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Discuss October's long story fanfic club selection here. I myself am not quite yet ready to add my thoughts, but I wanted to post this thread early in the morning in case anybody wants to get started. (K)nightfall
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/Psst./ You might want to add a *********Spoilers********** warning to the title of this thread. Or maybe it's implied like with FDK. I'd like to start out saying that when I recommended this story, I didn't realize it was part of series, despite having read it before.  to LaraMoon for writing such a great story which could stand alone. The other stories part of Lara Moon's 'Clark Kent is Batman... Not!' series are: A Sister Would Know Blind as a Bat Cut from the Same Cape Dark Night Exclusive! Force Majeure The Green, Green Glow of the Arrow I'm not sure I got them all (as I'm still catching up), but I'm fairly certain I got them in the right alphabetical order. I'm thinking that [K]Nightfall is the last in the series, but it truly is a stand alone piece. I must say it's a story which sticks with you. The Batman from this story is much grumpier than the ones earlier in her series (probably due to Bain breaking his spine and Alfred abandoning him in mid-crises). I liked the cameo and gift of the Batman belt and re-breather by Nightwing. It explains a lot. Plus, it was the only part of Superman's costume NOT to have disintegrated upon re-entry. I enjoyed Bruce complaining about Clark ruining Batman's image and Bain breaking both of his fists trying to punch "Batman" in the jaw. I could just picture the surprised expression on his face.  That's our Lois!
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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I was very curious/excited to read this story. I haven't read many stories so far that have cross-over characters, and I didn't know how it would appeal to me--someone who is reading foremost for the interaction of Lois and Clark, and hopefully for a kiss or two  ...Final verdict=loved it!!! Clark looked up at her and tried to crack a weak smile. Ever since Lois had figured out that he was Superman, Clark had gradually allowed himself to let out some of the thoughts and feelings - when he was with her - that he otherwise kept locked up deep inside. His fears, and sometimes, even his failures. Things the rest of the universe was not permitted to know that Clark Kent felt and certainly didn't believe that Superman could feel or even experience. Having someone around who he could talk to was the most precious gift he could ever have asked for. --I really liked how the story started off and especially this early paragraph. It was great seeing their connection and the lack of a secret between them. The last sentence summed up wonderfully why this was such a special thing for Clark to finally have... So what if the entire world saw her do it? The rest of the world didn't matter much to her right now. All that mattered was Clark. And for a short, much too short moment, the rest of the world melted away; there was no one else, there was no asteroid, and this wasn't goodbye.
"I've got to go," he told her, reluctantly breaking the kiss. --Got one of the kisses I'm always hoping to see  . I loved how she probably shouldn't have kissed him in front of the world like that---BUT....she did it anyway Slowly, she walked to her bedroom and let herself drop on the bed. Soon, her body was racked with sobs.
The sun had been up for almost a full hour by the time exhaustion got the better of Lois and she finally drifted to sleep. --Hate to see Lois in such a sad state, but it was done in a really good way. You could really feel what she was going through--and it kept me reading to get them back together 
"Where's Clark?" "Right here."
...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.
~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~
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Loved it! (Bonus thanks to Virginia for posting all the links to the whole series  ) So I think this is just gonna be a list of all my loves of the story, since I've long since closed the tab it was in and don't have time for quotes.... I'd never read this one before, though it's come highly recommended many a time, but I really loved it! First off, the fact that Lois knows Clark is Superman so early on I actually enjoyed (glad I went through and read some of the others first so that I at least knew how she'd figured it out). Loved how easily all of the other characters were worked into the story (Nightwing, Robin, and of course, the Bat himself). Loved how Clark felt right being a hero and wearing spandex but not comfortable with any other aspect of the Dark Knight persona, like the cowl or the Batcave at all. Also loved Bane's appearance and swift demise-- since this was written before the latest Batman movie especially, I liked to see (or I guess read about) the real Bane, even though it was only brief. And my last comment (for now anyway) will be on how Clark almost stayed in Gotham. He was still a nice enough guy that he wanted to help out a desperate city even if it meant not getting his life or memories back... But Lois (and Bruce) quickly knocked that idea out of his thick skull. All in all, great read and glad I finally got around to checking it out. I'm beginning to think I'm really gonna love this fanfic club idea.
Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness. --Mark Twain
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I was especially looking forward to reading this story since Batman is one of my favorite superheroes, and I wasn't disappointed. The way that the Bane breaking Batman's back storyline and "All Shook Up" were weaved together was brilliant. I found myself looking forward to each new chapter whenever I found a little bit of time to read some more.
I liked how the differences between Superman and Batman were so accurately portrayed. Clark not quite feeling comfortable being Batman but feeling that wearing the costume felt right was great and definitely brings the point home that while Superman and Batman are both heroes in their own right, their methods are very different. I also enjoyed the line about Clark not liking way the mask felt since Superman doesn't wear a mask.
I also enjoyed Lois' role in the story. It was great that she did everything she could to keep Clark's secret, even with the possibility of him being dead. I could really feel for her having to do Clark's job as well as her own while all the while having to deal with her grief over Superman's disappearance.
