Yes, it was the best ceremony ever, I think - or at least, of the ones I've managed to attend. Everyone involved in the organisation deserves a huge pat on the back for putting together such a fantastic evening's entertainment. I think it's a testament to your success that so many folcs stay up way past their bedtimes in order to take part. I'm not sure what else would persuade me to sit in front of a computer at 2am in the morning <g>.

Congratulations to all the winners and nominees! I was especially pleased to see our newcomers do so well in the awards. Hopefully their success will persuade them to remain in the fandom for a long time and give us lots more wonderful stories.

Finally, what's best of all about this event is that it shows what a wonderful community we have in this fandom. We're so much more than a bunch of individuals scattered around the world hunched over our computer monitors. We laugh and cry together, we show a real spirit of caring towards our fellow, I mean, fans...and we look out for each other.

Just think of all the times the community has rallied around an individual or a group - there are the big world events like last week's bombs in Spain, but there are also individual events like the terrible tragedy of Yael's death, or the special fanfic collection which was put together a few years ago in order to raise funds for a fellow folc in need.

Where else can you find a fandom as warm-hearted as this one? I think we're incredibly lucky to have this community, and long may it continue. smile
