Matty searching for his wife was a cute perspective. He may be the Chief, but he's also a man on his honeymoon. Lois and Clark's relationship as viewed through his rose-colored glasses put an interesting twist to things.
The white man was slashing through the forest in a haphazard fashion that was unlikely to achieve anything other than exhaustion and hopeless disorientation.
Yep. That sounds like Kent after Lois smashed his heart. /looks at watch/ Hey, right on time, too.
From this one line we can tell so much. Clark is distraught from his encounter with Lois. He doesn't feel like he has anything left to live for. Thirdly, either he's too used to be invulnerable he doesn't realize his crashing through the woods is going to attract predators or he doesn't even care enough about Lana to move more quietly through the woods to make sure he makes it back alive to Metropolis to check on her.
"Don't track him," Matymbou said. "Not yet. He needs to fix his thoughts. When he comes back, I want him to be ready to pledge to Lois."
Clearly, Romeric either isn't good at listening to his Chief or something else is going on here.
Romaric checked the supply of short spears that hung from his waist and then settled in to follow the visitor. He would remain unseen while he awaited his moment.
Has Lois brought jealousy to the Bangala?

Romeric knows more about Lois's situation than anyone else in the village, but I don't think he's the person Lois is referring to when she said a third person knew about Tempus's plot to kill her. So, who was this third person, who could've tipped Kent to her location?
Lois Lane, the dogged and driven reporter, had just about proven that Tempus was the power behind the lethal influx of weapons into Metropolis.
This is the most believable back story for alt-Lois I've ever come across.
So, she stayed. Did nothing. Watched the children. And waited.
She's changed so much since her Mad Dog days.
Just a few inches from his hand was a large snake, its head raised in preparation to strike.
We shall soon see if Clark has become invulnerable again or not.