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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Double post! Yipee!!! Here's the first link, Teri and Dean talking about Lois: click me! click me! And here's another one just because I love it so much: Awwwww
"It's the mythology of a sun god who wished he was a man because he saw something so great in us. It's the story of a hero who could move whole worlds and see through stars and hear a whisper on the other side of the planet... ...and who fell in love with a storyteller." - ashmaht (x)
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Here's the first link, Teri and Dean talking about Lois: click me! click me! Love this! Taken from the exras on the DVD's, right? Really need to sit down and watch the extras again. Thanks for uploading--really relates to the conversation  (HIWTHI, correct?) Thanks, Kismatt Also, Laura, you neeeeed to read Sue's nFic. *ducks flying tomato from Sue* I particularily loved Revisionist History....oh, and Evasive Action....oh, and the Steps duo....and then there's...well, you get the idea. Thanks for the suggestions--definitely will!  --or maybe a couple?) Recently have read--b/s Honeymoon in Vegas, and currently Second Honeymoon--Platonic and Faustian Bargain, both of which were wonderful! Couldn't put either down...am I mistaken, or is there a nfic of FB? Not sure where I heard about that...anyway, I've loved everything (  --applause for Sue Stories!). Thanks again, Kismatt, for the links! Really enjoyed them...
"Where's Clark?" "Right here."
...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.
~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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My apologies for taking so long to leave my public fdk. I really like the first person in this fic. The despair that Superman is feeling about his situation really comes across perfectly. I like how Lois is literally a balm on his soul. The banter between them is great and fun to read from the SM point of view discussing Clark. Though if I were Lois (haha), and had eventually learned the truth that CK = SM, these are the conversations I would recall and be really upset about - whether it would be anger or embarrassment that I'd be feeling is unclear, but just knowing that I'd confided in Clark about himself would disturb me. "Are you sure there isn't someone you need to call? Maybe there's someone waiting at home for you?"
A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth - she never stops investigating, no matter the circumstances. "I live alone, Lois." Hah! And so true about Lois. Love when Lois speaks freely about Mayson, and it's fun to see Clark's 1st person reactions to her observations. "Are you telling me that you don't see a problem when an unsophisticated guy from a small town gets deeply involved with a rapacious, fast-talking slut? You can practically hear the tick-tock of her biological clock when she walks in the room. She's obviously bent on seducing Clark so that she can trap him into doing the honorable thing and marrying her after the inevitable happens." Hilarious In the silence that follows, I can sense that she's somewhat pleased with my answer. I even start to relax a little, thinking that maybe the subject is going to be dropped. And then she asks, "Does he ever talk about me?" C'mon, Clark. Rookie mistake. You should know better than to relax in the face of Lois Lane, famous reporter when she's on a story. "Oh my god, you couldn't be more wrong! He can definitely flirt." I hear her swallow, and then her voice turns softer. "He does flirt with some of them. He flirts with Mayson." Hah! I'm expecting a denial, but instead she whispers, "I hate it when he smiles at her." SM is getting some good stuff out of Lois. Lois saw that? Then again, she did show up pretty soon afterwards. I didn't realize until just now that she actually saw us. I can't help shaking my head. "I think Mayson kissed him, not the other way around." Busted. "You don't have to be so relentlessly positive all the time, you know. I promise I won't tell anyone that you had a pessimistic moment." But then he wouldn't be SM/CK. "For being you. For being so relentlessly cheerful, no matter what." Her fingers tighten on mine. "Sometimes you remind me of Clark." To which SM responds, "so then what I'm about to tell you will make some sense..." and Sue has to write several more chapters to tie up the loose ends and get our heroes in bed together. I really enjoyed it, Sue. Nice introspection from Clark's POV, especially relating to what happens next in the story.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Originally posted by LMA: (Be prepared--get out another tomato, Sue  --or maybe a couple?) Recently have read--b/s Honeymoon in Vegas, and currently Second Honeymoon--Platonic and Faustian Bargain, both of which were wonderful! Couldn't put either down...am I mistaken, or is there a nfic of FB? Not sure where I heard about that...anyway, I've loved everything (  --applause for Sue Stories!). There absolutely is an nfic version of FB, and if you are not reading it, you need to drop everything, clear your schedule for several hours, and read it. It's amazing. Frankly I can't imagine not reading the nfic version of that, but that's just me. I just reread Revisionist History myself. Love that one!
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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There absolutely is an nfic version of FB, and if you are not reading it, you need to drop everything, clear your schedule for several hours, and read it. It's amazing. Frankly I can't imagine not reading the nfic version of that, but that's just me.
I just reread Revisionist History myself. Love that one! Thanks for the info--looks like I have some reading to get to  . Yeah, FB was really great,--but as an nfic? WOW--would be amazing! 
"Where's Clark?" "Right here."
...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.
~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~
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Originally posted by IolantheAlias: Real quick now (because it's late):
YAY another Sue S story
YAY for the great story
YAY because it answers a question I never knew I had, which was why did Clark finally get off his duff and ask Lois out? Because he hadn't done for two years up to this point, so why change now?
