When it all comes down to it, it's just a contest. Not that important in the long run. <g> It's not like first prize is a book deal or something...
LOL! How very true, Laura. I think it's inevitable though that if you organise this kind of event - in fact, any event - people will want to know details. Ask K-Comm.

It's not that they're taking the whole deal too seriously, it's that they're interested and curious and excited about this new venture and want to know more about how it all works and fits together. Which is surely what any organiser wants? A response from the core group they're hoping to attract support from and a 'Tell us more!"
I think it's a fun new venture, although I'm a little dubious on the logistics of the details. Whether they are tweaked or not will be up to the MC and how much participation they're aiming for. But I wish it all success and good luck to all who participate.