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Aww, it has been much too long since I've read a LaraMoon fic! Reminds me of the good old days. I'm excited to get back to it. Allons-y! - Jessi, for her never-ending encouragement, and for lending me her room while I was in Anchorage (most of Chapter 1 was written there) You know you're welcome here any time, hon! It's a different room now, but that might be perfect for a different story. Things the rest of the universe was not permitted to know that Clark Kent felt and certainly didn't believe that Superman could feel or even experience. Having someone around who he could talk to was the most precious gift he could ever have asked for. Have I ever mentioned how much I love it when Clark acknowledges how great it is for him to have someone to talk to? Because I really love it a lot. And that last sentence gives me sniffles. He hadn't been seen for a few days, but that wasn't altogether uncommon for someone whose strongest asset was hiding in the shadows. Makes me giggle every time. All that mattered was Clark. And for a short, much too short moment, the rest of the world melted away; there was no one else, there was no asteroid, and this wasn't goodbye. *Melts* So bitter-sweet and beautiful. It wasn't his strength or his speed - or even the fact that he could fly. It was his kindness, his values, his heart that made him who he was. His constant optimism, his unshakable belief in the goodness of people, his aspiration to make the world a better place. The perfect way to sum up the perfect man. This is everything I love about Clark! Even stranger was the fact that he didn't have any clothes on, save for an odd, yellow belt with compartments on it that contained several utility objects like a knife and some sort of throwing weapons shaped like bats. This mental image, though. One thing was quickly starting to become very clear - who ever he was, he had some sort of bat fetish! This, he thought to himself as he sprinted towards the source of the commotion, sounds like a job for Batman! Haha, yep! It's all coming back to him now. "I'm sorry," he said. "I was just thinking that if the DoD had been anything near as determined as you are, they'd have been digging through my garden days ago. Do come in, Miss Lane. This is one story I'm sure you're going to want to hear." Yay! I love Bruce and Lois interaction. They're both so stubborn and cunning. Clark definitely has a type in best friends. But neither the way she felt in his arms, nor her perfume, or even the brush of her lips on his skin seemed familiar. Heartbreaking, but an absolutely beautiful line. You look kind of nice in gray, though, you know. Not the charcoal suit she had in mind? "I'm sorry. I... Please don't cry," he whispered softly. "It hurts me to see you hurting like this. You have no idea how I wish I remembered. Will you help me remember? About Superman. And me. Help me remember you, too. I want to remember you. I... feel things for you that I don't understand. I need to remember you." *Sniffles* This totally makes me tear up. So sweet, with so much longing. He smiled and shook his head. "You... don't drink your coffee with real milk and real sugar," he stated, his expression one of concentrated thought. "You keep a supply of Double Fudge Crunch chocolate bars in your desk, thinking no one knows they're there. There are five different locks on the door to your apartment, but you keep the window wide open..." So great. The absolute best way he could have told her that he remembered. Sorry for the really long review, but I was super excited to re-read this. It's got the perfect balance of fluff and angst and action and just a ton of fun! It's got pretty much all of my favorite characters (Martha, Jonathan, Tim, Bruce), and you handle them all so well. A great trip down memory lane. I'm going to have to read more of your stuff. 
"Lois Lane is Clark Kent's Superman." - Brian Miller
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Awwwww, guys!!! You so very much made my day with your comments  Thank you so much for reading this old thing (again) and letting me know you enjoyed it. I remember getting a lot of flack for constantly including Batman in my stories (sorryyy! haha!) but this remains one of my favorites in this fandom. ...and this kind of makes me want to pull out the two or three old WIPs on my hard drive and polish them off a little (no, those don't have any bats in them. LOL!) Thank you all for your comments, it really means the world to me! <3
Superman: Why is it that good villains never die? Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains? => Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
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I remember getting a lot of flack for constantly including Batman in my stories (sorryyy! haha!) but this remains one of my favorites in this fandom. ...and this kind of makes me want to pull out the two or three old WIPs on my hard drive and polish them off a little (no, those don't have any bats in them. LOL!) Did someone say WIPs? Please do--sure we'd love to read them 
"Where's Clark?" "Right here."
...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.
~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~
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Originally posted by LMA: I remember getting a lot of flack for constantly including Batman in my stories (sorryyy! haha!) but this remains one of my favorites in this fandom. ...and this kind of makes me want to pull out the two or three old WIPs on my hard drive and polish them off a little (no, those don't have any bats in them. LOL!) Did someone say WIPs? Please do--sure we'd love to read them You took the  ....er... words right out of my mouth. 
VirginiaR. "On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling" --- "clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.
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Boards Chief Administrator Emeritus Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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I remember getting a lot of flack for constantly including Batman in my stories (sorryyy! haha!) You did? Shame on them. It's called a crossover - and perfectly legitimate. Hope you didn't let that stop you from posting here and that you dust off those other stories and post them here pronto! LabRat 
Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly. Aramis: Yes, sorry. Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.
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Hi LaraMoon! Originally posted by LaraMoon: . ...and this kind of makes me want to pull out the two or three old WIPs on my hard drive and polish them off a little (no, those don't have any bats in them. LOL!)  Michael
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(K)nightfall was a really great story, Lois' fear, Clark's confusion and Bruce's frustration all made for great reading.
Its a pity LaraMoon did not add that Perry knew what was going on.
Also, Clark came to his senses really quickly after the kiss. Sleeping Beauty in reverse?
The Bat series is intriguing and one of these days I'll probably get to them. Glad this entry made the cut!
A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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Originally posted by LabRat: I remember getting a lot of flack for constantly including Batman in my stories (sorryyy! haha!) You did? Shame on them. It's called a crossover - and perfectly legitimate. Hope you didn't let that stop you from posting here and that you dust off those other stories and post them here pronto!
LabRat Nah, it never stopped me from posting anything at all. And I promise to try and finish one of these WIPs before Christmas.
Superman: Why is it that good villains never die? Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains? => Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
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Originally posted by LaraMoon: And I promise to try and finish one of these WIPs before Christmas. Christmas gifts! Yay! Andreia
"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."
~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
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I love Christmas gifts--thanks LaraMoon 
"Where's Clark?" "Right here."
...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.
~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~