YAY for the great banter
YAY for the character insight
and general all-round YAYness here! Well, technically he asked her out in Wall of Sound, but maybe that does not fully count. They also seem to be on a date in Illusions of Grandeur. Although I guess that is more a work function Cat demands they show to, but Clark still does ask Lois to go with him.
John Pack Lambert
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Originally posted by John Lambert: Well, technically he asked her out in Wall of Sound, but maybe that does not fully count. They also seem to be on a date in Illusions of Grandeur. Although I guess that is more a work function Cat demands they show to, but Clark still does ask Lois to go with him. Does he ask her out in WoS? Yes and no. Yes, he asks her to go with him to the Kerths. No, this is another work-related thing. Now, if it had been 'dinner to celebrate' like in the pilot where he's being all spontaneous, I'da said Yes, that was a date. The Kerths were a great thing, don't get me wrong! But they weren't a real date date. JMHO, YMMV 
"It's the mythology of a sun god who wished he was a man because he saw something so great in us. It's the story of a hero who could move whole worlds and see through stars and hear a whisper on the other side of the planet... ...and who fell in love with a storyteller." - ashmaht (x)
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I'd say the Kerths count as a date. It would be "just work" if they were both going anyway and decided to carpool, but it seemed pretty explicit to me that they were there as a couple for the evening. I can't see Lois threatening Clark's spleen over a carpool arrangement.
"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)
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First of all, a new Sue story?! Enough said.  (I'm a little late to the party, sorry!) Second of all, "Sweet Valley High?" Love it! Where would we be without that series and the Babysitter's Club?! I've said it before, but I love your characterizations. You are always spot on. Thank you for another fantastic story! Amber 
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Top Banana
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I'd say the Kerths count as a date. It would be "just work" if they were both going anyway and decided to carpool, but it seemed pretty explicit to me that they were there as a couple for the evening. I can't see Lois threatening Clark's spleen over a carpool arrangement. I'm not sure where I rate the Kerth award evening...I had always sort of lumped it into more of a 'work thing' (probably b/c it didn't seem to shift anything btw them--compared to when Clark asked Lois out in The Phoenix), BUT thinking about it tonight, as they are walking out of the building together, Lois does ask Clark "So, how did I rate as a date?" and talked about "hanging on Clark's arm decoratively" and '"fawning appropriately"--which makes me think more of a 'date thing'...maybe it is another version of an 'almost first date' ? Also coming to mind, b/s the Kerths in WoS, and the magic show in IoG, they go to the White Orchid Ball together (which is definitely a 'work thing'--but they still go together), and in The Rival, they go for a 'work thing' to Carpenter's dinner, but definitely together, too... I think overall, I really saw the date in LL as their official first date (along with their 'almost first date' on the yacht in The Phoenix as a 'fairly official date type event')...and then go from there towards the end of season 2 with what was more 'relationship driven experiences'....BUT--thinking of these four examples, they really had a lot of 'grey area' in their partnership/relationship leading up when they sat down to dinner in LL. Laura
"Where's Clark?" "Right here."
...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.
~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~
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Technically the "almost first date" is not on the yacht, they are on land, observing the yacht.
For semi-romatic spending time together I always thought that HiM had quite a bit of that, especially with the playing of lots of games. But that clearly is a work thing, even if it has a better kiss than anything we have discussed so far.
John Pack Lambert
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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A missing scene/rewrite from 'The Eyes Have It'. I was wondering one day why Clark suddenly found the courage to ask Lois out in 'The Phoenix'. Someone slipped him one of Sue’s racier stories? If it wasn't for the soothing and steady beat of her heart, I think I'd be in full panic mode right now. Awwww A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth - she never stops investigating, no matter the circumstances. "I live alone, Lois."
"Oh," she says and I can hear the faintest tone of satisfaction in her voice. "Well, I guess not, then." "Because then I'd be just as forward as she is!" Lois sounds horrified at the idea. "I want him to date me because it was his idea and not because I chased him. Well… /points at Strange Visitor and Nightfall (okay that was Superman) and Pheromone and HoL (okay that was Superman)/ Why can't he flatter me, like he does Mayson?" Because she told him hands-off on numerous occasions? Except he's required to be with me, and chooses to be with her." Aaaaaahhh now we’re getting somewhere. And once that's settled, you're going to tell Clark to suck it up and ask me out. Okay?"  Michael
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Mason defenders? *creeps in* Hello. Remember me? Hah. We had some of our most fun discussions over Mayson. I remember doing my best to defend her a couple of times but my efforts falling flat. :p Anyway, I've been missing these boards like crazy and had to sneak back on here to take a peek and see if you had posted anything new in a while. Aww, this was such an enjoyable piece of fluff. Just what I needed. Put a big goofy smile on my face...AND...it was a good explanation for why Clark finally got the nerve up to ask her out. My favorite part was the gibberish you came up with for Lois to speak. I was half tempted to look up those phrases to see what she was talking about. Totally cracked me up. Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and tell you I enjoyed it from one old friend to another. See ya around, -- DJ 
Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.