought it was the Kents. I should have known better when they were so quiet. Just like Clark to blame himself, when it wasn't his fault.
I sighed. It was now or never. “Clark, you give me hope that maybe there really are still journalists out there who want the truth as much as I do,” I said, taking his hand on my cheek and holding it in my own. “You give me hope that there are still nice guys out there in the world… that maybe everyone doesn’t have a hidden agenda,” I said, my words becoming softer as my throat tightened with inexplicable tears. “Clark, somewhere along the way… I think I fell in love with you.”

Yea! Lois finally said it all in this one paragraph. She said that she loved *him*, Clark him, and that's all he needed to hear.
There was that frisson again, making my stomach flip. “Does that mean you might want to spend more than one Christmas with me?”
Just like Lois. Can't enjoy the moment without seeing where it will lead.
We fell asleep on the sofa, wrapped in each other’s embrace. We had kissed and talked into the early hours of the morning, neither of us wanting to part the other’s company to head upstairs to bed.
Awwww. There's the WAFF.
“Lois, I know you pretty well. I actually expected you go snooping in my room…” he answered wryly, the melancholy look of a moment ago all but vanished. “Thank you for reminding me about this… and for cleaning it up. Perhaps we can have a look at the stars together sometime?”
Of course, he expected her to go through his stuff.
“Well, the snow is melting, and we got an early flight back from Wichita,” said Mrs. Kent. “Hello, Lois. I guess you survived a few days out here after all? Clark take good care of you?” she said, glancing between the two of us. I swore she could tell something had shifted between me and Clark, but we just stood there, unsure of where to begin.
Flight? From Wichita? Smallville has an airport? Just a little FYI. Most of us, who live West of the Mississippi River, drive if we're heading somewhere within a 5-10 hour drive. I live at one corner of my state and my mother lives kiddy-corner at the very other side. It often takes longer, due to changing planes in the major city, to fly than drive to get where she lives and a whole lot more expensive. Everything is VERY spread out. The passenger trains are a bit random out here, and so are the airports. The Wichita airport is probably the closest airport to Smallville anyway.
Martha and Jonathan headed into the kitchen to clean up, leaving Clark and I to our own devices in the living room.
Lois! Clark! Martha fixes you this terrific Christmas meal, even though she's been stuck in Wichita for days and only just arrived that morning and *neither* of you offered to help clean up? Shame on you!
“Both,” he smiled back. “Libra means balance… I know it’s your star sign, and I think it makes a whole lot of sense… because you—you bring balance to my life, Lois.”
I like this.
And they lived happily ever after dancing in the stars. Awww. Let's hope they can keep up the romance once they return to hectic hustle and bustle of Metropolis.