Hi Nan,
I just happened to have re-read the Home Series a couple of months ago so this is
FDK Scavenger Hunt perfect timing.
You're going to be crabbier than a bear if we don't get you some food, so get your coat and let's go, shall we?"
"Clark, I'm never crabby with you!" she said, picking up the item in question.
This qualifier is just

"We were," Clark said. "The Casablanca is run by one of my many … relations, and normally closes on New Year's Eve. However, I had specific orders to bring you here tonight." He nodded at the entrance, smiling. Lori turned.
Lara, accompanied by William Klein, entered, followed by CJ and Rachel, Anne Kent and her husband, George, and Jon Kent and his wife, Donna.
"Surprise!" they chorused.
"So I guess that's it for the day," she said. "I can finish this at home." She told her computer to shut down and got to her feet. "Would you believe I'm starved?"
He chuckled. "I wouldn't believe you if you said you weren't."
Lori’s pregnant. New baby on the way. And the continuous being-hungry references are just a theme during this part of the home series. Great fun!
He retrieved her coat from the rack by the steps. "I have an idea. Do you like Moroccan food?"
"I don't know. I've never tried any."
"Do you trust my judgment?"
She batted her eyes at him. "Always. At least when it comes to food."
New food.
Rob cleared his throat, softly. Mariann glanced at him and seemed to visibly shift gears.
"Your dad sort of cleared his throat and she stopped in her tracks. I think your mom is trying to make some changes, honey.
New therapist / new behavioral pattern.
"Thanks," Clark said. "And sometime we'd like to see you and your family in Metropolis, Kamil."
"I'll be a freshman at New Troy State next semester," Kamil said. "Pre-Med."
New school.
And new place to live.
Lara lifted her tall glass of mint tea. "To the newest little Kent. And to Lori and Clark. May the coming year be a joyous new beginning for all three."
The others lifted their glasses. Clark slipped his hand over Lori's under the edge of the table. "Happy New Year, honey," he said.
She squeezed his hand. "Happy New Year, Clark," she said.
And the New Year itself

It’s kind of funny how the Home Series can cover so many Scavenger Hunts Mary is posting

Or maybe it’s just…umm…me having a soft spot for the next generation Lois.
