Was it ever answered as to why only stories after 2001 are elegible?

Also by submitting stories that are several years old, some of the judges may or may not have ssen the stories before or may have forgotten who wrote them.
Makes me more curious about this restriction of anything prior to 2001. Makes me feel excluded, since the majority of stories that I've written were prior to 2001. I may not submit anything anyway, but I'm sure there are others that might feel excluded as well.

Another point...

Reading this thread has done nothing but upset me, so I may not return... even to find the answer to my question. What I see:

A FoLC has a new and exciting idea, which, I'd have no problem with, if not for the slights towards others. I don't see the need for "my toy is better because" type behavior, but that's what I see... and it saddens me that some people are being rude and condescending towards others whom are simply trying to understand the whole contest better. I think it'd be naive at this point to say "can't we all just get along?" but, really, can't we at least be civil and courteous?

I can't help but feel that this contest was designed specifically to upset people, but even as I type it, I know that it's a useless and potentially hurtful assumption so I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Just thought it should be known that *my* feelings have been hurt simply by reading people's attitudes towards others.

I have other opinions, which I'm going to keep to myself... for now.

Sara frown

Kerth nominations are opening on March 9th!
🏆TOC for Kerth Awards 2025 Posts🏆

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