Add my name to the list of Kerth very patient women! This was my first award ceremony, and boy, can I tell you that I had a blast! It was so much fun - I don't think I've ever had four hours go by so fast. I felt like I was at the best party ever! And without the headache of a line at the bathroom <g>.

Congratulations to all of the winners and all of the nominees. Reading the amazing stories up for awards, I realized how glad I am that I don't have to do this professionally because choosing from among such great work was so incredibly difficult. BTW, Lab, thanks for the loan of the pin <g>. Every single story was a winner in my book, simply because I found it impossible to choose the best among the best.

First, thanks so much to Erin and Pam and Kathy B and Annette. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of work you all must do to make this happen. Please know it is so much appreciated. It's stuff like this that make being in a fandom a wonderful experience - so much more than simply sitting at a computer screen but rather a "real" and heart-felt experience.

Also, thanks to the presenters and to Sas, the wav jockey. Hazel, your filk was hilarious! I'm telling you, the Academy has nothing over us in pure entertainment value!

Secondly, thanks to everyone who read, nominated and voted for my stories. In a million years I never would have guessed when I nervously posted the first part of my first story that several months later, I'd have butterflies in my stomach and be stammering over what to say when I actually won an award. And not only one, but two! You've all given me one of the greatest experiences I've ever had, and I really appreciate your support.

And finally, thanks to all of the friends I've made through this fandom. It's amazing to me that I've never met a single one of you, yet I have no doubt that if we were all to get together (can anyone say "convention") I'm sure it would be like pulling up a chair at the best family reunion ever.

Already I can't wait for next year smile

Thanks again,

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah