Surprised, flabbergasted, incredulous, grateful -- those are only a few of the words that describe how I felt when I learned that FOLCs had chosen to honor The Portrait. To be named, along side some of the writers whom I so respect, is just incredible. I know people say this, but I truly mean it . Being nominated is so special, I never really expect more. My thanks to all of you for your support of the story.
And a big CONGRATULATIONS to all of the winners. Your stories have brought hours of reading pleasure for me, and I look forward to reading what you have in store for all of the FOLCs this year.
Thank you to K-Com for all your hard work in putting this whole thing together. Without your dedication to Lois and Clark, none of this would happen. Sounds like the ceremony was most enjoyable, and I'm really sorry I couldn't have been there, but I simply don't read fast enough to keep up with anything on IRC. I'll look forward to reading the log.
I apologize for being late in getting this out. I'm recovering from knee surgery, and this has been a kind of a set-back day, so I couldn't get to my computer very early. Everything looks a lot brighter now!
Thank you all so much!
